[Short Story] On My Own Terms

I freeze.

The strange noise from deeper in the cave keeps echoing, and my heart begins to race. Something's off. Something is wrong. Takumi-kun's tensed up. His eyes are scanning around the cave, he's like already preparing for something.

Then I hear it. A low, guttural growl from the darkness. My breath catches in my throat.

"Takumi…kun.." I whisper, but my voice feels small.

He doesn't respond. He's too focused. His eyes narrowed. His fists clenched.

Before I can even take another breath, they appear. Shadows—too many of them. The glowing eyes, the twisted forms. I can barely register what's happening before Takumi-kun is already in action.

I want to scream, to run, but my feet feel like they're stuck in place. I've never seen Takumi-kun like this. He's not even hesitating, just firing up with that terrifying intensity. The same fire that always seems to burn with him.

"Hana, run!" He shouts suddenly. His voice snaps me back to reality. "Go! Now!"

But my legs won't move. I can't just leave him alone. Not like this.

Another growl. More shadows. They keep coming.

And then, out of nowhere, Shō-kun shows up like a jolt of energy. A spark of lightning crackles through the cave and the air changes.

"Shō-kun?" I whisper to myself.

"Hana," he speaks, "get out of here. We'll handle this."

"Please... please take care you two."


I try not to panic, but my heart is beating way too fast. It's dark, and the wind is biting cold, making my teeth chatter. My thoughts keep racing—what if they're out there, what if I'm lost for good? But I can't let myself freak out. Takumi-kun and Shō-kun told me to run, so I have to do it. I have to keep moving.

But where should I go? Everything looks the same in this thick forest.

My feet crunch in the snow as I walk—well, more like stumble—trying to make my way through the trees. I don't even know if I'm going the right direction, but I just have to trust I'm doing the right thing. I keep hearing strange noises around me, and it sends chills down my spine.

After what feels like forever, I start to see light through the trees. Thank goodness! Maybe I'm closer to safety. I start walking faster, trying to follow the glow. My breath comes out in little puffs, and I feel like my legs might give out at any moment. But I can't stop now.

Finally, I push through the last few branches, and there it is—the clearing. I stop, blinking in the sudden brightness of the early morning sun.

I'm safe… at least for now. But I don't feel completely okay yet. Takumi-kun and Shō-kun are still out there, and I have to be strong for them. I don't want them to worry over me.

I just hope they're alright. They'll be fine… right? They'll be fine, they're strong afterall.

It's eerily quiet here. My breath clouds in front of me, and I hug my arms tighter around myself. I should've never left them. But I had no choice. I couldn't just stand there while they fought those... those things. I would just be in their way.

I glance behind me, half-expecting to see something lurking in the shadows. It's probably just my imagination, but I can't shake the feeling that something's watching me.

Ugh, I'm just being stupid. Takumi-kum and Shō-kun are fine. They're strong. And I'm not some helpless squirrel. I can take care of myself, right?

But then, I remember how Takumi-kun looked before he told me to run. How worried he was. I know he's a Vorixa, but he's still human. I hate that feeling of helplessness. I want to be there, by his side, helping him... but I know I can't. Not with the way I'm feeling right now.

"Get it together, Hana," I mutter to myself. "You've got to take care of yourself first."

I step forward. And rest in the open area, sitting beside a pine tree. My body is aching from the cold and stress of last night. My eyes close involuntarily. The exhaustion from everything is weighing me down now.

My mind races for a bit, recalling all that happened, the strange creatures, Takumi-kun and Hayato-kun, and the dangers they might be facing right now. My eyelids are growing heavier, and despite the chaos, a peaceful calm washes over me.

I am trying to keep my mind from wandering, but it's no use. My body craves rest, and sleep quickly overtakes it. The sounds of the forest fade as I drift into a much-needed slumber.




"Hm.. ugh... Wha—?"... "Wh—Who are you?!"