chapter 2 What am I?

A few hours later Azael woke up in his bed. " What happened to me?" He looked outside and saw that it was dark. "How did I get back here, I guess it's nighttime." He tried to remember what happened before he passed out and remembered something. " Oh yeah the stone had disappeared but why did that happen?" He started to think about what he saw. "After the stone disappeared I saw some words saying [Azael Draven you have been given the Necro, I wonder what that was all about." At that moment a floating screen popped up in front of him.

[ Azael Draven you have been given the Necromancer System ]

" WAIT NECROMANCER SYSTEM?!" Azael was really confused and didn't understand it at all.In the midst of it he felt excited, yet curious as to what system was given to him and decided to look online for any information. Azael spent 20 minutes looking through every website he could find for his ability but couldn't find anything, as he was about to give up hope his screen lit up with an error and took him to a random page.he was skeptical but continued looking through the website,it talked about ancient abilities as he was reading he saw his ability and just as he was about to read it there was a knock at the door.

"Azael Draven this is the military we demand you open the door and come with us, we will allow you a couple of minutes to gather your belongings". Azael had thought to himself "Damn forgot that my birthday just passed" he then replied to the commanding officer "I understand I will be out in a few minutes".He then looked back at the screen hoping to read about his ability before he left but it disappeared. After he had to hurry and get his personal belongings. Azael was escorted to a bus outside of his apartment and saw other kids who looked around his age inside. He found a seat in the back trying to clear his head of what had happened in the time he had been up, then thought to himself," The one time I find what I need it disappears and I couldn't even read it I need better luck".After a while the officers told the kids that they were near their arrival and to be prepared. An exhausted Azael was in relief but noticed something weird happening to the other kids around him. Azael began to see fumes of gas in the air then he saw a system notification pop up.

[mysterious substance is fighting to be neutralized]

"Wait, is this sleeping gas?"

[mysterious substance could not be neutralized]

He then passed out.

Azael then woke up in a room that looked like it could hold over 500 people,

Looking around he saw others were on the ground as well and was confused. He noticed others waking up after a few minutes, after an hour everyone had fully woken up. Azael then saw a military officer enter the room and the door closing behind him feeling like he was trapped he kept his senses alert. The officer had said to the group," Morning recruits you are currently at the training camp for your newly awakened powers to test your strength, and weaknesses, and to look at what abilities you have." Everyone became intrigued and hurriedly went into a single-file line to leave the room and begin testing. Azael got second to last in line, anxious to see what the military had on his ability and hoping he could fulfill his purpose. The first person was a male. He had blue hair with some freckles on his face, he was tested on his speed,and strength. His strength was at a power level of 10 and his speed was at a 11 which made him very fast. The last test was to see how the blue head could use his ability stone against an enemy. He could control ice which pretty much everyone knew because he was from one of the strongest families in the world. His power level stone was at a 9. This was the highest an ability stone is said to go. After he was done was put into A class for first years. There were 3 types of classes, A class who were the best, B class who were close to the best, and C class who were at the bottom. Everyone else started to get tested and the 150 recruits came out to get tested but before he was tested. The officer asked him "Do you have an ability stone?" The recruit had a small frame and looked to be very nervous . Clark had brown hair and some glasses. "Uhh umm No sir" Clark thought he was done for. He then asked him to wait for him . The officer then came back with an ability stone level 2 for water. He gave it to him and then they tested him. Clark had made it to class C since he didn't have much speed or strength. More recruits were tested until it was Azaels turn. He asked the officer if he knew what a necromancer system was. The officer just shrugged it off and told him to stop messing around. Azael then decided to keep his system a secret and figure it out himself. He hit a huge marble to test his strength but he only got 5, he tried to avoid the incoming attacks, but it was very fast, and got a score of 4. Azael was asked about his ability but Azael said he had none. The officer was going to give him an ability stone as well but Azael denied it this made the officer very confused but the last test was skipped and he was placed in class C. The last person up was a female. They tested her strength first and she got 8. In the second test, The female recruit had to avoid arrows like everyone else. The arrows got faster and faster, it even reached speed 6 and that was when her legs got twisted and she fell off balance and the arrow came straight for her.


Everyone had their mouths open from the shock. The arrow had pierced right through the female's head cleanly, she flopped like a fish on the ground lifeless.

At that moment Azael was compelled to the body and saw something where the girl had died.

A black figure showed. Then the system popped up.

[Azael Draven would you like to convert the shadow into a soldier of death?]

[yes or no]

Azael was confused. "Wait,what am I??"