Jisvruul and Velmira hid behind a large, fleshy boulder, watching as massive demons corralled a group of humans like cattle.
Gra gra (What is going on?)
Seeing the sheer number of Gralith and Kyrrath demons, Jisvruul was momentarily shocked.
Those demons are from the Gravesong Wastes, Velmira said, though she didn't fully answer his question. Seems like the Prince is really trying to find your Master.
Gra! (Our!)
Yes, yes, our Master. She rolled her eyes slightly.
Gra gra! (I'll go kill them!)
Just as he was about to lunge forward, she grabbed his arm and yanked him back behind the boulder.
Gra! (What?)
He glared at her, irritation flashing in his eyes.
Are you an idiot? She narrowed her gaze. There are two Kyrraths over there. And I'm sure this isn't the only group that was sent out.
Graa! (I'm not scared!)