~ "With vampires, monsters and witches galore

Lurking behind every closed door

As you knock, beware the host

Will they be friendly, or a ghoul or ghost?

Will they bear treats of candy and toys?

Or will they pounce on little girls and boys?

The pumpkins and lights show they're happy to play

Or are they a trick, to attract their prey?

Knock carefully dear children, and be ready to run…" ~



My eyes popped open and all I could do was remain that way with no inkling of what was happening.

The only thing I felt must've woken me up was the poem sung by some grown ups, it felt like they were right above me, chanting that poem.

But where was I exactly? I wondered and noticed I was in an enclosed space.

Was I in a box? Why? And how?

When I slowly lifted my hand up, I felt a creak. Weirdly, I could see everything clearly in the box but none of that mattered. The only thing I had in mind was to follow that voice because it woke me up.

In annoyance, I punched the wooden box and the next thing that followed was loamy soil and it scattered all over my face, adding to my plight.

In anger I kept punching it without minding if it poured on me.

Once I had created a good opening, I crawled through the soil like a worm until I got to the surface.

But who would have buried me alive? I wondered to myself.

However, once I got to the surface and looked down at my body, I noticed from my chest downward was a skeleton.

Strangely, I wasn't scared, rather I was just fascinated.

How is it that my skin had been ripped off? I chuckled when I touched it.

".... Should a hobgoblin answer looking for fun, just how fast can your little legs go?..."

The chants continued and I looked in a specific direction just to find a sparkly yellow smoke-like dust moving in the dark sky like it was dancing to the tune.

It felt like it was calling me and I was tempted to go.

As I began to walk, my bones began to adjust and when I looked to see what was happening, I noticed my flesh was finally coming back.

Smiling, I kept walking and the more I passed many headstones the more I realized I had been buried in a cemetery.

Did I die?

".... Could they outrun a werewolf? Should one open the door?..." 

The chant continued and I became excited as I followed their voices. Though the location was far, it felt like they were standing right beside me chanting it as I went.

From walking, I began to jog and from jogging I started running and in a blink of an eye, I found myself right in front of the house I saw the dust-like sparkly yellow smoke from.

It was fascinating and I just stood there watching it until I heard a growl. When I turned to see what it was I noticed it was a huge wolf, and it was snarling at me in annoyance.

But why wasn't I afraid? I wondered.

And to make things more exciting, it transformed into a young lady with red hair.

She looked at the yellow smoke and smiled meaning she was clearly fascinated.

Their voices were so loud that I could already tell how many were inside. They were seven but one voice stuck out oddly.

I frowned and went around the building so I could go through the back of the house just to find a short thing trying to open the back door.

"What are you?" I slowly asked and it froze before turning to face me.

It had a long fat nose and bald head with pointed long ears and green skin.

He was a dwarf but not human.

"Will ya' help me old folk?" He spoke and I smiled because it sounded strange to my ears.

"Why do you want to go in there?" I inquired.

"Isn't eit obvious ei'? The folks in there called fér us," he said and I frowned.

Why would they call for us?

I heard a slight sound and looked up just to find three black robed figures trying to go down the chimney but couldn't due to the yellow smoke.

"Wanna try?" The dwarf asked and I nodded.

As I made my way to the door and held the handle, the little guy stood in anticipation.

"Why are they calling us?" I asked.

"Eis what we wanna féind out lad," he said and I nodded before twisting the door handle and pushing it open.

"Do ya' feel that magiç boy? Eis delicious," the dwarf said and licked its lips, making me frown when I saw how long his tongue was.

"What are you exactly?" I asked.

"Tell me ya' joking laddie." He said and I remained standing, causing him to grumble before giving a response.

"Me a goblin."

"A goblin? Nice."

I said and stepped inside to the warm feel of the place.

However when I looked back, I noticed the goblin couldn't come in.

"I can't seem to come in. Go on laddie," he said and I did as he instructed.

By now they had stopped chanting the poem but I could tell where they were due to the thick magic I felt beneath my feet. They were down, in the basement.

As I made my way there, I began to feel a familiar presence and the calmness I once felt, became restless. And when I opened the door and went down the stairs, I felt so much magic surge through my bones.

It didn't feel weird, rather it felt familiar.

When I looked at a corner, I found seven grown-ups in their late teens just like I was. They sat in a circle while playing a game with a wooden box in the middle.

As I got closer, I noticed there were four boys and three girls…


My gaze zeroed in on one person and my senses seemed to have gone aflame as memories began to force themselves forward.

My body began to vibrate and my breathing came out labored as I held a nearby wooden pillar for support just to get my bearings.

"....Logan, I love you…"

"No, it's not done that way. Move your hands like this."

"It would've been unique if your name was Frances Franklinstein instead of just Franklin."

"Frances, I love you…"

I blinked at all these memories as they latched themselves onto me like they were a part of me. And truly, it felt like they were a part of me…. Like she was a part of me.

When I got my bearings back and looked at her again, I felt like holding her and as I made my way to where they were, something seemed to take control of me.

It felt like I was partially myself and not myself at the same time.

My left hand touched one of the girls while my right hand touched the other and they made way for me to sit but my attention was firmly rooted on Frances as I sat down.

"I'll spin the bottle this time," the girl on my left said and it was then I shifted my attention to her.

Did they know I was here?

"It's your turn Luke," the girl declared when the bottle pointed at him and she picked out a question from the box.

"If Frances turns into any night creature, would you still love her?"

At that question, I frowned as I noticed how Frances and the guy named Luke exchanged glances, making me know that there was something more between them.

"Of course," he answered and I glared at him as the rest made lovey dovey sounds of support.

"I'll spin the bottle again," the girl beside me said again and she spun the bottle but my eyes zeroed on the box.

Without minding if they saw me or not, I moved into the circle and touched it.

"Go in my favor," I whispered into it and smiled.

However, when I didn't hear a sound, I looked around and noticed them frozen in time as their eyes zeroed on the bottle which had stopped spinning as well.

Confused, I looked at each and everyone but they didn't move. Getting up, I waved in front of the girl I sat beside but she didn't look at me.

Smiling, I moved to where Frances sat and squatted before her as I watched her face. She was as pretty as ever and had matured a lot.

When I looked down at her lap, I found her holding a red hoodie which was clearly not hers due to the scent.

It belonged to the Luke guy because his scent was the same.

In annoyance, I took the hoodie and put it on and used the cap to cover my head.

When I was done, I stared at Frances once more and was about to touch her face but stopped halfway when I noticed how long my nails were.

And while admiring it, I heard a sound and turned to find the bottle spinning again and in a blink of an eye, I went back to where I was sitting and that was when they moved.

Did I do that? I wondered.

When the bottle stopped, it pointed at Frances and I smiled evilly.

I was beginning to enjoy this game more than ever.

When the girl beside me picked a paper from the box, she read the question.

"What do you fear the most?"