They Finally Found Me

Meliza's POV

Present Time

Looking back five years ago, I felt a sense of victory. I had escaped Donald, Elijah's right-hand man. He and his men had been waiting for me in Yerton that day, and the chaos that followed was terrifying. It was the scariest day of my life. But with Taylor's help, I managed to get away from them. I will always be grateful to him.

After leaving Yerton, I kept moving from place to place, never staying long. It wasn't until I reached Ubec City that I finally felt safe. I loved it there and hadn't seen any of Elijah's men, but I still had to be careful. Every time I left for work, I stayed in disguise—baggy clothes, a hood pulled low—anything to avoid being recognized.

For how many years now has Elijah not found me?

I erased myself from social media for safety, which I did not need anyway. Ruby was the only person I kept in touch with. I had cut ties with my mother and Jessa the night I ran away.