
My flustered life

Hi me a normal guy. You can call me Nuts. I know it's an unusual name but why would my father name me that ahhh!

When I was born he used to love nuts and this is why my name is 'NUTS' but in College I have changed my name '________'.Just forget about it.

My day starts with um...

** After a Decade. **

Oh! Sorry I forgot what my day starts with because it is nothing special :⁠'⁠( . Walking through streets in middle of city there is Union High Polytechnic College (UHPC)

I recently joined this college.but, I am not interested in studying anyways

The first day of my college entrance. A big celebration was kept. And while walking towards college on my first day.

A dog followed me. Ah, actually it chased me until I fall into a garbage dumping site. Yes, I know you would be thinking how much my life s**** but it was like that from always

I used to hurt myself showing stunts and while playing.

Oh! sorry why am I telling my past those things happened in past anyways .

After the entrance ceremony we went to see our classes. I was in '1-4' class around 30 students each class. Yeah I am a first year.

As a main character of my life. My seat was at the window and next to me a shy but a cutie was sitting and I was afraid of my smell because I fall into garbage dumping area and sitting next to a girl. My first impression ugh!!!

And this is where my story begins with the person sitting ... at the another corner of the class! I know everyone thought the person sitting next to me will be my partner.

Not so fast cause. I don't know her. She is a girl having low life. Always sitting alone. Now you are thinking I don't know her but I know about her it is confusing just like my life ahhhhhh!

I made friends with 2 boys who were friends with each other.

We introduced each other, the one with curly hair and a average height, good in playing mobile games but not in studies his name is 'TOYSI'. As his name he is always toying with things which are serious

And the other one with brown hairs covering his eyes and a huge broad shouldered silent monster you will soon notice what this description was telling you about, his name is 'MACBER'. Yes

it sounds like Macabre ( A person concerned with death or injury). Yeah

Macber is a person who is scared of getting injured and Toysi always stands by his side

The classroom teacher of 1-4 enters the class.

'Good morning students of class 1-4 have a sit from now onwards I am going to be your classroom teacher. My name is HUNKY CLARE. Have a sit everybody' the teacher spoke.

Nuts was thinking 'A strict and a heavy tone, having a dazzling white boots.....

.....blah blah blah'. It's nothing important his teacher is fatty and have bread crumps on his face only this was needed why does he have to even think about this teacher.

He is not even a part of this story!!

Meanwhile teacher ' I never thought they would think about me like this '

*sobs *sobs

He asked everyone to introduce each other . One by one everybody told their names.

And here comes the turn of our boy. He introduced himself as 'ACIDY'. Everyone thought 'He had a unique name'

Author '*coughs* , but not to mention

'Toysi','Macber' and 'Coyra' because I didn't thought any good name'

You would be thinking who is this 'Coyra' person. Yet, he (Nuts) did not

tell us about this person and this person has not entered our boys life.

But, from guessing by name it must be a girl and the word 'Coy' means a person pretending to be shy. Is it the girl sitting next him.

The class begins.

As there were almost half of the students new in this college. Teacher appointed a good looking student to escort the new students to show the school

Nuts with satisfaction " I am also in this escort and in this college they have clubs". Nuts gives a creepy smile,Yes it is because " They have swimming pool! Holy I am going nuts ".

"I can't hold anymore to" and as we know his life sucks and he was also smelly he trips.....


Yeah! He fell in the pool and those kids won't stop laughing at him. It is not because he fell due to mistake but he was startled by the person's appearance she was our boy's first crush from middle school

He did not wanted her to see him . And who jumps in a pool and you don't know Nuts can't swim.

Meanwhile Nuts screaming "Help,help I forgot to swim". The girl jumps in *splash*

Nuts gave it a thought when he came out "Wait a boy saving a girl is okay, a boy saving a boy is okay atleast it feels romantic but I am saved by my crush who is a girl."

Yes, a stunning view in her eye. Her, wearing a swimming suit which is tight and her figure was perfect S. "Ahh! You don't know S when a girl is standing facing towards you look at her right. If her b*** are D cup you can notice a S".

Nuts slip away changes his clothes in changing room. "Today is my unlucky day I think I should go home for today and I will thank her later"

Oh! Sorry the girls name is 'MYRA'.

The day passes with the bad luck of our boy. He gets home and his brother waiting for him.

"Ohayo!! Brother how was your first day at school " and Nuts pissed off "Ahh! Why? Do you want to hear that I was chased by a dog and fell into a garbage dumping site and also in pool" his brother gives a smile " Oh! Really but I said ohayo and you love that word so much you ohayo-freak"