
[Blood Sigils {Rank 5} Complete: 9/10]

[Reward: 3200 Demon Points]

[Demon Points: 8912]

Yur sat within his Cyralim, staring at the nine Blood Sigils suspended in the air like blood-drenched stars against his black-and-white world.

Sealing four rank five beings had been an intense process.

Luckily, his Severed Crucible was potent, its supply of demonic essence seemingly limitless. Combined with the fact that these rank five demons were already injured or weakened, the process was far easier than sealing demon Brune, whose strength had been terrifying even in comparison.

Before Velmira transformed him, Brune had been an extremely powerful Luminous Heart cultivator. Even after becoming a demon, he still exceeded even Ris in raw power.

"Now then, with one Sigil left to fill, I should be able to make progress toward the next step."