Frontal Assault 3

Damon smiled in a strange manner as he charged forward up the hill. He had picked up one of the sabers wielded by the slain soldiers, now gripping a weapon in each hand.

Above the lower incline of the hillock, at the peak of the small rise, twenty British soldiers held their ground in a tight formation, rifles braced against their shoulders as they fired in disciplined succession.

Each shot cracked through the battlefield like the snapping of a whip, followed swiftly by the hiss of powder smoke rising into the air. The soldiers worked in unison, reloading and firing with the precision of a well-oiled machine while the five logistics staff assigned to their squad were being overworked, collecting used rifles and granting new ones while reloading the old ones.

The redcoats closest to the rear crouched behind crude fortifications, mostly sandbags and hastily stacked crates, their expressions stern beneath the shadow of their helmets.