With the matter about the new skill aside, Jannah stared at the skill window with wonder, the sentence below the skills have been bothering her.
Jeriel squinted her eyes at her big sister, watching Jannah place a hand on her hip and frown at the system, obviously bothered and distressed about something.
"You good?" Jeriel poked Jannah on the stomach which made the latter glance at her, but she look back to the air— system.
"Yeah." Jannah calmly stated, "I'm just wondering how I can make someone as my party member. It said on my skill window that more skills will be added if I have party members."
"Party members?" Jeriel raised an eyebrow at her, "We can't have a party in here. We already have these zombies banging in the wall. We can't risk our safety."
"I mean, you're right.." Jannah cast a solemn glance at the floorboards.