August 12th 1870
York England Saint Trinity's Church. Persephone is sat at the front of the church just looking at her nails, while Amon is just stripping a nun of all her clothes with a nice sharp knife, he has her tied down to the altar at the front of the church, she is praying to God with tears running down her face.
"Where is father Thomas?" Amon asked her. "I do not know demon." She cries out, this just makes Amon smile.
He takes the knife and begins to carefully circle her nipple on her left breast, hardening it to burning point, before widening the area of the areola, once, twice before cutting it out completely. The nun screamed in pure pain, then Amon repeated the same thing with the other nipple on the other breast.
About an hour had passed and the nun was beaten and broken and pinned to the altar with metal spikes through her arms and legs, her breasts had been removed, but she was still alive, she just kept praying.
Persephone was still sat in the front row now reading the Bible.
"My love how much of this book is true?" She asked Amon. Amon was just licking the blood off the nun and looked up.
"Well there is no mention of Lilith, they make Lucifer out to be a man, no mention of God's name and Michael doesn't get mentioned for a long time. Most of it's true, so I've been told but a lot of it is made up, just like all religions. Most is fact but also made up and most religions make women out to be inferior which they are not. They're man's equal, because without each other the world would die, can't have one without the other." Amon says to her.
Persephone looks at him and just smiles at his answer.
"I loved coming to church when I was human, but hate being here now, it's like I'm disrespecting my Goddess." As she says this a priest walks in.
"What have you done?" He asked in shock and horror.
"Ah father Thomas I believe." The priest pulls out his cross and Amon walks towards him. The priest shoves the cross into Amon's face, Amon just looks at him.
"What was you expecting to happen with this piece of wood." Amon says as he changes into his vampire face, this scares the priest.
"You are a demon and this is a holy relic, it is meant to harm you." The priest says. This makes Persephone laugh.
"If that was the case then nearly everything on this planet would harm us, because a one time or another people worshiped everything and vampires have been around since before religion began, so they don't work on us sorry." Persephone says while smiling. Amon puts his arm around the priest.
"We are not going to kill you my friend, but you are an offering to the Vampire who runs the lands of Yorkshire." With that said Amon knocks him our.
"Why must we do this Ben?" Persephone asked board.
"Because Prince Leon now that Godfrey is dead is the most powerful living vampire on the planet, it would be wise not to anger him." Amon says, then flings the priest over his shoulder and begins to walk out to the carriage which is waiting for them outside.
Once inside the carriage Persephone asked
"What is this Leon's story?" Amon looks at her to think how does she not know anything, as she's about 20 something years younger than him, it's like she just had no interest in learning about there history.
"Ok there are three types of covens all split into 3 groups. The warriors, the knowledge keepers and the power brokers, the council got formed not long before Judas was made. Leon is a power broker, he was the first male vampire made by Lilith and for some strange reason that no one has ever been able to tell me is that Leon doesn't look human anymore." Amon says to her.
As Amon has only met the man twice and one was when he was a fledgling and once during his nomad years. The carriage comes to a stop, and they climb out, Amon puts the priest back over his shoulder. They head down to the dock and enter through a sewer access.
"Ewe he lives in a sewer, that's disgusting." Persephone says, which makes Amon laugh.
"Thought you might like the change of scenery." Amon says while laughing. She slaps his chest.
"When you say not human, what do you mean?" Persephone asked him. Amon just smiles at her not wanting to ruin the surprise.
As they get further into the sewer they are met by two vampire guards dressed as British guards.
"What is your purpose here." One of the guards asked.
"I am Lord Amon and this is my mate Lady Persephone, we have come with an offering to your master." He then shows them the priest. The second guard just sticks out his hand for Amon to shake which he does.
"Wow Lord Amon it's an honour to meet you, the master has been expecting you, right this way."
This shocks Amon as no one knows that he and Persephone are even in Yorkshire. Amon can tell that something is wrong and contacts Aurora through their physic link.
"Aurora can you hear me?" He asked her.
"Of course I can hear you, your in my head." She replies to him with sarcasm.
"Oh so that's why its empty." He says back to her.
"What do you want?" She asked.
"Can you contact your mother?" He asked, there is silence for a few moments, they begin following the guards through the sewer until they come to some big iron gates.
"No I can't, she must be being blocked or in a sacred place or deep underground surrounded by lead." She says to him.
"I'm currently in a sewer trying to get information on her and Alex's were abouts." Moments pass and the gates get opened by the guard inside.
"They are where you are." She says to him.
"Ok stand by for a blind spot and portal sunshine." He tells her. Through the mated bond Persephone can hear the whole conversation between Amon and Aurora.
Also explains why he used to look like he was having a shit, she honestly can't wait to tell him that he looks like he needs a shit when he's concentrating on the conversation with Aurora. She just smiles at herself until her eyes fix on the thing sat on a throne surrounded by a pool of blood which is Prince Leon, a tall muscular man with a bold head and in full Vampire face, red eyes, pointed ears and a bat nose. His finger nails where long and pointed, he was wearing a full black suit with a cloak.
"Ahh the legendary Amon, what an honour it is to see you again." He says with a thick demonic voice. Amon bows his head.
"And you to Prince Leon, we brought you a gift, I heard you like the taste of holy men." Amon says and drops the still knocked out priest on the floor. Leon looks down at the priest.
"I know you haven't come all this way just to offer me father Thomas of all priest." Amon is shocked that he knows who the priest is.
"I've come for information, I'm looking for Lady Katherine and our daughter. York was there last known location, so I thought I'd come and ask you personally if you have seen them, if you haven't, we'll be on our way, if you have, I'd very much like the information please." Amon says with a none threatening manner.
"Oh that information comes with a price." Leon says with a smile.
"Name it, if it's within my power I'll do it." This makes Leon laugh.
"Power, well I do love power, but you have none Amon and I think I'll keep it that way. You may go, but your mate stays, she's a pretty one just like Katrina and Alexandra, with my favorite Childe running off with her stallion Childe I've got no beauty down here anymore." This makes Amon mad, but he just stays calm and so does Persephone.
"You couldn't handle what I've got handsome." Persephone says with a smile.
He claps his hands and from the gate they came through are about 40 guards and then the gate at the far end opens and out walks a giant muscled man with his hands wrapped around Katherine and Alexandra's arms in an iron grip. They look badly beaten, cuts and bruises all over there body's, there dresses are ripped and Katherine's left breast is showing.
But they both have smiles on their faces like they've been having a good time.
"Benny boy, so glad you could make it to the party, this big dumb fuck couldn't torture someone if his life depended on it." Katherine says with a smile.
"I'm glad you're having a good time, Persephone might be stopping for a while as well, so you'll have more company." Amon says while laughing.
"I can't bloody wait, I'm very excited to see what you guys can offer me." Persephone says with a smile.
"I don't think you four understand what is happening right now." Leon says looking rather confused at the four vampires who didn't seem to have a care in the world.
"No you don't understand Leon none of us are staying we are all leaving right now." Amon says then there is a bright flash which makes everyone go blind, when Leon can see again, he noticed that Amon, Persephone, Katherine and Alexandra are not there. This rages Leon as he wanted to find out the location of his brother Silas, and he believes that someone in Amon's family knows where he is.
When the flash dies down Amon, Persephone, Katherine and Alexandra are standing in Katherine's bedroom in Persephone's home in Monaco, Katherine and Alexandra collapse on the bed in pain and exhaustion. Antony and Celeste come through the door carrying a body each and give them to Katherine and Alexandra.
They waste little time and bite into the humans necks and begin draining them dry, there cuts and bruises begin to heal slowly.
"I finally get to see your tits again Trina." Antony says while laughing, Katherine's yellow demonic eyes look at him, and she gives him the finger, this makes everyone laugh.
"Why was they torturing you Kat?" Persephone asked as she stroked Alexandra's hair while she fed.
Katherine drops the now dead body with blood all over her mouth and chin.
"Leon wanted to know where Silas was, I told him that we didn't know and that I wouldn't know him if I fell over him." She says then looks at Amon who has his head down. She pulls the dead bodies head off and throws it at Amon who catches it. When he looks up he sees rage in her eyes.
"What was that for?" He says, but she's already thrown herself at him, and they fall to the floor, she's punching and scratching at him.
"You fucking arsehole, you know where he is, and you never told me. We got tortured and raped for no reason. You fucking cunt." She screams at him while punching his face she goes to punch him again, but he catches her hand, pulls her down and headbutts her square in the nose. Katherine falls off him.
"Maybe it's punishment for all the nasty little things that you've done fat ass." Amon laughs out, then stands up, he's sporting cuts on his face and a black eye.
Katherine screams and dives for him again, he's ready for her this time and goes to grab her, but she stops and boots him in the balls. He looks at her wide-eyed and drops to the floor and curls up into the fetal position. Antony winces and cups himself. Katherine turns to Persephone in full Vampire face and grabs her by the throat and lifts her up, then pins her to the wall.
"If he knows something then so do you Dorothy!" She shouts at her.
"Get off me Kat, I don't know anything, I'm mad at him as well, my daughter went through the same thing as you." Persephone says with tears in her eyes.
"I kept the information as I didn't want anyone getting hurt." Amon says as he rested on his knees still cupping himself. Katherine puts Persephone down and begins laughing.
"Fat lot of good that did, you dumb prick. If I had known anything, I never would've gone to Yorkshire. I would have avoided Leon like the plague. So where is Silas you dumb cunt?" She shouted at him.
Antony and Celeste decided to leave as this felt like a family matter. Antony pops his head back in.
"Nice tits by the way Trina." He says with a smile then Celeste grabs him and drags him out.
"This is all on you Katrina, your need to be the best, ever since you almost died by Cole. You chase Hunters all over the world and this one almost got you killed. To make matters worse you put my daughter in danger. Killing my nephew Joseph in America wasn't enough now you go after my daughter." He says to her with a sick smirk on his face, all three women stare at him.
"What do you mean nephew?" Persephone states, because he can't surely know of her son Eli.
"The Hunter that I raped, went to Cole for help and they had a child together. They're called Dhampir's, half human and half vampire." Amon states and begins to stand. Katherine punches him to the face and drops him back to the floor.
"I'd kill the fucker again if I could, I'll kill his wife Kelly and there second child after I killed there first." She says with a smile.
"You knew he was my blood, Coles blood, and you never said, guess we can't trust each other anymore." He says and begins to stand again, a little shaky on his legs.
"I knew, as he smelt like you and Cole, but I didn't care, he was a Hunter and I fucking hate Hunters!" She shouts at him.
"This just comes back to Felix doesn't it. I love you Kat I really do, but come after one of my family again, and we are through." He says to her then walks out leaving his girls behind.
Hours later Amon is sat in the study with Persephone arguing.
"How long have you known that Cole had an actual child?" She says with tears in her eyes and begins rubbing her flat stomach.
"I've known for a few years, Layla told me after the manure box prank, she was at Godfrey's castle gathering scrolls and diary's for Leon." He tells her, this makes her scowl as she isn't a fan of Layla.
"I hate that vampires can't have children, it's the one thing that I've always wanted with you my love. Wolves, demons and magical can have children but not us. Why is this?" She asked with tears in her eyes.
Amon just looks at her, how his demon craves this woman he'll never know as she can make any situation all about her. Not the fact that him and Katherine have just had there first real fight in over two hundred years.
"It's because we'd repopulate the earth if we could have children, but we take our time to pick our Childe." Katherine says from the doorway.
"Come to beat on me some more Kat?" Amon asked.
"Actually I came to apologise about before, I know that you have a good reason for not telling me about Silas. It was the first time since Cole beat me that I've felt helpless, and I lashed out and for that I'm sorry." Katherine says with tears in her eyes, Persephone begins laughing.
"You just realised that Ben let you beat him up didn't you." Persephone says.
"No I beat him up, don't take that from me Dorothy." Katherine says then looks at Amon who is smirking and still got a black eye and is covered in cut's and bruises.
"You beat me Kat, now come give me a hug." He says smiling at her, she runs and jumps into his arms, he groans as his balls still hurt.
"You better not of broken it, because I will fucking destroy this earth!" Persephone screams at her. Katherine kisses her lips, then drops to her knees and begins to work Amons pants and frees his manhood.
"Do you want me to make sure that he's working fine? This is a better apology." Katherine says with a smile and begins licking and slurping all over Amon's dick, then begins sucking him off while Amon and Persephone begin a passionate make out session.
December 21st 1871
Edinburgh Scotland. Amon is in a basement torturing a young man who thought it was acceptable to look at his daughter. Since Alexandra and Katherine got tortured last year, Amon has been very protective over Alexandra and that means killing and torturing anyone who wants to take her away from him, like the young gentleman who is currently chained up by his arms, his feet barely touching the floor, he's completely naked, his back was covered in blood from where Amon had whipped him for hours, his fingers had been cut off slowly and so had his toes, then Amon used a hot poker to cauterize the wounds so not to bleed out.
Amon is currently sat in a chair drinking a glass of rum, contemplating what to do next all the while asking the man why he was here.
"Come on Derek, why are you here? You must know by now, we've been here for a good few hours, and you are still going strong." Amon asked the man.
"I don't know sir I just want to go home my wife and child." And as if on cue a severed head comes down the stairs of a woman her head lands face up at Derek's feet, he looks down at the face and begins to sob.
"My poor Stacey, why are you doing this, I haven't done anything wrong." He screams out and this just makes Amon laugh, then the door to the basement opens and the sounds of a baby crying can be heard then a woman begins to descend the steps and Derek instantly recognizes her.
He was out for a walk a few days ago, needed to clear his head as his wife was constantly nagging him and the fucking baby wouldn't stop crying and money was in short supply. So he went for a walk which lead him for a drink and there he so the beautiful brunette who came to sit down with him and wanted him to come home with him, he fucked her in a back alley way, he'd never felt so alive, but then everything went black, and he woke up here, with this mad man doing unspeakable things to him, tears in his eyes he says with a sob,
"Please don't hurt my son he's just a baby." This makes Amon laugh again,
"Oh dearest Derek we are not going to hurt this poor baby. You are." Amon says with a smile, which makes Alexandra smile as well.
"I'd never hurt my son." He screams out.
"Is that so, well here is the deal, I'll cut you loose, and you are free to go, but you have to kill your son first. The pain can be over, and I can give you money, so you don't have to worry about it ever again and all you have to do is kill your son." Amon says, Derek can't stand any more pain so looks at the man.
"I'll do it." He says with tears in his eyes. Amon walks over and undoes the chains, Derek drops to the floor, Alexandra puts the screaming baby next to him on the floor.
Amon chuck's him a small dagger. Derek picks up the dagger and contemplates using it to kill the two monsters and escaping with his son, but he is too weak so with a scream he brings the dagger down straight through the babies heart. The baby is dead instantly. This makes Alexandra laugh and clap her hands together with glee. Amon pats Derek on the back and picks him up and puts him back into the chains.
"What are you doing? You said you'd let me go if I killed my son." He says while crying and vomiting, Amon just smiles at him.
"I did, but that is not your son." He opens up the blanket to reveal a naked baby girl. This makes Derek scream
"Where's my son you sick bastard?" Amon looks at him.
"I'm the sick bastard, you've just killed a helpless little baby girl, I think you're the sick bastard, your son is safe upstairs, we are leaving now and won't be back until tomorrow evening, if you escape and take your son before then, then you are free to leave, and you'll never hear from us again, but if you are still here when I get back, I'm going to start dismembering your son in front of you then I'm going to torture you some more, the choice is really up to you, flee and live, stay and die, you've got 3 hours before sunrise, you really don't want to take your son out in the sun, it's a very hot day, and it's two miles to the nearest town, son could die from the sun before you get there, this cloak and these sandels are for you if you decide to leave." With that said Amon and Alexandra walked up the stairs and left.
Nearly three hours later Derek is walking down the road just as the sun is coming up with his screaming son in his arms, he starts to smell burning as the sun hits him and his child, the baby screams as if in pain then he looks down at his son who has demonic features and fangs, the child burst into flames and the cloak which Derek is wearing goes up in flames as well so quickly. As Amon had covered it in oil.
"Told you that we would see a beautiful show this morning Alex." Amon says to her.
"Oh father you always take me to the best shows." She laughed out loud. He kisses her forehead.
"Nothing but the best for my dove." He says to her, with such affection.
June 16th 1873
Asmall estate master bedroom. "AHH BEN! YES! JUST LIKE THAT!" Persephone screams out as.
Persephone is bent over her vanity table and Amon is currently up her ass, something that she has grown to enjoy over the years. He keeps pounding into her arsehole then pulls out and shoves it in her pussy then pounds into that, over and over, it's driving Persephone mental, he's been doing this for over an hour and just when she is about to come, he pulls out and sticks it in a different hole, she really wants to come.
"Ahh yes baby just like that, pound my arsehole, ahh yes I so want to come, make me come baby, AHH YES BEN! I'M SO CLOSE! Don't stop fucking me!" She screams out.
Then he stops pulls out and rolls her onto her back and puts her legs on his right shoulder and enters her pussy and begins slipping into her so slowly and then starts to pick up pace, and before she realised it Amon is plowing into her at full speed and power, she moans and screams loudly with each thrust, she feels like he's in her stomach he's so deep.
Without warning both orgasm at the same time and Persephone's whole body begins to convulse uncontrollably and wave after wave of liquid sprays out of her so much that her pussy pushes Amon's cock out who is also still coming and sprays it all over her face and into her hair.
Then they both collapse, Amon on the floor and Persephone sprayed out on her vanity unit, with semen dripping out of her pussy and down her gaping arsehole and semen dripping down her face like she's just been under a waterfall. She finally comes to and begins to taste the salty liquid on her lips.
"Wow this taste very nice," she turns and looks in the mirror and the shear horror that awaits her, some of Amon's semen is in her beautiful hair, and it's dried like a crust she screams, this wakes Amon up and jumps to his feet.
"What is wrong my love?" He asked her.
"My hair is what is wrong, your liquid sprayed onto my beautiful hair, and it's dried like a crust." She yells at him. Amon just looks at her in disbelief and says.
"All of it on your face and chin and breast are not a problem but in your hair is?" This just makes Amon laugh, she just glares at him.
Then uses her fingers to wipe her chin and brings the liquid to her mouth and swallows it. She begins to moan.
"Why did no one tell me that it tastes like that, I'd of had you finishing on my face and in my mouth years ago, it's truly nectar of the God's Ben, I need a bath, and you are more than welcome to join me."
Just then the door burst open and in runs Katherine, completely naked with a bottle of Lucas' vodka in hand. She slams the door shut behind her.
"Hi guys how are you doing? What's all that on your face?" She asked and walk over and whips some off her nose and taste it.
"Oh my word, what is this and do you have anymore, that taste amazing."
She then starts to lick it off Persephone's neck, which makes Persephone starts giggling.
"Kat stop it's Amon's semen, but I have to agree it does taste amazing, better question why are you naked holding Lucas' vodka and in our room?" Katherine looks at herself and then at Persephone and Amon and realised that she has interrupted something, then she sits down on Persephone's vanity chair and whips some more semen off her breasts and looks at Amons enormous growing manhood.
"Funny story, Lucas bet me, I won, and now I've got his vodka, you guys are going to hide me, and I'll share this bottle with you." She says with a smile.
Katherine is chucked out onto the landing and the door is slammed in her face.
"You're an arsehole Benjamin Asmall." She screams at the closed door. Lucas, Emma and Alexandra pop there heads out of Lucas and Emma's room laughing.
"Told you that they'd never fall for it, no one is allowed to interrupt them when they're having sex." Alexandra says.
Katherine just puts her head down and trundles back to Lucas' room where her clothes are.
"Fine you win Alex, what do I have to do?" Alexandra smiles and says.
"You've got to teach me how to torture someone properly, because I've sat and watched father, and I've watched mother, I prefer mother's way, as father is too violent and likes to inflict pain as fast as possible, mother takes her time but does the same as father but slower. Lucas and Emma say that you're the best and I want to be the best."
Katherine gets dressed and then just starts laughing.
"You've been a vampire for about 14 years, before I was even 4 I'd tortured and killed a fake witch hunter with your father's help, I'd seduced Lucas and Emma here and turned them accidentally I might add, I'd killed Vlad's three whores who where all at least 100 years older than me and a body count that was being unmatched by any man except for your father. You my dear are not even in my league, don't get me wrong, you are a fantastic fighter and your bow and arrow skills are amazing, but your kills are to be nice, are quiet shit and simple." Katherine says which makes Lucas and Emma laugh as well.
"Then teach me, to be better, mother and father have taught me to be safe, but I want to sink my teeth into this world and watch it fucking bleed." Katherine is about to respond when they hear.
"Alexandra watch your language." Amon shouts followed by Persephone moaning in pleasure.
October 2nd
Bergen Norway, Amy is laying in bed on a solid muscular chest with tears in her eyes.
"Is everything alright my love?" Zachariel asked her.
"Yes it was just a bad dream, I need to get up and make breakfast soon as it'll be awake in any moment." She says and if on cue a little girl with beautiful red hair like Amy's comes running and jumping onto the bed.
"Mother I'm hungry." The little girl says with a smile.
Then Zachariel grabs the child and begins tickling her.
"You two never let me sleep." Amy says as she climbs out of bed with a rather swollen belly. "Father, is mother being grumpy again because there's a man in our kitchen." She says with a smile. Zachariel jumps out of bed and clothes instantly appear on him and Amy.
Amy grabs her sword from behind the door and Zachariel grabs his.
"Stay in this room darling." Amy says to her daughter. The little girl smiles and climbs under the covers of her parents bedroom. Zachariel takes the lead with Amy behind him as they make it towards the kitchen they begin to smell food, they round the corner, and they see Chris in the kitchen cooking, and Amon sat at the table with a plate In front of him, with eggs and toast and a cup of tea, Amon looks over and sees them.
"So you are awake, it's very good to see you daughter. How's the pregnancy going?" He says with a smile and carries on eating.
"What are you doing in my house Amon?" Zachariel says with anger in his voice.
"I've come to see my daughter and grandchild Zach. Sit down and have some food, Chris is an amazing cook." He says to them.
"We come in peace Amy, I promise you." Chris says to her. Amy nods and puts her hand on Zachariel's shoulder to lower his weapon and they both sit down away from Amon.
Chris comes over with two plates and puts them down, he walks off and puts down two more plates.
"She isn't coming out while he's here." Amy states. Amon looks at her with hurt in his eyes.
"That plate is for Ariel." Chris says then she appears and sits down.
"I heard that I have a niece brother." She says.
"You do, she's in our bedroom sister," he says to her.
"I'd like to meet her before I leave, but I'm here to inform you that Amon is not your enemies, he's on the side of our father." Ariel tells them, Amy looks at Amon,
"You are working with Jehovah and you never told me." She says in anger.
"You left daughter." He says with a mouth full of food.
"I'm human now, I'm not your daughter anymore." She tells him.
"How did you become human?" He asked quite curious.
"The waters of Shangri-la if I'm not mistaken. You must be very strong-willed to be able to get up in a morning," Ariel says to her.
"Some days are harder than others, but I have my daughter and your brother to help me through it." Amy tells her.
"You feel remorse for everything that you did don't you?" Amon says to her.
"Yes I do, and you think with all the lives I've taken, I wouldn't be able to remember every single one of their faces." She says to him as fresh tears roll down her face.
Amon gets up and walks over to Amy and kneels down on the floor and takes her hands in his.
"I'm sorry that you are going through this, but I'm happy that you have a family and are in love. I'm just gutted that I've lost my sword come the End of Days." He says to her, she looks at him confused.
"We are on the same side, you haven't lost me father." She says to him.
"But I have as you are a Hunter now and if Kat finds out, she'll kill you and your unborn child and your daughter. I can't risk you I'm sorry." He tells her then stands up and walks over to Chris.
"I'm still immortal and so are my children, the End of Days could be centuries away, you need me by your side father." She says to him, he looks at Zachariel.
"Keep your family safe Zach, and I'll try and keep Kat away from you. I love you daughter be safe." He says and Chris opens a portal, and they walk through it.
Chris and Amon end up back in Monaco in the study, just as Katherine walks in.
"There you are, I'm horny and need seeing to." Katherine states and walks in and grabs Chris and drags him off upstairs. Amon just sits at his desk and goes over the translated scrolls on his desk that he received off Jasmine a few weeks ago, she also gave him a scroll that her and Cole couldn't read, as it was in four different languages, Persephone walks in.
"Still going over these scrolls that Chris obtained for you my love." She asked him in a seductive tone, Amon looks up and noticed that she's wearing one of his shirts and nothing else. His arousal instantly reaches her nose. He tries to control himself.
"Apparently they are prophecies, I'd love to know who makes these prophecies?" he asked with a smile.
Persephone walks over and sits on the edge of the desk showing her beautiful smooth toned legs, she picks up a scroll and begins reading it then hands it to Amon.
"This is in ancient Greek, it says that Silas has visions of the future and everything that he's said is written down as a prophecy." Persephone says with a smile. Amon looks at her puzzled.
"When can you read ancient Greek my love?" He asked her. She begins giggling.
"I can't, Celeste translated it." She laughed out at him.
"Trying to deceive me, that must mean that you want to be punished my love." He says to her with a smile.
She looks at him with lust in her eyes, her pussy begins leaking with anticipation of what is to come. She climbs off the desk and goes and sits on his knee and strokes his face.
"I hope you are going to punish me really good master." She whispers the last part in his ear.
Not only that, but she loves when he dominates her. Furthermore, she's had many amazing lovers over the years, and she's been completely satisfied by them, but only Amon speaks to her demon. It craves for him, to join with her, it's stronger now that they are mated. Amon loves it when she wants to play submissive, so he grabs her throat and pins her to the desk, he changes into his vampire face and sticks his head between her legs and begins tasting her, Persephone begins to moan out. Adele walks in with bed head also wearing one of Amon's shirts.
"You've started without me, that is so unfair father." Aurora says with a smile, she walks over to the desk and stands on it and squats over Persephone's face while looking at Amon.
Aurora begins moaning in pleasure as Persephone really knows what she's doing, Amon stands up.
"Hello sunshine, enjoying my wife are you." He says with a smile.
She nods as she can't stop moaning out in utter bliss. Amon pulls his hard manhood free and in one swift thrust he enters Persephone and begins pumping in and out of her, he begins kissing Aurora with such passion. Aurora pulls back as she's about to orgasm and screams out in pleasure.