September 12th 1965
England Lake District Katherine's home overlooking Windermere. Katherine is out with friends in Frankfurt Germany and Amon and Persephone are sat in her house. Persephone is watching a soap opera called Coronation Street, something that she watches religiously since they've been back in England.
She is laying with her head in Amon's naked lap playing with his hard cock while he is reading a comic book about an alien that wears red and blue spandex and flies around savings people, why Amon reads it she'll never know, he just says he likes it. As she's playing with his cock she noticed something that she has never noticed before, and she knows her man's body like the back of her hand, but this is very new.
"Ben why is your cock darker than the rest of your body?" Amon looks down at his cock and noticed that it is.
"Ah so it is, that's weird." He says then goes back to reading his comic book.
Persephone is annoyed at this, Amon has changed in the last few years, he's not been ripping people apart as much, he hasn't slaughtered entire towns, he's starting to tan slightly. It doesn't bother her, but it does when they are out, and she can hear people talking about her. She hates to admit it but how she was raised has carried over to her being a vampire.
She cares what she looks like, and she actually cares what people think, she knows that she should only care what Amon and her family thinks, but she doesn't, she cares what total strangers think of her married to a nigger. It drives her nuts.
"You are starting to tan my love, maybe you should stay out of the sun for a while." Persephone says to him. He looks down at her.
"Shouldn't be a problem darling as the weather is changing, if we stay in England I don't think we'll get much more sunshine until May next year." He says to her.
"Oh that's good, cause people are starting to talk about us when we are seen out during the day, people are noticing that you aren't white my love." Persephone says and goes back to watching TV and sucking and licking Amon's cock. Amon just looks at her in shock, he'll show her, he's heard people talking as well but pays no mind to it, every person he hears is getting there head ripped off, and he's going to carve racist into there scull, see how much she likes people talking then.
Over the next few years Amon did just that which makes Persephone smile again, as this is the man she loves, the vicious killer, not the man who wants to stay in and cuddle up on the sofa with a bottle of wine. Amon killed 147 people in one sitting in the middle of the street at 2 o'clock in the afternoon in Birmingham, all because he didn't want to leave any witness, so he just kept killing, to Persephone it was a beautiful sight to behold. Even after all this time together she can still manipulate and play him like a fiddle, and he falls for it every time.
December 2nd 1975
Greece Katherine is walking through Sparta on her way to Celeste's home, it's one of the few things that separates is that Katherine loves to travel, weather it's by boat, carriage, horse, car, train or now a plane, she enjoys doing it. As she's told Amon if you use portals all the time, you miss how much the world changes and how beautiful it is. She may worship Lucifer, but she thanks God for this beautiful planet that she lives on.
The sun is lovely and warm today, hence why Katherine is in shorts and a t-shirt which she stole from Amon. It'll be just turning dark when she reaches Celeste's. Hopefully Celeste will have some blood for her because she is starving. The hunger gets to much and she can't wait until she gets to Celeste's and sees a little girl playing with a ball. The ball bounces away from her and down a side street, the little girl follows the ball and sees Katherine holding the ball for her.
"I think this belongs to you." She says to the child in perfect Greek.
The little girl smiles and walks over to Katherine to retrieve her toy, the moment that she touches the ball Katherine grabs her and bites into her neck and drinks her dry, then lets the body drop to the floor. She starts to hear a woman shout out the name Maria, she looks at the child and thinks that it's the child's name, Katherine just moves quickly and is gone from the seen, moments pass, and she hears a woman scream, this just brings a smile to Katherine's face.
"It was nothing personal Maria, I was just hungry." Catherine laughs to herself. Just as the sun is setting Catherine makes it to Celeste's front door and knocks.
The door opens and Sabrina is stood there. They hug,
"It's so good to see you Sabrina how have you been? You look well." Katherine says.
"It's good to see you to Kat, I'm good. Just wish we were seeing each other on better circumstances." Sabrina says.
"What do you mean better circumstances, Celeste asked me to come because she has information on a female Hunter living in Serbia." Katherine explains.
Sabrina just starts walking to the living room where Celeste is sat watching television with Max and Alucard.
"Hello Katherine it's been a long time." Alucard says.
"Oh look its Captain Hook, I know that book is about you to a degree, Peter was the young Hunter chasing you around Holland." She says with a smirk.
"You haven't changed a bit Katherine, still the smart ass little bitch that you've always been." Alucard says. She pulls out a gun and shoots Alucard in the knee. He screams out in pain, she then points the gun at Max, before she can make an energy ball.
"I shoot you and every fledgling and minion in a one-mile radius comes and rips you apart. You might be half demon but you still smell human." Katherine says.
"You fucking shot me, you fucking cunt, I've come in peace you stupid bitch." Alucard screams out, she shoots his other knee, he screams again.
"Watch your language, not nice to speak to ladies like that." Katherine says with a smile.
"I've actually come for help from you, that Hunter Peter is still after me, I want you to take care of him." Katherine just laughs.
"Why should I do anything for you? And Celeste betraying me after you gave me your oath, I'm very disappointed in you." Celeste looks at her in fear.
"I'll never betray you Kat, Alucard needed help in contacting you for his Hunter problem, I simply helped." She responded.
In the next instance bullets and flaming arrows came flying through the windows.
"How did they find us?" Max asked.
"Did you kill anyone in town?" Alucard asked Katherine.
"Yes I had a little girl, she was lovely." She says.
"You've brought them here to us." Alucard shouts, Katherine just shakes her head.
"Sabrina open a portal to my home in Graz Austria please." Sabrina does and everyone runs through.
December 4th 1975
It's been two days since they fled Celeste's home in Greece. Katherine is walking down to her wine cellar in her home in Austria. When she unlocks the door and walks in. Four people are tied up and dangling by there wrist from the ceiling. On closer inspection you see that it's Alucard, Max, Celeste and Sabrina. They all look a bit worse for wear after the torture they've just endured for the last 24 hours.
"All your stories check out, you are all free to go." Katherine says holding up the keys, they all smile with relief.
"Thank you, Katherine." Alucard says.
"Why are you thanking me Alucard, I haven't done anything?" Katherine says with a sick smile.
"Because you are letting us go." Alucard responded. Katherine just starts laughing.
"I said that you was free to go, I didn't say that I was letting you go, you big dummy, I still want to play with you, let's see how loyal everyone one is. Three of you can go free, I mean I'll let you go. But one of you has to stay for a week. Because I'm board and I want to torture someone. Then we'll discuss the Hunter problem next week. I'll give you an hour to decide. Because I'm not bothered who stays." With that said she walks off back upstairs, all three women look at Alucard.
"Don't look at me, I've a scar on my face and one hand because of her brother, I ain't staying to see what she'll do to me." Alucard begs.
"Well it can't be me or Sabrina because we couldn't survive a week of this." Max says and Sabrina nods in agreement.
"I agree with Max, it's got to be one of you two, with your healing ability you can survive." Sabrina says.
"Sorry Alucard but it has to be you." All three women nod in agreement.
"I'll kill you Max for this, how about once you three are free you ambush her, and we tie her up?" Alucard suggested. Sabrina just laughs.
"She's one of the best, she isn't that stupid, plus the ring on the surrounding floor are ready-made portals, and they will open up once we are free, my guess is that they open up to wherever Amon is." the three people pale at the thought.
"So you see Alucard it has to be you, even if it's Amon that these open to, I might be inclined to stay." Celeste says and the two witches nod and agree. At this rate they'll never pick. Exactly an hour later the door opens and in steps Katherine.
"So have we made a decision?" She asked them.
"Where do these portals open to?" Sabrina asked. Katherine smiles.
"They open to Daniel's home in Argos Greece, it's where I was stopping before I came to Sparta, for a month, so again who is staying?" Katherine demands they all look at Alucard.
Katherine walks over to Max and strokes her face then kisses her on the lips. She turns to the other three says an incantation and portals open and take them away.
"But we chose Will, why am I staying?" Max asked with tears in her eyes.
"Because I was always picking you, and you betrayed Amon, so you need to be punished, Alucard has already had his hand removed. Sabrina has never betrayed and Celeste swore her loyalty to me, so it's got to be you sweetheart. It's only for a week, be strong for me. But feel free to scream and cry and beg for mercy." Katherine says, then sticks a big blank white piece of paper on the wall.
"What about Persephone, she betrayed Amon as well?" She cried out.
"There you go Max, trying to blame everyone else, Dorothy has been punished, she had to be with Willy for 40 years, and she got lied to that she was mated to him, thanks to the spell you cast on her, so stop bitching and man up, we are going to play hangman with a twist," Katherine says.
"My mother will hear about this." Max spits out.
"Go on contact her. I'll wait, I'd love to meet the woman who birthed a spineless bitch like you." Katherine says to her.
"How many guesses do I get?" Max asked, knowing her mother wouldn't care.
"That's the spirit, you get 10 guesses, there will be 7 games, one for each day, for every letter guessed wrong, I whip you. If you fail the game I torture you with the tool of the day for one straight hour, there will be short breaks for refreshments. Any questions?" Katherine asked while holding the pen.
"What do I get if I win?" Max asked. Katherine jumps and claps her hands together.
"If you win you don't get tortured, and I'll have my friend Chris come and heal you. He'll do this just before the next game. I might enjoy ripping your finger nails off, need them back the next day, because I don't know how well a half-breed heals. Now on with the game."
Katherine walks over to the piece of paper and draws five dashes on the top and eight dashes underneath.
"What are my clues?" Max asked.
"Oh I'm sorry Max there will be no clues now first letter please." Katherine asked with a smile
"E" Katherine laughs.
"Everyone always starts with an E, there is no E sorry." Katherine laughs and
Aurora appears from a portal wearing her normal outfit and a bull whip in hand. Aurora lets the whip fly against Max's back, Max screams in pain. Aurora had a smile on her face.
"This is fun isn't it sunshine?" Katherine says to Aurora. "Yes mother, you always find the best games to play. This is what you get for betraying father." Aurora says.
A little over an hour later Max's back is just a mess with 9 incorrect answers. Aurora has blood on her face. Katherine looks at her daughter and knows she would've made an excellent vampire under her and Amon's teachings. But they are not allowed to turn her, she'd lose her magic and Lucifer has big plans for her.
"Come on Max it's like your not even trying, and you want me to win."
The top row says B_bb_ the bottom row says _ar_t_n, Max stirs at it with tears in her eyes and says
"D" a massive whip goes from her left ear all the way across her neck to her right shoulder. Aurora waves and opens a portal.
"Bye mother see you on Sunday for Sunday dinner," Katherine looks at her
"Bye sunshine, and I'll see you Sunday." And then she is gone.
"The word was Bobby Charlton, he's a footballer for Manchester United. So it looks like you failed, and it's just you and me, but don't worry, someone new is here to do the whipping tomorrow I've actually taken the time to pick seven different people who want to whip you aren't I nice. Over here are 7 tools, what ever I pick today I can't use again, they are the rules Max. So I think that I'll pick the claw hammer, I just really want to smash you up."
And for the next hour Katherine had smashed in all her toes one by one, then she smashed in her feet, used the claw to rip out her knee caps and her eyes, smashed in her teeth then used the handle to rape her pussy and her ass.
"Well this has been fun, good night, and I'll see you tomorrow with our surprised guest." With that said she walks out.
The next day Antony came to whip, Max lost and Katherine threw tar on her then feathers ripped the feathers off of her.
3rd day Daniel came, Katherine whipped her all over with a bamboo cane. 4th day Lucas came and Emma watched. Katherine stabbed Max with hot pokers through her feet and hands, legs and arms up her ass and her pussy. 5th day Alexandra came and she could whip beautifully. Katherine used pliers that day, ripping nails and teeth out. Max screamed when she has seen Persephone on the 6th day. Saying sorry begging for forgiveness. None was shown. Katherine used a knife that day, carved Max's face off and her eyes out, cut her tongue out, chopped her fingers and toes off.
The next day Chris like always healed her up then disappeared just as Katherine walks in.
"Good afternoon Max, did you sleep well? I slept like a baby I even got laid last night, and he tasted amazing this morning when I ate him for breakfast." Katherine says with a chuckle.
"Good afternoon Katherine," Max says through ground teeth. She learned by not answering her gets her a punch in the face.
"You've done very well. Well you've done poorly in the game, but my torture, you've been splendid, give yourself a pat on the back, oh silly me, you're all tied up." Katherine says with a sadistic chuckle and claps like a happy child. "Who's my surprise guest today?" Willow asked.
"Well I did want my niece Amy as this is right up Pulchra Daemonium's street. But sadly she was busy so she suggested someone else for me." Katherine telling her.
Max is quite relieved as Pulchra daemonium is dangerous, she begins to relax just as a portal opens and Amon steps out wearing some trainers and shorts and a t-shirt which shows off all his muscles, if Max wasn't so scared she'd be turned on, then all the memories of the sex with Amon comes back to her, and she can't help but be aroused.
"You get me as a treat today. If you win today, you get cleaned up fed and an hour in bed with me for your pleasure. Fail and Katrina tortures you, and then I rape you for an hour in every hole, and then I'll torture you for a week, but there will be no games and if you die on the first day then that's just a shame." Amon tells her then rips off his shorts and t-shirt. His big fat flaccid member just dangling between his legs.
Even Katherine is aroused by looking at him, she shakes it off and walks over to the white piece of paper and draws 9 dashes on it.
"E" Max shouts out. Amon whips her, so hard bits of her flesh comes out as he pulls the whip back. She screams out like she's never screamed before, from the previous whippings. Katherine laughs and looks at Amon.
"My eyes are up here Kat." Katherine just smiles and says.
"She always says E I've not used a word yet with the letter E. Is it me or is it getting hot in here?" Katherine says and can't help but look at his enormous manhood that seems to be getting bigger.
So she just decides to strip off as well, two can play this game she thinks. Amon's cock instantly gets hard. Because Katherine is gorgeous. About 30 minutes in and Max has made 9 wrong answers. Max has no ass cheeks cause Amon has sliced them off with his whip, you can see her spine because he's took that much flesh off her back, also whipped her breasts off.
Max doesn't even know how she's still alive with all the blood loss. On the paper is ** ASI*O*O.
"M" she cries out, and she waits for the whip but sees Katherine write the M next to the first O.
"Well done Max, would you like a drink or something to eat before we continue". Before Katherine can finish speaking she shouts out
"B" and Amon hits her right on an open nerve ending on her spine. She screamed and cried out, then fear struck her.
"Chris is going to have to heal her, I can't rape her with her back and front looking like that." Amon says with a smile.
In the next instance a portal opens and Chris walks out.
"Fucking hell Ben, you whipped her good, I take it that you want me to heal her?" He asked. They both nodded Chris starts moving his hands over Maxine's body, and she begins to heal. Her breasts and ass cheeks grow back, and she is fully healed.
Katherine pulls up a chair, Uncuffs Max and then cuff's her legs to the chair and cuffs her arms behind her back.
"This is the last one, and I only have a towel left, I know what I'm going to do, Ben pass me your t-shirt." He does, and she puts it on, it's like a dress on her. She runs off upstairs.
"Don't know about you Max, but I'm excited to see what she's going to do with just a towel, maybe whip you with it." Amon says.
A few minutes later Katherine comes in with a hosepipe. Amon just raises his right eyebrow.
"What's with the hose? You're going to clean her with cold water?" Amon asked.
"Nope I'm going to water board her." Katherine says.
"I honestly don't know what that is, what about you Max?" Amon asked her.
"Nope, never heard of it. Before we start can I have something to eat and drink please?" Max asked.
"Trust me you'll get plenty to drink, and you won't want anything to drink until after I've finished." Katherine says with a chuckle. Max got very scared hearing this, she walks over to Amon who bends down, and she whispered into his ear.
"Oh Kat that sounds perfect, I'm definitely watching this."
3 hours later Max is dead hanging from the ceiling, Amon had blood eagled her after he raped her and Katherine had water boarded her. Amon gets dressed and so does Katherine. Katherine says an incantation and Sabrina, Celeste and Alucard reappear. They have been under a concealment spell, they could see everything that went on but couldn't interact with anyone else not even each other. Sabrina was covered in shit and piss after witnessing everything this last week, Katherine turns to them.
"I hope you've all enjoyed the show, next Celeste." she says an incantation and Sabrina and Alucard disappear.
"Please Katherine I haven't done anything wrong, I made the oath to you, I haven't broken it." She cries out.
"Then win the game, and you go free, it's really simple, fail and the same thing happens to you what happens to Max, except that Chris won't be healing you, as a vampire, you'll heal naturally, I'll see you tomorrow sweetheart." With that said Amon goes through a newly opened portal and Katherine walks off upstairs.
Over the next few days Celeste got the same treatment except instead of waterboarding, Katherine electrocuted her for an hour, all her face and back is burnt, Katherine also shaved her head, because Celeste has always prided herself on her appearance. Katherine also used the same 7 people but used them on different days as who deserves to punish her the most, and she's also mixed up which tool she'll use first and last, she knows that she can't disfigure her too much because she won't heal by tomorrow no matter how much blood she gives her.
"Well that was fun, tomorrow is your last day, and you have a chance to go free, I saved the best for last for you tomorrow. Hope you can guess who our surprised guest is." She says and walks off upstairs.
Celeste went wide realising that the only person who hasn't been yet is Persephone, and she knows that Persephone hates her for sleeping with Amon over 300 years ago and has always tried to get him back into her bed. Persephone has wanted to kill and torture her for as long as she can remember even when she was with Alucard, but that could be because she was fucking Alucard at the time.
"I'm so not getting out of here alive." She says to herself and begins to cry.
The following day Chris came and healed her, something that he's not done. Katherine came skipping down the stairs singing Mandy by Barry Manilow but changed Mandy to Celeste. A portal opens and Persephone walks through with a smile on her face as she listened to Katherine.
"I think that you missed your true calling Kat, if vampire doesn't work out for you, I think that you should give singing ago." Persephone says to her.
"Aww thanks Dot. Since you and Arius went to one of his consorts I've been listening to him and I like a bit of Barry Manilow. What do you think Celeste?" She asked her.
"You are quite good, but I'm yet to find anything that you arn't good at." Celeste replied.
"Thank you Celeste, but buttering me up isn't going to stop the game, now on with the last game and if you loose, Persephone gets you for a week after I've had my hour which today is the claw hammer and as a vampire I can properly smash you up.
Celeste had failed and Katherine had done what she said, she smashed her up, her hands, feet, legs, stomach, knees and her head and face. Then she got Chris to heal her for Persephone to enjoy. Persephone tortured her for four days before she took her outside and crucified her for the sun to end her. Katherine came down to wine cellar said an incantation and Sabrina and Richard was revealed.
"Tomorrow Sabrina you get to play, I hope you do well because no one wants to whip you and I don't want to torture you. But the rules of the game are set, so you fail, and you get to play my game and like Max you will be healed." Katherine telling her.
"Katherine are you insane, she is the Princess. Damien and Luna will have you killed for this." Alucard tells her.
"I have Aurora, the King and Queens don't scre me Dick." She laughed at him.
Over the course of seven days Sabrina got whipped but never got tortured and was let go, Katherine cheated and gave her clues much to Aurora's annoyance who wanted to whip her, for helping these lowlifes plot against her adopted parents, she got two whips on her, she wanted more. Katherine lets the portal drop and Alucard is seen.
"So you see Willy, the game can be won, but I hope you don't win cause everybody wants to whip you, and you get two hours of torture and the whipper will be helping me and like Max you will be healed because I want you fit and healthy every single day.
Over the seven days, Alucard failed every day and for each guess that he got wrong the whipper, whipped him as many times as they wanted. Katherine did heal him, just before the next game began, so he was in pain all night just like Max. Alucard new he was never getting out, because he had upset or pissed every single person that had whipped him apart from the young brunette Alexandra, who was whipping him for touching her mother.
"Hello Willy, you die today." Amon says to him.
"So I take it that you will be running my seat on the council?" Alucard asked. Amon and Katherine laugh.
"There is no council, Godfrey is dead, Leon is in California somewhere, Celeste is dead and countless other council members are dead. So Lilith has said to do with you as we please. So that means we can kill you and don't think for one second that we are not going to kill you. It just might be centuries before we do. Every time we are board we might just pop in to torture you, but you might get left here for years before your next visit." Katherine tells him with a glowing smile on her face.
Once he had failed his last game Sabrina came downstairs with a smile on her face and Alucard new he had been played, followed by Max and Celeste. Then before he can realised it, he's sat on Celeste's sofa in Sparta.
Everything that he'd been through and everything that they had been through was all in their heads from the attack on Celeste's home to the torture.
"Do you all see what will happen if any of you fuck with me, cause that is your future should you piss me off, do I make myself clear? Now tell me about this Hunter Peter. Is he tough?" She says with a smile.
"How long have we been here?" Alucard asked.
"That was a torture method made by me and Sabrina, and you've been here for five minutes." Everyone's face paled it felt like they've been in that cellar for a few months.
"Sabrina you was in on this the whole time?" Celeste asked.
"Yes Celeste, I've been working with Katherine and Aurora for over a century I'm bound to them and I wouldn't change a thing." Sabrina says.
"Now Willy what do you have planned for this Hunter?" Katherine asked with a smirk.
April 20th 1979
Manchester England Katherine was surrounded by a sea of bodies and piles of dust, some bodies where werewolves turning back into human form, as she looked around she noticed that she was wearing some sort of battle armor, she was covered in blood, her dagger and sword in her hands, guns attached to her thighs. On closer inspection she sees an unknown blonde and Aurora among the bodies. Then she realizes that the human bodies are of witches and warlocks.
She looks around trying to find Amon, then she sees him fighting a horde of demons, vampires, werewolves and the magics. He is not alone, by his side is a beautiful blonde haired woman, shorter than even Katherine. She is a beauty unlike Katherine has ever seen, it's almost like Aphrodite herself is reborn, it's funny cause that's what people used to think about her, once upon a time. Then she sees Persephone run and attack the blonde in full Vampire face, the blonde spins round sword in hand, with such grace and elegance that Katherine would believe that it was herself doing it and Persephone's head is gone from her body, Amon turns just as she turns to dust, and he does his trademark smirk leans down and kisses the blonde haired woman with such love and adoration.
Then they carry on fighting almost in sink asif they were dance partners and been doing the same dance for countless centuries. Once they have dispatched the horde In front of them they turn around and see Katherine, he smiles and nods at her then a Spanish looking woman who is absolutely gorgeous jumps at Amon, and he takes her head off. Katherine screams
"Diana!" and begins to sob uncontrollably, she looks at Amon with pure rage and hatred, who was this woman to make her feel so sad.
Katherine wakes up in bed, Amon is sat on her bed stroking her hair.
"Are you alright Kat? I heard you scream, so I came to check up on you. You were crying, so I comforted you, you had me worried for a moment." Amon says to her, still stroking her hair, she just cuddled into him.
"It was all just a bad dream Benny boy." She says with sadness still in her voice.
"Who's Diana, Katherine? You were screaming it out." He asked her.
"I honestly don't know, but if my dream was a vision, then she's someone very close to me and I watched you take her head off." She tells him, because they've never kept secrets from each other.
Amon is shocked at what he has just heard.
"You know me better than anyone even Persephone and you know I'd never take someone away from you unless there was a valid reason, and you know this." He explained to her.
"I do know this and in my dream this woman did attack you, you were only defending yourself, it hurt so much that I was ready to fight you to the death. But I know that I would never want to hurt you, you're my best friend and I love you so much." She tells him, Amon kisses her forehead.
Then Persephone walks in and sees them cuddled up on Katherine's bed, Katherine is naked and has tears in her eyes. Amon is shirtless in a pair of shorts. A stab of jealousy cuts through her, but she shakes it off as the room doesn't smell of sex.
"Is everything alright Kat?" Persephone asked concerned about her sister and friend.
"Yes it was just a bad dream, Ben was just comforting me, because it felt so real. I'm going to get Aurora to run through my dream with me." She tells them.
She moves away from Amon and climbs out of bed, puts her dressing gown on and leaves Persephone and Amon in her room. Persephone smiles at Amon, then the door opens.
"Don't even think about shagging in my bed, get out the pair of you." They both laugh and leave the room. Katherine and Amon turn left to Aurora and Sean's room and Persephone turns right to her and Amon's room, but realizes that Amon isn't following her.
"Ben are you not coming back to bed? I need seeing to." She asked.
"Sorry my love but I want to know if what Kat dreamt was a dream or a vision of the future." He responded.
"Oh my apologies for interrupting your time away from your precious Katrina." She says with jealousy in her voice, Katherine links his arm turns round and sticks her tongue out at her
"Just keeping him warm for you Dorothy." Katherine says with a smile.
Amon just rubs the bridge of his nose, over 300 years, and they still say that to each. As they get to Aurora's room the sex noise's get louder.
"Ahh yes Sean bite my neck harder, AHH YES! I'm coming AHH!" They hear Aurora shout out. Amon is about to knock, but Katherine just barges straight into the room. Aurora jumps and instantly covers herself up.
"Fuck sake mother have you not heard of knocking?" Aurora asked her rather pissed off that she's been interrupted during sex with her husband. Then Amon walks in, and she instantly knows something is wrong cause Amon never interrupts her during sex. He'll wait until Aurora's finished killing the person in her bed.
"I don't need to knock on any doors in my home, this is very important, and I didn't know you had a thing for being bitten during sex." Katherine says with a chuckle.
Aurora just puts the covers over her head and groans, which makes everyone in the room laugh.
"Give me 5 minutes to get dressed, and I'll meet you in the study" Aurora tells them. They walk out to leave her to get dressed.
"I'm so sorry about this sweetheart." Aurora says to Sean, an older looking man, he's a warlock from a strong family.
"It's fine my love, at least we got to finish." He says with a smile.
"When I get back, them chains are coming out and that door is being fucking locked, and you can screw me six ways from Sunday my love." She says to him with a seductive smile.
He just smiles at her and watches her picking out a dressing gown to wear, even her putting clothes on is a turn on. He loves his wife so much and could never be without her, even if Amon scares the shit out of him. Aurora decides to just put on her short black silk dressing gown.
"Are you not getting dressed love?" Sean asked her.
"Why would I get dressed, just so you can take my clothes off again, what a waste of time, but I am going to clean myself, I can feel your spunk dripping out of me," she says and goes to the bathroom to clean up.
About 10 minutes later Aurora walks into the study to find Amon and Katherine sat down drinking coffee and there is a fresh cup on the table waiting for her, she walks over and takes the cup and taste it, she moans out in pleasure, Amon can always make a great brew, weather its tea or coffee.
"So what seems the problem, that interrupted my morning sex, when I'm ovulating and trying for a baby." She tells them rather cross.
"Not happening, get them thoughts out of your head, I'll kill him and worse than the last one, I don't care that you married this one." Amon says outraged.
Katherine just smiles as Aurora has already told her, and she can't wait to be a grandmother.
"You will not fucking touch him, I'll turn you into a toad if you go anywhere near him." Aurora says.
"Yea because I'd love to see you try it, you'll be in that wine cellar with Alucard if I so much as hear any spell directed at me." He says to her.
Her whole facial features change like she's a different person. She opens her dressing gown to reveal her naked body and walks over to Amon and rubs his naked muscular chest.
"Are you trying to turn me on father, it's been so long since you've played hang and whip the ginger witch. I'm wet thinking about it." Aurora says to him and stroking his abs, Amon can feel himself getting turned on.
"Kat make her stop." Amon says like a child.
"You are too easy sometimes dad." She gets up on her tip toes and kisses his cheek.
"Your breath smells like dick." Amon says to her. Katherine just shakes her head and claps her hands together.
"I had a dream and I need you to project it to see if it's a dream or a vision of the future." Katherine says.
"It must have been some dream to think it was a vision." Aurora states.
"Ben killed everyone with some beautiful blonde haired woman. It seemed like the End of Days war and Ben chose Jehovah over us." Aurora and Amon just look at her wide-eyed then each other than back at Katherine and burst out laughing.
"My grandfather hates dad. Dad would never join him." Aurora says still laughing.
"Just check for me please." Aurora looks at her and can tell that she's worried. So she does an incantation and Katherine's dream comes to life.
Katherine surrounded by body's. Aurora sees her body laying lifelessly with her eyes still open, they see Ethan and his wife Kirsten dead turning back into human form. Then they see the beautiful blonde with Amon. Then her killing Persephone and Amon smiling, this also makes Aurora smile as she's never been a fan of Persephone's. The nod towards Katherine and the gorgeous brunette attacking Amon and him killing her to the look of pure rage on Katherine's face.
Aurora rewinds the dream to her dead body and touches her cheek then sees Amon snapping her neck and the blonde snapping the unknown blonde. Aurora does an incantation, and it's thrown across the room. Katherine and Amon rush to her side to see if she's ok.
"I'm fine, but I think that was the future and if it is, you kill us all father." Aurora says to Amon.
"Rory I'd never hurt you, your mother or Persephone. You three are my family and I love you all so much." Amon tries to defend himself.
"What was you trying to do before you got thrown across the room like that?" Katherine asked.
"I was trying to see if it was real, only a powerful magical could've sent you that, if it was real then we are all in great danger with you." Aurora said to Amon.
"Maybe this is someone trying to turn us against each other, your mother and I have made many enemies over the years and not all of them are dead. I'd never hurt you, you're my daughter, and you know this." Amon says.
"I'm a sorry father, I know that you wouldn't hurt any of us." Aurora tells him then hugs him. Katherine is studying the dream.
"I've never seen that sword or the armor that I'm wearing and the same goes for what you two are wearing." Katherine states.
Amon can't help but look at the blonde woman, who is beyond gorgeous, she looks just like Louise. He sees that they are both wearing wedding rings and his is not the one he is currently wearing he turns to Aurora.
"Can you zoom in on the blondes ring, it looks like writing on it." Amon asked. Aurora zooms in on the ring.
"Yours always 2009." She reads out.
Aurora sees a piece of paper floating about. She freezes the dream and zooms in, it's a piece of a newspaper
"The End, the date says Tuesday, January 1st 2030, that's all I can read, so if this is true or has the potential to be true in over 50 years something happens that makes dad leave us and by the looks of it marry this gorgeous woman." She says Amon and Katherine just both stare at her. Then all three burst out laughing. Persephone is stood by the door and hears everything, she storms off to her room.