

I spent the next two days avoiding all of them. My parents didn't even try to get in touch with me and I preferred it that way. For the entirety of the two days, I was mostly going out to feed when I was sure no one was around and that suited me.

The only thing I couldn't afford not to attend was pack meetings. If I was going to be alpha, I can't afford missing any of them. But that also meant that I would have to see Samantha and my parents.

During one of the pack meetings, Samantha cornered me. I thought she was coming to gloat like she did the other day at the house but it seemed like if she didn't have anyone behind her, she was just a toothless dog. She saw me trying to not to talk to her and she planted herself in front of me.

"You're being childish, Liana" She accused me when she finally got a hold of me. I tried to excuse myself but she was being adamant. I sighed and faced her. It's pointless to try to ignore her now.

"How am I being childish?" I asked her even though it was clear that she was trying to goad me. You don't accuse the person you slept with the husband of being childish after she caught you, do you?

"You've been ignoring me. That's a childlike behavior" She said and crossed her arms, glaring at me like I did something unforgivable.

"I don't want to talk to you, Samantha. And except you want me to tell everyone here how much of a slut you are, I'd advice you to get out of my way.

Her face clouded in anger at my words and she tried to say something but I cut her off and walked away. I could feel her stare burning into my back but I refused to give her the satisfaction of looking back.

"Liana" I heard my dad call out to me a few minutes after. Meeting was rounding up and I had been hoping to escape without having any other encounter with the members of my family, but fate doesn't seem to be on my side.

"Yes, dad?" I said, as toneless as possible. I can't be rude to him, not here and not ever, given how much eyes are always on us.

"Your sister tells me you've refused to speak with her and you insulted her earlier?" He meant to be accusatory but it came of as a question instead. I debated on whether or not to tell him I just told her I would let everyone know she's a slut but decided not to. Best not to stir up something I can't end.

"I don't think I'm mandated to talk to someone I don't want to. And I don't want to talk to Samantha" I told him, holding my chin up.

He nodded "Well, and I can't have the members of the pack asking why my children aren't speaking to each other and why one is giving her parents the icy stare. You're going hunting with Samantha after this meeting—" He held up a finger as soon as I opened my mouth to protest against it. "That's final. You will go with her and you will patch things up with her. When you come back, I want to see you both talking to each other"

I opened my mouth in disbelief. I can't believe he's asking ME to make amends with her, when she's the one who wronged me. This just solidified that they actually don't care about me but would do anything to make sure their little princess doesn't feel sad.

"Fine" I agreed just because I know doing otherwise was going to be fruitless. I'd do what he wants but I hope I'm not expected to come back her laughing with her. Something that can never happen again and I would only keep talking with her if she apologizes to me.

"Good. I'll inform her" I watched as he turned to go find her and I thought about it. There was still a chance to escape from here if I want to without him seeing me but then it would only procrastinate the activity. Once Dad's mind is set on something, he ensures that it goes through.

After everything was done, I saw Samantha walking towards me. I didn't bother to allow her walk up to me before I started walking towards the woods. I heard her as she tried to keep up with me to no avail. The instruction said to go hunting with her, it didn't include me starting with her. We can hunt in separate parts of the same woods.

She caught up to me soon and we continued in silence. I was somewhat thankful that she didn't try to talk me to at first because I don't want to listen to whatever she had to say.

"Liana" Samantha said and I sighed. I guess the period of peace and quiet was over. We were deep in the woods usually used as hunting grounds and if we argued here, no one was going to hear us. That's best because I wouldn't want anyone reporting back to dad about us fighting in the woods.

"What? Look, I'm not here to make amends with you. Let's just pretend we did and save ourselves the torture. You and I know you don't want to do this as much as I do" I had stopped to face her and I saw her face darkening as I spoke. Yeah, right. Like she had the rights to be mad.

"You think I want to make amends with you? I wouldn't even want to dream about it" She laughed and I didn't hold back this time. After all, there was no one here that would call me selfish for talking back at her when she's wrong.

"Then why are you talking to me? You could literally just head back now and tell Dad we kissed and made up. I don't even want to admit that someone as evil as you is my sister. I don't want to believe that what you did actually happened and I've lived the past few days fine and I don't want to revisit it"

"You're just a selfish bitch, Liana. You don't want me to have something I really want. And so he's your mate? I love him too and he loves me and we can't say the same about you" I closed my eyes, restraining myself from hitting her because it was forbidden by pack rules.

"I think you should leave now, in your best interest" I said to her but she refused to budge. I decided to do it for her if she wasn't going to. There was no way I was going to keep listening to the trash she's about to continue spewing out.

"No, we're not leaving. Daddy wants us to bond and we will do exactly that. You will listen to what I have to say because it's the truth and you can't take that" She blocked my exit, much like she did earlier at the pack meeting.

"You know what, Samantha? Fuck you" I pushed her out of the way and started leaving until I was stopped by her.

"Do you want to know when it started? How he began to like me? Even though he still liked you a little but then?" I was curious, a normal reaction but I wasn't about to give her the satisfaction of getting to me.

Before I could leave however, I heard a noise that sounded like something wounded and from the look on Samantha's face, she must have heard it too.

We both walked in the direction we heard it from because it could be one of our pack members and we have to help.

I was correct about the wounded something but by the looks of the shape writhing about on the floor and yelling in pain, it was a male and he was severely wounded. I didn't recognize him which means he had to be a rouge.

As we got closer, Samantha made a sound almost like she was choking. She stopped her approach to the man and I could see him straining to look at her too. Before I could fathom what was going on, she spoke.

"I, Samantha, reject you as mate". Her voice rang in my ears before she stormed off. Shit. She finally found her mate and the first thing she did was to reject him? I watched her back as she left, indecisive about what to do. I could either go after her and ask her what it was about or save this guy I don't know from anywhere.

I have heard about how painful it is to be rejected and coupled with the fact that he was severely wounded, he looked like he was about to die.

There's only one thing he needs right now and something I can help with.

A hospital.