
Once again, Vastarael was very glad that he did the mass grocery shopping spree with Iona. And also the Runes.

Runes were a tool of great power but the people of Spheraphase often overlooked their true potential.

The Xinoraci Runes were an ancient alphabet, the first language of creation, long before the gods and mortal races even began to take shape.

They were etched into the very fabric of the world itself, as if each rune held an essence, a fragment of the world's core. These runes could manipulate reality with nothing more than their written form, and their application extended far beyond simple magic.

But despite their vast potential, they were often underestimated or misunderstood by mages. The complexity of using them and the misconception that they required a deep understanding of the mystic arts, led many to ignore the runes' true value.

Vastarael, however, had always been different.

He had learned the power of runes from his father, who taught him to translate runes to text. Being an ancient form of an

alphabet, he was able to form words using them.

Runes were a fundamental part of existence. As long as you knew how to speak, write, or even just remember a rune's name, you could bring it into existence.

There are three primary methods of using the Xinoraci Runes.

The first is summoning through memory. By recalling the shape and essence of a rune, one could bring it into reality. This method requires focus and knowledge of the rune's form, as a mental image of the symbol itself would trigger its manifestation.

It's a more instinctive method, though it still requires a strong connection with the rune's meaning.

Speaking the Rune is the most common and easiest method. By vocalizing the name of the rune aloud, the rune would materialize instantly. Each rune was tied to a specific pronunciation and once it was spoken with clarity and intent, the rune would appear and activate its effect.

This was the most common method and while it was effective, it required careful pronunciation to avoid unintended consequences.

Misspelling could lead to death.

And then, there's drawing the Runes, which is the most versatile and complex method, drawing the rune allowed for the greatest control over its application.

By inscribing the rune on a surface or midair, the user could shape the effect it would have. This method allowes for the creation of lasting structures, protections, or bindings. It requires not only knowledge of the rune but also a steady hand and a deep understanding of its intricacies.

Drawing runes was often seen as a higher form of mysticism, one that requires patience and skill.

A mage can draw a rune, let's say on a paper, but can't activate it. This is called summoning from memory, which is different from Rune Drawing.

Rune Drawing is the art of drawing a rune and activating it. To most mages and people, Xinoraci Runes is like an ancient alphabet. But to Rune Drawers and Speakers, it's a power.

It's like saying the word 'heat' means nothing because it's just a word in ancient alphabet that just says heat. But to the Drawers and Speakers, 'heat' in an ancient alphabet can summon a rune that can provide heat on a small area of effect.

Vastarael was skilled in drawing. Rune Drawing requires total concentration and it takes seconds for it to activate. So, using it in battle is useless, even if it's powerful.

The versatility of the runes was almost limitless. They could be used for summoning objects or creatures, manipulating the elements, healing or augmenting physical capabilities by writing life-force runes or enhancement runes onto a person's body, or even changing the very fabric of reality, whether creating shields of force, enhancing strength and so on.

But then again, runes CANNOT be used actively in battle against opponents because it is a utility Tether, not a combat one.

Unless you have enough preparation to cast or draw runes on your body and weapon, you will die the second you try to use them actively during a fight.

Summoning runes requires a hundred percent concentration and if interrupted, it could cause your essence to rupture. Since you're using the power to alter reality, it's an incredibly delicate process.

In reality, they ignore all defense and offense while summoning runes, which is like standing still next to your opponent. The opponent wouldn't wait for you to finish your rune and you can't attack or defend in that situation.

This is why despite having an extremely powerful ability to alter reality using ancient words, they aren't great in battle unless they use it to augment their bodies, lay traps or use it on weapons.

That's why Vastarael uses runes as utility. If he wanted to trap an opponent, he could definitely use them but chances of doing so are extremely rare, except with giant Krepsunas.

He could summon any Xinoraci Rune. Heat,Cold, Healing, Barrier, Clean, any simple word, he could do it.

But when it came to sentences, only his father could do that.

One time during mage training, his father spoke a few runes words that he clearly understood. His father was a Rune Speaker.

"Let this office turn to gold."

And it did. That's how powerful Xinoraci Runes are. If he said just 'gold,' then gold would materialize. Then again, they differencate between alter reality and create from nothing.

Heat Runes can alter reality by making the air or an object hotter. Healing Runes can heal if drawn or summoned close to the being injured.

But words that need to be created from nothing for it to manifest? Only gods can do that. And even if it happened, it consumes a lot of energy.

Runes aren't all the same. Some require more energy to summon and others need lesser than usual. Elemental Runes are the easiest to summon.

Aspect Runes on the other hand, like Protection Runes, require a bit more energy to make it stable and lasting.

In short, Runes are the most powerful type of mystic or magic power any mage can have. And of course, they are extremely rare.

And now, Vastarael sees why they're extremely rare.

Because a human kingdom hunted all of them down like wind animals on a hunting sport in the past, the same past he's in.

Vastarael knelt down on the smooth sapphire floor of the igloo, the dim blue glow of the crystalline walls casting a serene light across the space. From his inventory, he pulled out a slab of meat, its freshness preserved perfectly.

Runner, seated cross-legged nearby, watched with wide, curious eyes as Vastarael waves his hand, causing the portal to vanish.

"Alright, Runner," Vastarael began with a smile, his golden eyes catching the faint blue light, "let's make this cozy. I think you'll like this."

He placed the meat aside and touched the smooth sapphire floor with his hand, summoning his essence. A shimmering orange glow emanated from his fingers as he began inscribing a Heat Rune directly onto the sapphire surface.

As he finished, the rune pulsed faintly, the sapphire beneath it growing warm and then hot, mimicking the heat of a campfire.

"There we go..."

He placed his hand over the glowing rune, feeling its controlled warmth radiating outward.

"Wow..." Runner whispered, inching closer, her small hands held out toward the radiant heat. "It feels like a real fire!"

"That's the magic of runes," Vastarael replied, winking at her. "But we're not done yet."

Next, he summoned his Sapphire Materialization ability. With a wave of his hand, thin rods of sapphire began to form in the air, their blue surfaces reflecting the glow of the Heat Rune.

He shaped them into skewers, perfectly smooth and sturdy, their tips slightly sharpened. With a small flourish, he set them in a neat pile beside the meat.

Runner clapped her hands in delight.

"That's so cool! You made sticks out of... crystal?"

"Sapphire," Vastarael corrected with a grin, handing her a skewer. "But yes. Now, let's get cooking. You hold this one."

She eagerly grabbed the sapphire rod as Vastarael slid a piece of meat onto his own. He skewered the meat with ease and held it over the glowing Heat Rune, its orange light illuminating his light bronze skin and the curly white strands of his hair. Runner mimicked him, her small hands steady as she carefully held her skewer just above the heat.

The aroma of roasting meat filled the air as the juices sizzled against the hot sapphire surface, adding a touch of warmth to the cold night outside. The sound was comforting, almost like the crackling of a real campfire, and it made Runner smile despite the long and arduous day.

"So, how do you know how to do all this?" She asked, turning her skewer slightly, her curious gaze fixed on Vastarael.

He chuckled softly, golden eyes flickering toward her.

"Let's just say I've had a lot of practice. And... it helps when you're prepared. You'd be surprised how often a little improvisation can save the day. I didn't know that using power like this could be so fun."

Runner nodded thoughtfully, focusing on her skewer again. "I think you're amazing, Master Vastarael. You can do so much."

"Don't give me too much credit. I just know a few tricks. And speaking of tricks, make sure you don't burn your meat. Rotate it slowly, like this."

He demonstrated, turning his skewer at just the right angle. Runner mimicked him again, surprised that the sapphire rod was not heating up.

"Like this?"


They sat together in companionable silence for a moment, the warmth of the rune and the delicious smell of cooking meat creating a sense of comfort and safety within the sapphire igloo.

The sound of the blizzard raging outside was a distant howl, muffled by the thick walls and the protective Barrier Runes Vastarael had drawn earlier.

As the meat finished cooking, Vastarael pulled his skewer back and inspected the perfectly roasted piece. The golden-brown surface glistened with juices, and he took a small bite, savoring the rich flavor.

Once again, he thanked Iona for reminding him about the spices and the salt when they went shopping. Who knew that they would be so handy? At least the millions he wasted on the food didn't go to waste.

Runner followed his lead, taking a cautious nibble before her eyes lit up.

"This is so good!"

Vastarael laughed softly, leaning back against the igloo wall.

"I'm glad you like it. There's plenty more where that came from. If you still want more, I have a lot of meat."

For a moment, the harshness of their journey faded away. Inside the glowing sapphire igloo, surrounded by warmth and laughter, Vastarael felt a rare sense of peace.

[You're going to draw a lot of runes for Runner, right?]

'Yes,' he replied mentally to Phaenora without hesitation. 'I'll place tons of Healing, Protection and Barrier Runes on her. This feels like the part in a novel where the child dies due to character development. I'm not risking it at all.'

[I'm starting to wonder which world you come from. Your analogies are way too weird.]

'And they've always helped me.'