Ruthless and cunning, Hao Azakura is the heir to the world's most powerful Yakuza-Mafia clan. Molded by a merciless father, he has learned to bury every shred of weakness-until the day he meets Empress Jazmin Casanova-Toheyama, a bright high school girl who makes him feel alive again. Torn between his thirst for vengeance and a budding love he never expected, Hao must protect Jazz from the very empire he's built and the ruthless father he intends to destroy. But Jazz is not just any girl: she's the beloved niece of Nakago Toheyama, the head of a rival family sworn to keep her safe at all costs. As old feuds clash with new passions, Hao steps onto a razor's edge, where loyalty, love, and power collide-and where just one misstep could cost him everything he has ever fought for.