Yur reached his destination, which was in the middle of an old battlefield.
There was no one around; the entire place was silent.
It was the site of a major battle between Freau and Welit several years back—a battle that had killed many of the top-tier individuals.
Landing on the grassy terrain, Yur walked towards a flat rock, which carried web-like cracks.
Beside it was a large crater, slowly being filled by grass and many flowers.
"Now then, the final ritual." He pulled out his sword, Cloud Weaver, and sliced his palm.
Blood dripped onto the rock, and he clenched his hand to control the flow better.
His eyes suddenly shone with a dark, abyssal black. "The Glythari are all crowding this place." He calmly looked at the circle he was drawing, as well as the hundreds of Glythari nearing him.
Looking to his left, he found the world beginning to darken again. He knew what this entailed, but at this moment, he did not care.