Clark was walking around the hallways. The halls were sometimes long and only went straight for a while. At the end of the hall there were two choices left or fight. He was heading outside so the answer was left. Opening the doors a nice cold breeze hit his face but he wondered what it was until he saw someone standing a bit far from him. Clark's heart skipped a beat and he started to sweat like crazy. "Hey your name is Clark right?, you're going to have to do what I tell you and you're going to complete it." Looking at the person and remembering who it was, fear started to creep up to him. It was none other than long hair. "Well I do understand that you don't know my name but you have seen me". Walking up to him,long hair said his name was Julian Davis and then turned around and started to walk away "meet me in the forest alone or you will pay the consequences". Clark didn't know what to do so he started to stress out more and more. His face looked like he had seen a ghost. Eventually the day came when he had to go to the forest.Clark was looking around and sweating. As he was walking every little noise he heard freaked him out. Looking in front of him there was Julian. "Well, it looks like you decided to come." The breeze was cold and the leaves could be heard brushing against each other. The forest was covered heavily with trees all around. There were bushes there that could cover a person. "So here's what you are going to do"
In the military academy Azael was in training with Amelia. Looking around there was a lot of people practicing using their gun of choice. The class continued as usual, giving Azael more percentage for his gun mastery. Walking out of school in a green shirt and green camo jeans. Everyone in the military had to wear the boots that were given to them, "I am getting stronger but I am still not good enough." Looking ahead he saw Clark walking alone.he thought to himself " Clark what are you up too?" Clark flinched for a moment but turned around. He knew this was the worst time for him to see him. Clark with an awkward smile looked at him. "Oh hi Azael" Clark tired to leave he was stuck in place. Trying to think what he should say to him. Azael told him to come and eat lunch with him since he thought he was alone. "Yeah sure why not." Going to the cafeteria where lunch was being served he noticed that Clark was a little off. After getting their lunch they both sat down. Eating all their food they started to talk about their classes but for some reason Clark was more nervous than usual. "Well looks like i have to go, See ya later Clark." At that moment Clark started to panic a lot inside because he needed to say something to him. As he was about to leave Clark said something "waittt" Azael stopped and turned looking at him. "Are you free this weekend to hang out?" Smiling back he nodded at him. This sight broke him inside a lot. "Why do I have to do this but why me of all people?" Clark got out of the cafeteria and saw Julian. "So did he agree?" Clark nodded to him. Julian made a smile on his face "jsut you wait, Azael you will pay."
Leaving the to the white training room to practice some moves Azael went inside but he knew that there wasn't much he could practice. After training a bit he got a notification.
[Azael Draven would you like to watch a video?]
"A video?" This left him very confused but then again he didn't understand most of the things the system told him about
After that a video started to play
[technique Excruciating pain]
A man started to show in the video. He had back hair that went back. The male looked to be strong.
[looks like you're struggling to learn something new to help you.]
Azael is now thinking about it and starting to realize how right he was.
[ok this technique will give your opponent a hard time getting up.]
"Well, does the move really help?"
[You will see some damage from your opponent being done on the outside but the real damage will be done on the inside but you must practice it until you get it right.]
Azael started to watch the man performing it. Afterwards Azael played it slowly.
"Ok first things first he seem to coat his hand in darkness but how does it come out?" Replaying the video back over and over again, Azael managed to do it. Looking at his fist it was covered in darkness which made it look like his fist disappeared. "I see I have to look inside myself and grab some of my darkness in my body." The next step was having his legs on the ground. Azael then pulled his arm back and swing it. A small noise was made.
"He said that it shouldn't make a sound so I must be doing something wrong but what is it?"
Practicing the move everyday he managed to get it down now he just told the system to perform it and it is done without delay. "Well it does look like today I will meet up with Clark" The two of them met outside of the building where their room is located. "Okay Clark where are we going?'" Hearing that he gulped "follow me" Following right behind Clark there was something strange going on his Azael head. "This doesn't feel right" After a while they made it into a room in a distant building "hey Clark this doesn't look right" Looking at clark he started to see some tears in his eyes. " I am sorry Azael they made me do it"
The portal was seen turning on Clark; he just fell to the floor on his knees but Azael heard footsteps coming. "You had one job but I guess you really can't hurt your friend like that,I guess I can do it myself" Azael knew what happened at that moment. "It's a trap"