Learning magic is a lot of fun... especially when it's more practical than theoretical.
For the last three days, all I've done is stay in my dorm room, develop cards and some features for the Runestone update in the morning, watch the game grow every day and spend the rest of the afternoon studying magic and Game Creating.
Although magic was much more fun than studying Game Creating, since in magic I practiced while I studied, I still remembered how nice it was to reduce the cost of making a Runestone card from 15 MP to 13 MP, so I didn't give up on that either.
During those three days, I made great progress in my use of magic.
Of the four spells I learned, I was already able to use 3 of them without needing help from the system.
Sure, the quality of the spells made with my magic alone was still crap, especially as learning them without a clear explanation proved to be more complicated than I had imagined.
Without a real explanation of the spells and how the spell structure worked, I was still confused about what I was doing wrong and why what I was doing was wrong.
The only spell I still haven't learned to do without the help of the System was [Web of Containment], since it wasn't a Darkness spell.
As I was practicing three spells of the same element, practicing one spell indirectly contributed to practicing the other two, an advantage that [Web of Containment] couldn't take advantage of.
Too bad the Darkness element's spells were almost completely focused on attack or illusion, with the defensive or control spells of this element of Rank E or below being much weaker than those of the other elements.
But going out into the street with the [Dark Camouflage] spell active and no one noticing me was very interesting.
The sensation of having my body covered in shadows was a little suffocating the first time I tried it, but I gradually got used to it and liked the chill the shadows created.
My illusions created with [Shadow Illusion] lacked the liveliness that System illusions had.
For comparison, it was as if my illusions were portrayed on an old television that played videos in 480p 20 FPS while the illusions made using the System came in 4k 240 FPS.
The illusions made with the help of the System were so real that it would be impossible to discern them from reality without the use of some kind of supernatural ability, but the cost was just as high.
And the difference in my level of use of [Ghost Blade] with the System is also as great as the difference in [Shadow Illusion].
My blade was as small as the tip of a scalpel thrown by my hands, while the blade made with the System was as powerful as a dagger thrown by a professional.
But even if the spells I made weren't anywhere near the quality of the System's, I was still satisfied with them.
'That's a lot of growth for just three days of practice, with enough time I'll be able to practice these skills to the perfection that System shows, a level that perhaps no other person of my rank can show.' I thought determinedly.
Another big development in the last few days has been Runestone.
Now that the college rank is over, the college has helped me submit my game to the official gaming site of my state's Federation.
Unlike the other world where any game could be posted worldwide at any time, in this world where games and Players represented the strength of the country, these games were extremely regulated and supervised.
Since Players had to send their consciousness to the game made by a Game Creator when they played it, as well as using Mana to absorb part of the influence that the Game Creator decided the game would have, this made the influence of games on Players very great, giving Game Creators the power to influence a group of people who were extremely important for national security.
If a Game Creator's spy game was released to Players with some kind of functionality that would cause them harm, it would be a disaster for the country, and regulations would have to be put in place to control this.
So for a Game Creator to create games, they had to enroll in a Game Creator college, like the NFA I studied at, so that after a 5-year review while the Game Creators were studying, a profile would be drawn up on the students and sent to the Federation as a security measure.
Our evaluation exam received some attention because the Players who tested our games lived in our state and were trying out the games that would soon be on the official market.
It was like readers from my old world who liked to read new stories. They knew there were great stories they could read, but the curiosity for something new and to see what would come in the future was great for some.
Sure, the number of players interested in trying out this type of game was very low compared to the total number of players, which is why so few people played Runestone even though the game showed so much innovation.
But now that the game would be available on the official gaming website of my state's Federation, the game would be in a much bigger showcase, no longer just a test game made by inexperienced Game Creators, but a product approved by a university and voted the best game of this generation of FNA graduates.
The prestige that being the college's best game gave would make the game known to Players around the state who are used to only playing the best games, making an impression on them and increasing the likelihood that they would decide to try out the game.
My game was developed in just one month, something that could hardly compare with a game that had been online for years receiving small updates constantly or the games they had access to from the Guilds they participated in.
Why should they trade a game they already know is good for a game made by a kid who is still learning to be a Game Creator?
With the prestige of being the best game at the NFA this year, this might arouse the curiosity of some Players to try out my game.
If Runestone were a normal game, it's likely that in a few months I'd get 10,000 total Players, maybe even reaching 15 or 20,000 total Players by the end of the year, but I was confident that Runestone would be different from normal games.
With the systems I've developed, especially the invite system, I'm sure the game will grow very quickly!
This differentiated growth was already showing with the constant number of new Players downloading my game, even though it was still only available on the college's games website.
| Game Status: Runestone
| Total Players: 4,966 -> 6,704
| Online Players: 4,389
| Average Players Online (24 hours): 2.308 -> 4.572
| Game Rank: Rank F
| Mana per Hour (Players): 1 unit
| Average Session Time: 5 hours
| Mana Stored in Game Core: 250 units
| Mana Yield (24 hours): 274 units
| Conversion Rate: 80% (New players who become regulars)
| Available Cards: 104 (Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary)
| Cards Used per Match (Average): 17
The data that the game screen showed made a smile break out on my face every time I looked at it.
The average number of players online had almost doubled since last Sunday, and the game's total players were rising steadily, even if this growth had slowed down a little.
If it weren't for the invitation system I developed for the game, it's likely that I'd be struggling to get more than 300 new Players a day, since the amount of Players looking at the college game rankings was limited.
Fortunately I was bringing in Players from other big games on the Federation website and this was keeping the game growing steadily.
The growth in Players in the game also increased the amount of daily Mana the game generated.
I was now able to increase my total Mana Pool by 2 MP per day and still have MP left over in the Game Core.
This MP was accumulating in the game, with me controlling myself not to use it up too soon and make new cards, but thinking about how much this stored MP helped me the last time I had an emergency I decided to just keep it there.
The money I received from the game also skyrocketed, passing $600 in daily income.
Even if the game remained at its current number of players, I would still receive a monthly salary of $18,000!
A figure I never dared dream of receiving every month in either world!
With this money I was receiving, and knowing that this money would only increase with the more Players there were in the game, I could even consider developing a version of Runestone for computers, a version that normal people could play too!
Just as my mind was getting ready to ramble on about this and think about the possibilities it would give me, a knock came from my door.
Knock Knock
Curious, I went to the door and found Professor Pine looking at me as if he were looking at a precious diamond.
"Hello Professor, would you like to come in?"
Smiling at me, the professor just shook his head and said. "As much as I'd like to have a good chat with you to understand what's going on in your creative head, I'm here at the principal's request. The assessment results are out."
Hearing that, I was surprised.
'Finally the results are ready, maybe I can move in tomorrow!'
Nodding my head, I quickly left the dormitory and began to follow Professor Pine.
"Although I can't talk to you in private, I still want to take this opportunity to ask you a few questions about your game if you don't mind, Brooks." The professor asked me curiously.
Nodding my head, I had no problem with that.
"Brooks, can you explain how you managed to integrate the..."
He took the opportunity all along the way to ask me questions, all of which I answered enthusiastically, but which apparently weren't enough when we arrived at the principal's office based on the look of disappointment on the teacher's face.
"Principal Prescott, I'm here with Theo Brooks..." He said after knocking on the office door.
Looking at that door and knowing that these would probably be my last moments as a college student, I was a little nervous and excited about what would be decided next.
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