Chapter 5- level up

Azael had just woken up in his dorm. He got ready for his official day in the military.

When Azael left the room he started to hear everyone talk about the event that unfolded last night. The boy's body who was killed was taken by the military staff. They later called all the students down to the auditorium. "Hello everyone, my name is Master sergeant Mars." He took a good look at everyone and then said with a straight face. "I'm sure you guys have heard about what happened to a student here recently. I don't know who did it but they will be found and punished for their actions!" Everyone was speechless and curious who would do something like that.All the recruits there were shaking in fear when they heard that.Master Sergeant had brown eyes with some black hair that combed over to the left. He looked super bulky with some of his muscles being shown through his long sleeve uniform. After making that announcement he told everyone to continue the routine and go to class. Azael was a bit scared that something might lead back to him even though he did nothing. "Ughhh why do I have bad luck?" He had a choice between three class combat, spell, and firearms. He went with the firearms class first. He entered and saw the same girl who helped get to the nurses office. Her name was Amelia. Azael then walked up to her and told her his thank you. "Yeah it was nothing." Hey uh Amelia it was, why did you pick this class?" Amelia looked at him puzzled. "What do you mean I joined this class because I use a bow, but the real question is why did you join it." Azael started to laugh " oh haha, I wanted to test this class to see if it was worth it for me. After that they heard someone start talking. Hello everyone, I am your teacher. From now on you will call me Major Kelly". She then looked at everyone with a bright smile. She had white long hair. " Today we are going to learn what weapon fits you best." Everyone started to look around for their weapon of choice. Azael started to look for a weapon of his own. He looked at one and then his system screen popped up

[Nambu handgun-Plus one strength]

He saw they were from apprentice rank.He then looked at a another weapon and the system showed up again

[Wilson Combat SFX9- plus 2 strength and 2 speed]

He took that one since it looked nice. The weapon was black in color with some gray on it. He saw Amelia again and went to her. "Wow you're still going to use your bow and not pick up something else why?" Amelia turned her head in confusion. "Just because there are weapons here, it doesn't mean I should switch it. "Ok everyone you must now practice shooting targets and I will be observing your skills. Azael went to his target and then got a notification

[hit all 3 targets reward 5 exp ] 

Azael had 7 bullets to use. He shot two bullets but they didn't hit the target. He tried to construct a method. Azael managed to hit one. There were only 4 more bullets left. After he shot again he missed again but then shot another. Azael only had two more to go. He shot off the second to last bullet. He was scared to miss so he turned away quickly. He heard the bullet hit something.



He looked back and saw a hole in the head of the target.

[your quest has been completed 5 exp has been reward] 

Azael then saw one ore message

[bouse reward skill mastery for gunship has be acquired]

"Mastery for gunship???"

He looked at it and it said

[gun mastery 3 percent.]

Major Kelly then told everyone they had some work to do on getting better at aiming. Everyone was able to leave after that. Azael went to the cafeteria to get some food and saw Clark and Alex. Azael went to sit by them. "Hey, what classes did you guys choose?" Azael asked. Alex and Clark both said element class. Azael then agreed because both of them had the ability to use elements well for Alex it was a different case. They were eating their food when a long haired boy came up to them and asked them to give him their credits. "No we can't do that," said Azael. Long hair got upset and showed them his watch and it showed 2.5 . "You're a level 1 just do what I say and you won't get hurt." Alex then got up and told the long hair to leave. After he said that he showed him his watch and it said six. Long hair got scared and ran away. "Guys don't worry, I'll protect you. They all start finishing their food. Azael, Clark, and even Alex were in the same class room. They all sat by each other. Class was taught by Officer Williams, he told the class about the Draxuene and how they came about. Azael, trying to learn everything he could after class, went to the library but found nothing about his ability. After he did remember that he saw something about his ability but was interrupted.

He went to look at it again and it said

"Necromancer is a strong being who can revive the dead."

At that moment his eyes opened wide.

"Wait wait, is that why I see the shadows?" After learning that he decided to practice his gunship skills

[gun ship 5 percent.] 

"Wow it doesn't take long to level it up." It was getting dark and Azael started to walk around to see if he could find some gear. That when he overhears someone talking. He knew who it was. It was long hair. He heard him telling a female to hand over their credits. She was scared so she ended up giving him them. After she ran away . Azael then looked for a mask . He found a black mask that had fangs stuck down from its mouth. Azael saw that he was leaving his group of friends. Azael then got right in front of him and threw a punch but Longhair moved away. "Oh you want to fight?"


[beat opponent 15 exp]

He smiled under the mask. 

[shadow summon]

Violet came out and kneed in front of Azael.

"Ok Violet we are going to take him down." Violet was very fast and strong. They both rushed at long hair. As Violet was keeping him distracted Azael found a rock and hit him on his side. That made long hair stop for a moment and look at Azael but because he did that Violet kicked him in the center of his stomach. Long hair had a hard time breathing. "How is that possible isn't that the girl who died. After getting back into the fight stance, long hair shot some wind strikes and they were hitting Azael little by little. "Man I can't take much more. Azael went to Violet and told her "ok Violet lets finish this already."Violet nodded . she started to get faster. Long hair tried to hit the black and purple figure but he could not land a single hit. Violet got really close to him and gave him a huge hit on his chin. That made him start falling back As long hair looked up he saw the someone with a black mask with fangs going down where the mouth was. Azael was going to give him a strong right hook and said "don't ever bully someone again or I will find you and do what you did to that female."

Long hair passed out



[ you have defeated your opponent]

[15 exp has been reward]

[Azael Draven you have leveled up.]

"Wait, level up?"