[Shahzad] Was the world created five minutes ago? Shahzad reveals the secrets of the world [Clipped Video]

"Alright. Now, let's play a game where I explain the 'Five-Minute World Hypothesis' for more than five minutes." 

— "What's up with this all of a sudden?" 

— "Did he eat some weird mushrooms?" 

— "This is just Shahzad being Shahzad." 

"Do you all know about the 'Five-Minute World Hypothesis'? As the name suggests, it's the idea that the world was created just five minutes ago. Sounds ridiculous, right?

Because we have history.

The universe was born 13.8 billion years ago, the Earth 4.6 billion years ago, life 3.5 billion years ago, humans 5 million years ago, and dungeons connected to our world 7 years ago. 

Even without such a grand history, just look around.

There's dust accumulating in the corners of the room, wanted posters fading in color, my favorite novel still on hiatus, and that jar of pickles I bought on a trip, expired and sitting at the back of the fridge.

But what if all of that was created five minutes ago in exactly that state?" 

— "I've heard of this before." 

— "It's an interesting thought." 

— "I learned about this in middle school and couldn't sleep that night." 

"And what about your own existence? You might have been born five minutes ago with all your memories and experiences intact. 

It's an absurd hypothesis, but it's impossible to disprove. The only one who could deny it is Allah, the one who created everything.

[A/N: People from different religion, please don't mind me for this...]

So, for example, if you're eating instant noodles right now, you were born into this world in the state of 'waiting for your cup noodles to finish cooking.' Kinda funny to think about, right?" 

— "I just took a bite of my cup noodles, and now I'm freaking out." 

— "Being born in the middle of waiting for cup noodles… that's peak background character energy." 

— "Maybe my dull life is because of this. It all makes sense now." 

— "I was just boiling water in a kettle when I came into existence, so I'm different from you guys." 

— "Calm down. It's just a hypothesis." 

"Well, it's just a thought experiment. No one takes it seriously. Even the person who came up with it probably meant it as a joke. But still..." 

— "Why is he suddenly talking about this?" 

— "Maybe he's feeling unstable?" 

— "I mean, anyone would go a little crazy after solo camping in the deep dungeon layers." 

— "If you're solo camping in the deep layers, you weren't normal to begin with, so it's fine." 

"Maybe it's because of video games, but some people seem to think that monsters in dungeons just spawn out of nowhere and drop items or money when defeated. But reality is completely different. 

Dungeons have proper ecosystems. Monsters don't just appear out of thin air. 

Like animals on the surface, they mate and reproduce. 

There's a food chain, symbiotic relationships, territorial disputes, and even social colonies among certain species." 

— "Watching too many dungeon streams really messes with your sense of reality." 

— "Especially Shahzad's streams, they're so flashy." 

— "I actually prefer when Shahzad just talks like this." 

— "Same here." 

"For example, take this little rock. I don't have much knowledge about geology, but someone who does could probably see the history within this single stone. 

Dungeons have real history. 

That's why it's now commonly accepted that dungeons existed somewhere in the distant past, whether at the edge of the universe, in another dimension, or in a different world altogether. 

Somehow, they got connected to our world through gates. 

Though, there's still debate about whether the gates connected the dungeons or if the connection itself created the gates. 

But that's just a 'chicken or egg' kind of argument." 

— "Wait, so it's not that simple?" 

— "I love these kinds of discussions." 

"I don't intend to deny that theory. It makes sense, and I'm not a scholar. But… have you heard of the 'Jolonto Problem'? 

After the Jolonto legend became widely recognized, dungeons that newly appeared started having Jolonto monsters in them. 

That caused quite a stir. 

People debated about synchronicity, collective consciousness, and all sorts of theories. 

But that's not what caught my attention. 

The first time I saw a Jolonto was in the Swabin Tel Dungeon in Sylhet. 

[A/N: If ykuk :)]

I heard a new gate had appeared, so I got up early and lined up to enter." 

— "Lining up for a dungeon like it's a new kacchi restaurant opening…" 

— "I watched that stream." 

"Technically, dungeon passes aren't issued until safety is confirmed and a dungeon park is established.

But in reality, the rules are pretty lax. They just let people in." 

— "No, that's just you." 

— "Why doesn't Shahzad register as an official adventurer?" 

— "Search 'Kaiser Incident' and you'll understand." 

— "Oh wow, this brings back memories. I started watching Shahzad for the entertainment, but then I got sucked into the abyss." 

— "When you gaze into Shahzad, Shahzad gazes back into you." 

— "Stop, that's not funny." 

"I think I set up camp around the 15th floor that time." 

— "Isn't that kinda shallow?" 

— "Shahzad's goal isn't clearing the dungeon—it's camping. He usually stays in the upper layers until adventurers push deeper." 

— "Even 15 floors down is insane, though." 

— "An A-rank party takes a month to clear that, but Shahzad just goes 'yeah, I'll set up here' in a few days." 

"Near my camp, I found a Jolonto nest. 

Since they weren't particularly aggressive, I just observed them while camping." 

— "Did… did he eat a Jolonto?" 

— "Public Service Announcement: Jolonto are actually dangerous. Do not approach them carelessly based on Shahzad's words. Also, please do not eat them." 

"Then I realized something.

Jolonto had a history. 

They weren't creatures that just popped into existence overnight. 

They had survived in the dungeon for decades, maybe even centuries.

Their bizarre appearance wasn't just for show, it was the result of evolution. 

And that's when I thought, 'Something doesn't add up…'" 

— "Is he applying for a detective's job?" 

— "Physically unbreakable, mentally unhinged." 

— "But yeah, that is weird." 

— "Jolonto didn't exist in dungeons before they became famous, right?" 

"There could be all sorts of explanations. Maybe it was just a coincidence. 

Or maybe dungeons exist in infinite numbers. 

And when Jolonto became widely known, a dungeon that had Jolonto was 'pulled' into our world. 

That would explain why dungeons have regional traits. 

From countless possible dungeons, our world connects to the one most suited to its location. 

That actually makes the most logical sense. 

Someone must have already proposed this theory. 

I mean, if I could think of it, surely others have too. 

Yeah… yeah, that's probably it. That makes the most sense. 

…But when I saw the Jolonto, for some reason, the Five-Minute World Hypothesis came to mind. 

And I couldn't help but wonder… 

Maybe I was born into this world in the middle of explaining the Five-Minute World Hypothesis." 

— "So we were all born listening to this explanation?" 

— " We are the ultimate background characters." 

— "Depressing." 

— "Shahzad's perspective is so unique. No one else would have the time to study monster ecology in a dungeon." 

— "Or even care about it in the first place."

— "He's really more of a camper than an adventurer. Not just a self-proclaimed one—he actually is." 

— "I know this isn't real, but… I just got chills." 

—— Outro ——

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