P.3: All or nothing

- On the count of 3 we try again, same procedure, you push, I lift. - Dwayne was preparing to lift one of the beams, while Brie was ready to push the other one. - 1... 2.. 3.- As Dwayne lifted the metal beam, it felt lighter than normal.

- So you survived too?

Dwayne turned to his right side to see who it was, although the voice was more than familiar.

- Origin?

Origin was helping him free the girl, holding the beam so he could pull her out.

- I see you're surprised too, come on get the girl out, I'll help you with this. - Finally thanks to his help Dwayne managed to grab Brie's hand and pull her out of the rubble with all his strength. The girl had some wounds in her abdomen and legs being the right one the most affected, she had a sprained ankle and a pretty deep cut in her thigh.

- Are you hurt? - asked Dwayne as he watched her struggle to stand for a long time.

- A little, but it's nothing..." Quickly the girl's gaze was fixed on the source, she was quite surprised to see her current appearance. - I'll be honest, I think the purple makes you look younger.

- You have to get her out of here Dwayne, she won't be able to get far if they stay - the source turned to look behind him, observing how the container a few meters away from them kept moving. It was obvious who it was, and he knew it. - So there it is...

- A si el Paladin... he's all yours buddy. Come on Brie... let me help you. - Dwayne carried the girl in his arms before bidding him farewell to let him settle his unfinished business.

- Do you think he can really do it? I mean the Paladin has technology on his side, he just... he just has his fists..." the girl remained holding onto Dwayne's neck as she looked back.

- Be that as it may, we need to get back to the bridge. We have no other direct way out than that, we must take advantage of this opportunity. I know you understand.

- I know, I just still have a hard time wrapping my head around it, you know? I don't understand how he ended up like this....

- Whatever it was, one thing is for sure Brie... Orphan is gone, neither is the Paladin, and I don't intend to stay to find out either... When they were on their way back they met the scientist and the Raider, who were still in the same place where the origin had left them. The raider saw them and shouted at them, as he got up from the floor to greet them.

- Shit, it's you guys! Shit I didn't think you were still alive.

- Same here. - Brie responded listlessly as she looked sideways at the scientist.

- I thought you wouldn't get caught in the blast. - Dwayne said a little more animated.

- What happened to Anton, Lewis? - asked the girl as she saw that he was unconscious next to him.

Dwayne looked at Anton with some concern. - Is he all right?

- If he's just unconscious, he still hasn't recovered from the blow the Paladin gave him, hey wait what about Origin? He said he would be back in a moment. - At that moment Anton turned to look towards the helipad bay, observing how Origin was approaching a container that kept moving aggressively.

- Ah him... - Dwayne looked back for a moment, then turned his attention back to Lewis. - Never mind, we have to go now. The bridge is clear so it shouldn't be a problem. - Dwayne put Brie down for a moment. - Hold on to Lewis, there should be some adrenaline around here. - Dwayne headed towards the supply stores that were scattered a few yards from where they were, finding one that still remained sealed. With the help of a metal rod he would open the supply, finding bandages, suppressants and some epinephrine.

Dwayne grabbed the box and quickly returned to the others, settling it on the floor as he pulled out everything he had found inside.

- Quickly grab whatever is needed.

- Wow Dwayne, despite everything you always end up surprising me even though it's rarely for the best. - Brie grabbed a couple of bandages and a shot of epinephrine, bandaging the wound on her thigh and injecting the adrenaline load; Lewis bandaged his own while he injected a dose and Dwayne preferred to keep a couple just in case, plus a flare gun and the food. Thanks to the adrenaline shock both Lewis and Brie managed to stay stable, the girl took the scientist in her arms, still unconscious. - I'll go first. You guys just try to keep up with me.

- Are you sure you don't want me to help you carry him? You may not feel pain anymore but the wound is still there Brie.

- You worry too much Dwayne, it's just a small cut I'll take care of it when we get out of here. Now just focus on moving fast, we don't know if the origin can keep you busy any longer. - Brie took off running while Dwayne and Lewis were right behind her. They went through the hole in the wall where they had entered through the long corridor to the elevator.

While the group was trying to access the bridge room, the origin headed to face the Paladin, flying over the rubble until he reached the container where he hoped to find him. The origin with a frown was staring at him as he staggered from the blows he received inside, leaving a bulge as a result of the wear and tear caused by the impact. The clock pointed to 5:30 in the morning, after a couple of minutes the container finally gave way and the piece of metal shot out leaving a huge hole in its place. The source took a deep breath closing his eyes for a few moments, the flames around his hands and head flared up intensifying even more, acquiring a deep amethyst color, releasing a long sigh as he opened his empty eyes imbued with a brilliant sky blue, watching the Paladin exit the container with an eerie temperance.

- You don't know how much I've longed for this moment to come...- He expressed to the Paladin with rancor in his words disguised with a relaxed attitude, at the same time clenching his fists without fear of exceeding his strength or revealing his intentions.

- So that's what this is all about... Let me guess... They promised you freedom in exchange for your help with their absurd game with airs of rebellion? I have to admit that I recognized you had the makings of a conqueror... but I didn't think your mind was so weak as to let your desperation make you stoop so low. - Despite the fact that the helmet covered his face, the origin could feel that critical look staring at him together with his cold and arrogant countenance. His words were the last drops he needed to spill the glass, he had had the nerve to dare to trample on the only thing he still kept intact, his own pride.

- Damn him! - Origin had reached his limit, it was as if he had spat in his face. His fists were shaking along with his lips, the flares present; both in his head and hands, stood fervently waving aggressively, increasing his body temperature by 20%. Her words came out with the force of a scream charged with pain and helplessness, not hesitating for a second to lunge at him and strike the first blow.

The paladin reacted instinctively by closing his right hand tightly, a medium shield protruded from his fist blocking the blow and receiving the impact directly. He had activated a mechanism that was part of the armor, compensating for his limited mobility by using his own technology to his advantage, taking Origin by surprise. The Paladin then tried to bring his free hand to the side of his waist, trying to grab the small device that was dangling. Origin realized what he was trying to do, forcing him to respond by counterattacking with his other arm, hitting him in the right side, taking him unawares with no chance to block it, receiving the blow in the ribs, sending him away due to the force of the impact. The paladin placed both hands on the surface of the ground using them as brakes to prevent him from slamming into the rubble, damaging the surface of the armor in the process.