
A cold morning is one of the many signs that the harvest season is getting closer. Carrying their backpacks with all their camp equipment, soldiers march in double time, following the same formation as the previous day. The convoy follows the road to reach Orlosian.

Until the sun was above their heads, marching non-stop, the rations prepared the day earlier were distributed, and groups formed to eat together. Manila, Elzen, Woltur, Caristo, Vivelle, Quaaren, and Julienne were designated to the Blindfold squadron. They will remain together until the end of the expedition in any mission ordered by the commander.

"So Manila…" Said Quaaren Elevork, three years as squire of lord Boltu, a young human male, tall with broad shoulders, short black hair, and dark brown eyes with a serious glare.

"Lord Boltu said you never held a Battle Axe before. Why did you decide to use one now?"

"I never had the opportunity; the only weapons I was allowed to use were for duels, and you know that this weapon is not one of the normal choices."

"Why would a maid want to learn how to use weapons? You will never use it for your tasks." With an arrogant tone, Vivelle asked.

"Arrogant fool."

"It's true, I don't need to know how to use a weapon for my daily tasks, this is more something I desire than need."

"Just for such selfish desire that you are here?"

"Yes, the same as you. A lady from the baron house of Eveel is here serving another noble as a squire." The simple answer, with a harsh tone, made Vivelle's cheeks glow red in anger, but she didn't dare to answer. Feeling the atmosphere getting heavier, Caristo Dancadador, the youngest of the squires, decided to speak.

"I've never been to the capital before. My sister always says it's a beautiful place, bursting with people, so many things to do and see. I can't wait for our parade."

"I went to the capital once. The part we are going to is one of the prettiest you will ever see, but not all capital is pretty." Said Woltur Caibriet, third son of Earl Dullimar Caibriet.

"Well, no one was expecting the entire city to be pretty, but it's probably perfect in general." Said Vivelle, trying to dissipate her anger.

"Far from it, Vivelle. The city is pretty at the wealthiest, but at the commoner part, it's...let me say in a gentle way…rough."

"What do you mean by that?" Caristo questioned.

"You all promise that everything I say here will remain here?" All the squires nod and put their right hands at their chests.

"For our honor and devotion to all gods, our lips are sealed." They recite in harmony, making Woltur smile and relax.

"Well, let's say that those who were supposed to take care of the entire kingdom are just worried about their finances and the maintenance of their titles. Barons are the only type of nobles that try to improve the lives of the commoners, but it's not enough."

"Do you have proof of what you are saying?" Vivelle, offended by the accusations towards the noble houses, asks with indignation.

"I don't need to do much to prove what I said. What was the last project from any of the major families or the Royal family that made improvements to all commoners?" - Silence, no one knows the answer.

"After this expedition, you can visit again. Try to go to the residential area of the outer ring wall, you will understand the meaning of abandon."

The silence continued for the rest of the break; many thoughts were held, some to avoid criticism, some to let the subject be over, and some to not let their emotions ruin the teamwork. Without any problems, they reached their destination at the start of the night; the greater outer ring wall could be seen from their encampment. A scout was sent ahead to inform the city guard that they would arrive tomorrow for the parade, there would be a great celebration and the official start of the expedition.

The outer ring wall is a magnificent architectural work surrounding the entire city with huge blocks cut to perfection by the most skilled stone masons. The wall has two entrance gates, north and south. Garrisoned by the Royal Knights, it acts as an inspection point, checking everyone going inside, especially merchants.

Morning came, and all the soldiers were wearing the assigned decorative uniforms and were ready to enter the north gate.

"My name is Boltu Markash! I am the commander of the Judgement regiment under the banner of the House of Felnatus! Open the gates and start the parade!" Loud as he can be, Boltu announces the arrival as tradition demands. The gates open, and the royal guard creates a corridor with their swords pointing to the sky. Firmly marching, the regiment moves in harmony, showing the discipline of their training. Passing the gates, few people await in the streets to welcome the soldiers, and the crowd cheers timidly.

Watching the people while marching Manila could see that those that are cheering were not exactly happy to see the regiment, others didn't even care that the event was happening, they walked around doing what is supposed to be their daily routine, as Woltur said this part of the city was not what everyone expected to see at the capital.

Diverse buildings required maintenance, the streets were dirty, and every corner you could see was overflowing with people. Their clothes were simple if not ragged; some were not even clean themselves, and beggars sat in corners of the alleys waiting for charity with a blank expression.

That was a shock for those who visited the capital for the first time; stories always told about a beautiful place where all the wealth could be admired in its glory. Manila was not that shocked, those people looked like they were living under Felnatus's wings. The sparkless eyes while doing mundane tasks, lack of interest in anything besides what needs to be done, and the harsh conditions would mold anyone into an empty shell.

The parade continues even with the timid crowd until they arrive at the eastern gate of the Inner Ring Wall. The layout of this wall was slightly different from the outer wall but at the same time the changes were frightening, every three hundred meters a tower with many windows for archers to position in case of an attack, and groups of twelve soldiers occasionally patrolled the walls looking down to the streets ready to act when needed and at the gate, another group of soldiers works at the inspection.

The gates opened without any ceremony, and a loud cheer could be heard from inside. colored pieces of paper were thrown at the parade, which was well received by a big crowd. Different from the residents of the outer wall, the crowd was ecstatic with the parade, cheering non-stop. The difference was not only the crowd; the place itself was well maintained, smiles were across all the places, and they finally could understand the stories of glory and beauty.

Reaching the Main ring wall gates, a robust defensive structure that deserved the title of last defense of Orlosian. Every part of the wall was reinforced with thick iron plates, the royal coat of arms was imprinted in each section of the wall, and a great number of soldiers guarded and patrolled the walls.

The recruits of the regiment were all speechless by the power the walls radiated, it was intimidating. Slowly, the iron gates opened for the regiment, in two lines creating a way for the regiment. The elite royal soldiers were wearing gold-plated full armor with their bardiches pointed to the sky. The royal quarters, the place where only royalty can live, the straight road towards the magnificent castle was made of white colored bricks, at each side of the road there were ornamental trees, gardens with the most diverse types of flowers and bushes, there was much more than that in this area but it was impossible to detail everything, here is indeed where all the wealthy of the kingdom was being used.

The regiment marched until they arrived at the main square; the front view of the castle was breathtaking. Like the main ring walls, all the stone blocks were reinforced, but the castle walls had Mythirite to reinforce them. A grand door with golden engravings is located in the center of the front of the castle.

Two smaller towers are on each side of the gate, separated by a section of the wall; two floors above the gate, there is a large balcony. Four people appear before the soldiers from a door at the back wall of the balcony. Using a long red and gold cape covering his shoulders and back, a Mythirite brigandine armor covers his body. It's difficult to see his face, but it's partially covered with a well-kept brown beard and mustache.

"I am Prince Theravor Rigvalt Amantine, the prince heir of this kingdom! In the name of the Royal Family, I greet our honorable soldiers of the House of Felnatus." His clean and commanding voice echoes through the square, and then Boltu walks forward a few steps and points his double-edged Battle Axe towards the sky.

"I am Boltu Markash, Your Highness! Commander of the Judgement Regiment, we are here to ask for your blessings before we go on our royal expedition!" With a wave of his hand, the prince acknowledged the regiment's purpose. He makes a little sign with his head, and a person wearing a white robe with many silver star engravings approaches the prince and then turns towards the soldiers. Her voice is smooth but irradiates authority.

"As the representative of the Star mother, I, Suslanea Averalkin, priest of the second constellation order, give the blessings of our beloved Star mother to all of you!" - A huge cheer can be heard in the entire royal quarters, and soldiers point their weapons towards the sky and cheer loudly as a form of thanks for the blessings received.

The prince then held his star near his head, and the loud cheers went quiet.

"Now go! Honorable soldiers of the house of Felnatus! With the blessings of the royal family and the star mother, I hope you can return in glory and safety!" - Another wave of cheers comes from the soldiers, and the prince and his entourage leave the balcony, Boltu then turns back to his soldiers and orders the double march towards the south gate, the expedition officially starts now.

Passing through the streets of Orlosian, the same scenario continues at the locations before visited, a festival is being held at the merchant's plaza while the commoners go back to their daily routines. Exiting by the southern gate, they continue the march until the noon break.

"The prince! I never thought the prince was going to give us the blessings!" Vivelle was in an extremely good mood, enchanted by the pompous reception that they received.

"Yeah…but you saw the commoner's area, right? You saw how different it was from the other parts of the city." Said Julienne Caratii in a shy manner.

"Not a surprise." Manila said with her mouth full of today's rations.

"What do you mean by that, Manila?" With a curious face, Elzen asked.

She remains silent while eating; anything she says now would be filled with all the hate she holds for the Felnatus family, and she still doesn't know if she trusts those near her.

"Ha! See, she can't say anything about that; she is just a bitter maid trying to dirty the honor of the noble houses!" Said Vivelle in triumph.

"Vivelle! You are a squire like all of us here, so you better watch your words!" Woltur scolded her attitude with an angry tone. "We can be squires here, but I'm not the one in the wrong here. The kingdom only works thanks to the noble houses that always bring fortune and progress to our kingdom. "

"But you forget that all the noble houses started as commoners, at the start of the kingdom before the first king Allumbre created the classes of power, all citizens of the kingdom were the same." Said Quaaren.

Vivelle tried but stayed silent, there was truth in Quaaren's words. They continued to eat silently until the end of the break and then resumed their march to the southern border.