
With the two new additions to his group, Yur knew it was only a matter of time before they set out. He kept the Ashen Grip around his arms while retrieving his sword from storage—the Hallow Sword he had used before. It had luckily not broken, though its purpose had become somewhat redundant once Ris discovered his transformations.

Of course, heading into Afloria meant he couldn't transform often, so a sword would serve as a good cover.

After reviewing his memories—though more hands-on experience might have improved his skills—he was already very proficient with the blade.

At present, he simply needed to wait for Velmira, who would return soon. In the meantime, he planned to finalize his strategies for Afloria with Zul. He had a basic understanding of the region, but acquiring further information was essential. Fortunately, with Zul's guidance, he could be even more effective.