The Ramparts (3)

"Do you want any mutations Sir Slade?"

"Yes actually, can you show me the scroll?"

"Anything for you!" Joyfully pulling out the scroll, I ignored the existential crisis climbing up from the back of my mind wondering if I had done this already and failed and looked at the list of mutations.

Sitting on the chair that had appeared when I broke the stick I felt thankful for my purchase.

It definitely was better than the bodies of undead.

It certainly was more level that corpses who had their bodies gain several hundreds of disgusting looking pustules which burst on the slightest touch

It was the main reason I chose to sit on skeletons despite their ribcages being pointy and bumpy.

Not that I was averse to sitting on the ground or anything, it was just that a good majority of the time when I fought the undead, their bodily fluids usually splattered onto the ground.

And with the malaise running around mutating and reviving the dead into monsters I don't want to test my chances.

'Lets stop thinking about chairs and actually focus on the crux of the matter shall we?'

Handing Gillian his payment in the form of bones and bits of rotten flesh I forgot to throw out which he joyfully took with giggles, turning around to do whatever he wanted with them.

I'd rather not think about what he was doing there.

'The scrolls Slade, focus on that'

Shaking my head, I noticed the appearance of a few other new mutations present when they were previously weren't.

"Hey Guillian?"

"Yes Slade?"

Turning around to reveal a head formed out of the rotten flesh I had given him, I instinctively ignored the half formed body behind him and continued.

"When did you get some new mutations on the list?"

"Oh that's because of the rotten flesh and bones you gave me sir Slade!"


Tilting my head, Gillian explained.

"You may not know because you were trapped in stasis-"

'Is that what they think?'

"-But I've been on a bit of a dry streak, although I have many ideas for mutations that I can give people,they don't give me good enough quality body parts to test my theories!" Raising the half formed head above their head, Gillian laughed loudly.

"But that's where you came in Mr, Slade! When you gave me those high quality bones it was as if you found the missing puzzle piece I was missing all of my life! It allowed me to put my theories to the test and made those mutations you see on the catalogue"

"With those bones I was more than glad to lower the price of bones and flesh for one mutation" He gave me a grateful look.

"And it seems that my expectations weren't betrayed since you soon came back with even more high quality bones, and the rotten flesh I asked you about"

"Your welcome I guess...?"

"So I have to ask you Sir Slade" placing the head onto the pile of my lookalike bodies which I dutifully ignored, Guillian spoke.

"Are you willing to learn Surgery from me? It will help your knowledge of biology and allow you to identify faster ways to kill things!"

"...I guess that can help? But why are you wanting me to learn?"

"Because you can then harvest even more high quality organs for me! With those organsI'llBeAbleToMakeSoManyMoreMutationsThanYouCouldEverImagine."

"Okaayyy..." Feeling threatened about the lizards unnatural fondness for the innards of bodies I nevertheless saw the albeit twisted logic Guillian was spouting.

To put it bluntly, Guillian was wanting to teach me the extremely costly and complicated art of surgery at the cost of being able to purchase even more mutations in the future.

In exchange I would now be able to learn all the important bits of the body, now knowing where and how to cut things to end a fight faster.

In addition, I would be able to transplant organs and sew up wounds if what I was understanding was correct.

God knows I needed this skill in the past.

Maybe fun didn't know but still.

On that note sewing up wounds was much easier once you get rid of the queasiness about seeing so much blood.

There was so much blood...

Half traumatized since I didn't particularly have a morbid fascination with looking at the insides of things I kill.

It was one thing to chop someone in half when they were an enemy and feeling their blood splatter onto my body, it was another thing to slowly open up a corpses chest to feel around their guts, rearranging them however they pleased.

The human mind was weird like that.

'Death below I need a drink'

Never before have I craved for the sweet taste of liquor so badly.

'I still feel his lungs...'

Trying to erase the image of skinning a corpse, opening it's chest, ripping out its heart and cutting out it's lungs, I felt as if Nightmares would be in the thousands the next time I sleep.

'...Does this thing double as liquor?'

Refilling the orange bottle I had received from Guillian previously as a mechanism of healing, I also made sure to place the tonic and sinnew slicer into my gadget slots

In other words, the two other empty slots that just refused to take my weapons no matter what I did.

'So that's what they did'

Patting my waist absentmindedly, I checked the two instant weapon manifesting boxes and felt a bloody sword appear in my hands the moment I thought of it.

Playing around with the fact that it positively leaped through space to reach my other hand, I looked at the orange door in front of me and stepped into the light.

'...I feel like I forgot- THE MUTATIONS! NOOO!!!'

Feeling space warp around me, I hurriedly tried to backstep my steps and realized that I was now missing half of my sword.

'Well that just happened '

Watching the bloody sword break down in real time, I sent a prayer to the weapon before replacing it with a balanced blade.

Since it was it's green counterpart, it fits snuggly in my hands.

And although it couldn't cause bleeding like the bloody sword, the bleeding mutation I had in my body should suffice.

"Hey Guillian...?"

Suppressing the urge to hurl after looking at the literal snowman of rotten flesh with a gut scarf and eyeball eyes, I pulled out a strained smile.

'I'll never get used to this'

"Can I have a mutation?"


Flipping the coin mutation in my hands I observed it's dark red surface, the bloody scythe twirled in the air before being snapped in half.

It was called Combo, and although it had no connections to the genetic mutations modern people know of, this combo mutation was able to augment my attacks to become even more powerful the longer I chain my attacks together without getting hurt.

And seeing as nowadays I made it a habit to kill things in a single blow, the only use I would find in this mutation was with groups of enemies or elites.

And guess how many enemies were in groups?

Or on the off chance that they were alone, who's to say they aren't an elite?

So yeah, I would say bones and flesh well spent

'I should probably make a note to keep some more stacks of the flesh and bones for Guillian.

Already moving all my Stackables into the Terraria inventory which allowed stacks up to 999, I flipped the script and began to walk through the glowing yellow doorway.

And this time, I wasn't going to walk backwards and destroy my weapon again.

Space warped into a spiral in my vision.

Feeling the difference in the air like the difference between inside and outside a mall, the cool wind buffeted my face as I blinked away the sunlight piercing my eyelids.

Walking up the numerous stairs, I held my breath at the sight that revealed itself before me.

With the golden hour of the day casting yellow blades of light onto the world, the sunlight streamed down and cast cinematic shadows on the stone walls.

Towering ruined spires lining the walls periodically, giant creeping vines clung to the brickwork, sparsely covering the walls with their green fingers.

Several shambling bodies wobbled in the distance underneath the sunlight.

And although I knew that they were nothing more than dead men walking, the distance of which I spotted them made it seem as if they were nothing more than guards patrolling the stone walls.

It was deceptively romantic.

"Looks beautiful doesn't it?"

Turning my head, I spotted the great sword wielding brunette I met in the prisoner's quarters stringing their bow atop some overturned stones.

Their bun like hair swaying in the wind, they tested the string of their bow and set it down on their lap, a blood soaked rag cast off to the side.

Brown eyes turning to face me, the brunette idly plucked the strings of their bow as if a harp.

"So then stranger? Who are you?"

Curiously speaking, the brunette haired woman smiled faintly at me, a strange look in their eyes as the golden light shown through the clouds.

It was strangely idyllic

