Not again

Alric finally laid his eyes upon the vast expanse of the primordial forest shredded in the thick and vile fog that lay ahead of the beautiful beach.

The fog was so dense that Alric's mortal eyes could only comprehend the outline of the gigantic monstrous trees that infected the vast expanse of the land he was standing on.

Wherever he laid his eyes, there was only the forest ahead of him and the beautiful dark ocean behind him.

Alric slowly looked back, small waves were gently hitting his ankles and shins.

All he could see was the great pirate ship slowly dancing with the waves of the seemingly endless, dark blue ocean.

It was the first time he had witnessed a place such as this with his own eyes, but he wasn't shocked in any way.

He had read about this. In fact, he didn't even know what he did not read about... wasn't that pretty much obvious?

He knew it, he knew it all, what would have might lay deep in that forest or how vast and primordial the land he was standing on truly was.

He knew how humanity was only occupying approximately 5% of the known land... the fact that humanity did not even explore the place of their origin completely ran a shiver down Alric's spine.

A loud thud sounded from the dark and primordial forest for who knows how many aeons were standing. Soon after the sound, a wave of dust hit the crew, and the land shook violently as if there was an earthquake.

Alric froze; he knew that someone... or rather something was coming, or so Melissa told him, but this?

He hadn't even seen it yet, and he knew how big was that gigantic titan. Because that thud sounded like a mountain falling down from the sky above.

Another thud sounded in the distance.

Then another.

Then another.

And another.

And another.

And then, finally... Alric could see a faint outline of a figure.

It was vast.

If he did not know any better he would have thought it was the fog clearing out to reveal the the landscape hidden in it. But the earthquakes and waves of dust said otherwise.

Alric felt a shiver down his spine.

Melissa smiled grimly, and Albert frowned with a hesitant smile on his face.

"Boy oh boy, that's one big motherfucker" Melissa spoke

Soon the enormous figure could be seen... clearly.

It was a giant dragon or more like a skeleton of one that is... it was as big as a small mountain... or even bigger.

The dragon still had chunks of its rotting muscles clinging stubbornly to its white bones, its vast expanse pointing to just how gigantic and powerful the titan would look with its mass still on him.

And on a deeper observation, moss and fungus were corrupting its vast bones; it had no eyes, but Alric could feel its Sharpe gaze upon the crew.

Alric wanted to gulp, but his throat was too dry to do so.

It slowly raised its head into the sky, or so it looked like it became of its enormous size.

It let out a sky-shattering roar.

Or so it tried to do... all that came out from its skeletal mouth that had barely any remains of its massive vocal cords was a loud and ugly voice that put fear in Alric's heart.

It was surprising that the Titans rotting vocal cords could make a sound in the first place.

But they did.

Alric did not even know how it was moving, it had muscles but those chuck's of muscles were surely not enough to move such a titanic skeleton,

Then he reminded himself that there is no logic between users and titans; anything is possible with those two.

Finally, with enough saliva in his mouth, Alric gulped.

Melissa smiles mysteriously and faces Albert. "Ready?" she asked.

Albert simply nodded.

Soon Albert turned around and gave the crew a signal.

Cannons shot at the enormous figure of the titan bombarding it with cannonballs.

The great titan shuttered under the relentless bombardment, but it did not do much to make a scratch on it.

It was only meant to slow it down or distract it just for this moment.

Alric couldn't see Melissa and Albert anywhere. He had only taken his eyes off them for a moment, but that moment was all it took for them to vanish...

A bright glow seemed to flicker far ahead where the titan stood... alric knew it, it was Melissa.

Or was it just him or the bright light was flying up in the air? And soon he was reminded that Albert had the powers of the wind... "makes more sense," Alric muttered.

Melissa had told him to stay back and observe, and he did just that.

The titan took another step shattering the land beneath it.

Alric did not know if they could pull it off, just look at its size! Of course, it was one of those titans who has lived for aeons and aeons and is one of the strongest on that continent. But still!

Soon, the bright light reached far above in the sky, right above the giant titan's skeletal head, and shone even brighter than before.

The light started to expand and it did so till it was like a copy of the sun itself that hung in the sky.

Alric was speechless, he knew they were strong, but this? This was far beyond what he had thought... if you said that, it would have been a lie... alric knew users were far stronger and couldn't be explained with logic.

Soon it looked like the sun itself was descending upon the land to bring doom to the entirety of life...

By the time the titan's rotting brain could comprehend it, it was already too late.

The Sun itself descended upon it... melting its rotting skull and vapourising its bones.

In just one attack... the titan was dead... that was the true power of Melissa and Albert. And that was also how strong Alric could get.

Trees the size of small mountains burned from the heat emerging from the fake sun.

Wood that turned into charcoal flew in random directions from the final desperate acts of the titan.

It was surprising to see something move even when it was dead, especially when it had barely any muscles to speak of.

One of the large pieces of burned wood flew towards him and his eyes widened; he soon used his powers to appear in a safe area where there might not be any projectiles flying at him.

Alric sighed and just stood there.

And a few moments later... both Melissa and Albert walked out of the smoke. Melissa was smiling with a piece of red metal in her hand... 'wait is that her sword? What has happened to that poor thing!?' Alric wondered in his head.

Albert had a flustered look on his face... his hand seemed to have burned a little. "I told you not to burn me!" He shouted at Melissa.

Melissa just looked at him with a face saying 'that!? I couldn't help it'

Albert just let out a flustered sigh, and both he and Melissa looked at Alric and spoke simultaneously.

"liked the show boy?"

Alric just looked at them with a deadpan expression on his face "No"

Both of them looked at Alric bluntly "What?" They both said simultaneously.

"Joking" Alric smiled and told

Melissa and Albert both smiled.

Melissa then turned toward the crew and shouted at them, "Start packing! We are going in there"

Alric smiled strangely and started to walk backwards slowly, without making a single sound.

Melissa turned her face to Alric and Alric froze... "after all, our newbie still hasn't killed even a single titan yet"

Albert smirked, "Right, right, Captain... the newbie needs a kill..."

Melissa smirked too "Yes, yes"

Alric scratched the back of his head... "do I have to?... I don't want to die you know..."

They both smirked like devils and spoke simultaneously again "We will save your ass if anything happens"

Melissa turned to Albert, and Albert turned to Melissa "Stop copying me!" They both said simultaneously but yet again...

Alric smirked "how cute..." He said in a low and annoying voice.

A vein popped up on both Melissa's and Albert's forehead, and yet again, they spoke the same phrases "Shut the fuck up, brat!"

"Awwwww", Alric fanned himself with his hand as if it was hot, teasing both Melissa and Albert.

Melissa declared "We will see who is cute in that forest"

Alric deeply regretted his teasing; who knows what was going to happen to him now?

He took the last desperate move and ran towards the ship.

Melissa raised an eyebrow and put her sword... back where it came from.

She then started running behind Alric to stop him.

Alric, now at the bottom of the ship, started climbing it from a rope that was stretched from the deck to the shore and halfway between, when Melissa was just about to get her hands on him, Alric just used his ability [Leap] to appear on the deck of the ship... 'The range grew' he wondered but let the matter go for now.

Melissa just straight up jumped on the deck from the shore.

Alric did not know that Melissa was a titan or a human; the stunt she just pulled was not really possible for a human.

Ignoring that and trying to save his own life.

Alric took a step back... there was no way to escape anymore... he ran to the sails and hugged them tightly not letting go...

Melissa walked to him and tried to pull him off the sail, but Alrics grip remained.

"Let go of me, you evil woman!" Alric was about to cry; he did not want to go into that forest after what he had just seen, not at all.

"Aaaaaa! Let go of that sail! Boy!" Melissa shouted at Alric with a vein popping on her forehead.

Albert slowly ascended the ship; standing on the ship, he started laughing and rolling on the wooden floor of the ship. "You two look way too adorable together"

Alric and Melissa starred at Albert.

"Adorable!? The fuck you mean adorable!?"

'Why does it feel so offly familiar?' But before Alric could realise what exactly was familiar with this situation.

Melissa pulled Alric, who was hugging the sails like a Kuala, Alric grip loosened, and he was yanked from the sails.

"Not again!!! Fuck you, Albert!!!"