
Random Play. A seemingly innocent video store for renting movies. Perfectly normal and legal stuff. Definitely isn't owned by the legendary Proxy, Phaethon.

*Knock. Knock.*

"Hm? We weren't expecting any visitor's today, were we, Belle?" In the H.D.D room within Random Play, a pair of siblings, one boy and one girl stopped their respective activities, hearing the knock.

The one to speak first was Wise, a handsome looking young man with ashy gray hair and blue eyes, looking up from his phone to glance over at his sister nearby.

"I don't think so." Belle, a cute young girl with blue hair and eyes sat up from the couch, walking over to a metal door and peeking out through it.

The store seemed empty, with only Bangboo 18 actually being out there. She slipped out the room, making sure to firmly shut the door and made her way to the front door, opening it.

"Good afternoon." The person standing before her was a man with messy black hair and eyes. He had a small smile on his face and gazed at her with what seemed like familiarity.

Then again, she has no recollection of ever meeting this person in her life so she might just be overthinking it.

"Can I help you sir? Are you here to rent a movie?"

"No, not quite... Would it be alright if I came in and talked for a bit, Phaethon."

"Oh, of course." Belle stepped aside, ready to let the man in right as her brain caught up with his words. "...Eh?"


Well, that was hilarious. I had to struggle to contain my laughter seeing Belle slowly process my words.

"Uh... P-Phae wha? I think you got the wrong people."

"Your name is Belle, right?"

"Er.... No?" Wow, how believable.

"Don't worry." Seeing the girl only grow more tense I decided to stop teasing, raising my arms up. "I mean you and your brother no harm. You weren't ratted out by anyone you know, I just simply figured it out."

Belle was silent for a few moments before dejectedly sighing. "And I thought we were hiding it so well. Without another word she made her way to the back. Shrugging, I decided to just follow her.

As we walked in I could see Wise staring at the two of us. "Belle, was this the person at the door?"

"Hello, Phaethon #2." I gave him simple greeting, watching him sputter at my words.

"P-Phae wha? I don't know what you're talking about. Me and Belle are just simple store owners-"

"Wise, he already knows." Belle cut him off.

"This room also doesn't look like it belongs to 'simple store owners'." I mean, if you ignored the tens of computers lined up against the wall and the obvious high-tech equipment it could be considered a staff lounge... But it's just not.

"I see." Seeing as the cat was out the bag, Wise cleared his throat, rising from the couch. "Well then, stranger. How can I help you."

Hm. Now, how do I play this out. I want to be on good terms with these two, and with how I acted right now I would say they're suspicious of me. Blurting out their teachers name would definitely be a bad idea.

Then, we'll play it out like this.

"Some time soon, members of the Cunning Hares Billy Kid and Anby Demara will fall into a Hollow after a commission gone wrong." The good ol prophet route. Since I know all the major events till Chapter 5, it'll work for some time.

"Wait, what do you mean by that? Who are you?" The two siblings stared at me confusedly but I simply turned away, beginning to walk out the room.

"Once Nicole comes to you to ask you to save them, find me at the alley behind Godfinger. We can continue our discussion there." There were no other words to be spoken as I exited the Random Play building, leaving the two to ponder my words.

Though that wouldn't be for long because not even 3 hours later as I sat upon the roof of Random Play I saw a buxom pink haired girl sprint into the store.

"Okay, I guess we're doing this now." I expected it to atleast take place a few days later, but I'm not exactly complaining. Jumping down from the roof I make my way toward the back alley. It wasn't long before that same pink haired girl from before came towards me.

"Nicole Demara. A pleasure to meet the esteemed leader of the Cunning Hares-"

"Cut the crap!" Nicole got up close, jabbing a finger against my chest. "How do you know about our commission? That's classified information!"

Well, I was expecting to butter her up firs, get some brownie points. But I guess we're doing this.

"To answer your question, I know alot of things, things someone like me shouldn't. But at the same time, my knowledge is limited, a sort of clairvoyance if you will." I raise my hands up in surrender. "Recently I got a small glimpse of your two companions falling into the Companion Hollow in Fourteenth Street. Trust me, I mean you no harm."

"Clairvoyance..." Nicole stared at me long and hard before bringing her finger away and crossing her arms under her sizable chest. "If you claim to see the future then tell me the winning lottery numbers."

I felt my eye twitch. Of course that would be the first thing you ask.

"Ahem, I can't do that." I saw her eyes narrow. "But I can tell you of how you scammed the youngest Void Hunter, Hoshimi Miyabi of her weapon."

"Wha!-" Oh, it seems that got her. It's a good thing they gave that brief mention near the start of Chapter Five. While there might've been other things I could've said, I feel as if this will prove enough.

"Hmph! I guess you have some claims to back up such a far-fetch thing." She regained her composure rather quickly. "So, Mr. Prophet, tell me. Does anything bad happen to Billy and Anby."

What a softie. It's rather cute seeing this haughty girl turn soft when mentioning her teammates. I guess I shouldn't make her worry.

"You have nothing to fear. From what I could see, Billy and Anby are able to make it out of the Hollow with the help of Phaethon."

"Phew. Thank goodness."

"There's still a few things. Before escaping, your teammates will run into Miguel Silver, leader of the Red Fang Gang. He will turn into a formidable Ethereal and force them to retreat with only minor injuries... After that. The rest is blank." I made a show of furrowing my brows and clutching my forehead, acting as if I was suffering a headache.

"You've done enough, Mr. Prophet. The Cunning Hares won't forget your debt." She turned away, ready to leave before I hurriedly stopped her.

"Wait! You're about to send Phaethon's Bangboo into the Hollow, correct?" I take my gaze downwards, seeing the round and cute Bangboo, Eous beside Nicole. "I would like to follow it into the Hollow... I may not look like it, but I'm perfectly capable of fighting off Ethereals."

"Hm... I suppose the more help, the better..." She scrutinized me, staring at my somewhat skinny body. Despite the enhancements I undertook, I still had a thin physique. Since it didn't seem like she was buying it, I hold out my hand and let the katana materialize in a show of white flames into my grip.

"...Hm..." Y'know, I expected some surprise, but considering her literal weapon is a sort of suitcase that can also fire off Ether I guess this is only moderately surprising. Much less than being a prophet.

"Fine, you can come. But don't say I didn't warn you." It was all she said before strutting off. I followed along, treating myself to her denim covered ass along the way. Ah... I must certainly be in heaven.