

[Host has completed the Rite of the Hollow!]


[Side Effects are as followed:]

[Increased Insanity | Whispers of the Damned | Warped Negative Emotions | Cyralim Plagued by the Damned | … |]

[Host has lost connection to Zulmasharr and Afloria!]

[Must reach Rank 5 to return!]

[Host has earned title: Bringer of Death!]

[Danger: Glythoria's inhabitants surpass your current power level!]

"What…?" Yur murmured softly as his consciousness stirred, surrounded by squishy leaves. The flurry of notifications echoed relentlessly in his mind before silence took over once more.

Slowly, Yur sat upright, feeling strangely whole again. He examined his hands—both intact, no missing limbs. Turning his head, relief surged as he found his wings undamaged. Reaching up, he touched his throat, feeling no lingering blade.

Standing, he stretched his neck gently. So, this is Glythoria?