Daytower and Sentinel Dawn

After returning to my kingdom and sending Kiri with 50 soldiers to help the Banuk push back the Carja i set my new goals, to take Daytower and Sentinel Dawn from the Carja, expanding our borders, that two forts were standing in our way, blocking our border and locking us in the sacred lands so they had to go, but we had to prepare first, we would not simply destroy them we would occupy them, reinforce them and equip them with our weapons, but we needed more firepower for that, so in the next year we busy ourselves hunting the machines we needed. 

One year passed making the necessary preparations and building more power armor and weapons needed for our total takeover. The Carja did send some parties to scout but none came back, our scouts were just better equipped and always attentive to any action from our enemies.

Kiri war party was very successful in the frozen wilds, helping the Banuk push back the Carja and getting us more machine parts and other resources we lacked in the sacred lands, we now had goats for milk and cheese, i can almost smell the pizza. 

After getting everything ready i called my new commanders, Jon and Jane to a meeting with me, Albedo and Orlok, it was time to take those forts for ourselves. 

"All alright people, this is the plan, me and Albedo will lead 120 soldiers to Daytower Gate, Orlok, Jane and Jon you will take care of Sentinel Dawn with another 120 soldiers, we will attack at the same time making sure no reinforcements can arrive, Rhea team is already in Carja lands, she will take care of any messengers they send away to Meridian." I told them laying out the plan and showing the holographic map of both forts. 

"Both teams will take two disc launchers and four Ravangers canons, we will burst their gates open with ease and provide cover for the vanguard team all equipped with the new power armor i designed, this will give us the edge in this battle." I finish my presentation and look at them. 

"Questions?" I ask them.

"Do we know how many are there? And their weapons?" Asked Jon, my new commander. 

"Do we kill everyone or take prisoners?" Asked Jane his twin sister. 

"They have no more than 100 soldiers at each fort, their weapons are the usual, swords, bows and maybe some slingers, take prisoners if you can, i have plans for them, but if not possible kill everything on site." I answer both of them. 

"This is going to be another massacre, they are not prepared for us, but make no mistake, keep pushing forward, no mercy, no complacency." Albedo my Queen added with a serious tone. 

"Understood." Both replied in a modern salute i had taught them. 

"Move out and prepare, we leave in two hours, we attack at midnight." 

Marching to Daytower was easy, we had cleared many of the machines before we moved and my army was a professional one, even carrying the heavy weapons we moved fast to our target. 

The stone walls and Gate were on site and without losing time i ordered the attack to begin, four attacks from the Thunderjaw disc launchers made the gate turn into cinders while our Ravager cannons took care of the soldiers on top of the gate and towers. 

"Spartans move out, secure the bridge." I told my elite soldiers i had named Spartans, all equipped with the very best armor and weapons i could craft. 

Soon we reached the second and main gate of the fort and made the same attack, disc launchers and cannons made the fort tremble and with the support of the Spartans the defenders had no chance of resisting for long, when the gate fell my Spartans moved in as quick as possible and with their spears that shot energy bolts the defenders were decimated, with precision we clear the place, taking a few prisoners that were sensible enough to surrender. 

Having secured the place i waited for Orlok message telling me that he too had taken control of Sentinel Dawn, he had destroyed a few towers but it was no problem, we could always rebuild them later. 

"Secure the prisoners and make sure no one is hiding," I ordered one of my Spartans who acted like my Royal Guard. 

"We actually did it... we push them out of our lands and conquer their ugly stone forts," Albedo says with a very happy face. 

"Of course we did, was there any doubt left after all we accomplished these past few years?" I smirked at her. 

"Hehe, i guess not, we did change things quite a lot didn't we?" She smirks back at me.

"Now with the Sacred Lands secured we can do even better, the Carja are gone for now and we can raid their lands for a change, maybe even end this war for good on our terms, we going to squeeze the Carja of shards, resources and maybe even more land." 

It should be about time Avad and the Oseram Vanguard to take Meridian back, them all i needed to do as to speak to him and impose hard peace terms. 

"This news will also reach the Embrace, we have been quite lucky so far but now we can't hide anymore... The Matriarchs will know." Albedo says with a worried tone.

"It doesn't matter; we are too strong. Thanks to them doing nothing at all to stop the Carja, we now control all the north. There is nothing they can do now, " I reply confidently.

The north was mine. We had two big settlements, several farms, plus three forts now, a professional army of more than two hundred, and quite a lot of civilian people. The Nora stood no chance of doing anything.


Every 100 Power Stones a new chapter. 

Horizon Before Dawn ARC almost done .

Thank you for the support.