Interrogation; Return to Barren Canyon

[WARNING: The first scene is not pleasant to read, so skip if you will (but this is the type of book this is). Just keep in mind, the first scene is against someone who is not meant to be good, someone who has done worse to innocent people. All fiction, so read ahead knowing such things) 


"Where am I?!"

The naked leader looked around, but he couldn't see a thing. Everything was shrouded in complete darkness. It was blinding.

He felt his arms bound behind his back by something he couldn't break through. His legs were twisted at an odd angle, restrained just as tightly. Yet, the worst part was the seething pain radiating from his crotch.

At first, he didn't feel anything. Then, like a delayed nightmare, the pain began to register in his mind.

What started as a dull burning sensation quickly transformed into a mind-shattering agony.