I left to go to class early, so I have to wait a little before it actually starts. After a while, people begin streaming in, including Rex and Claire. Ophelia and Stella aren't with him again, so I guess they're just not in the same classes as us. I don't remember tiny details like that anymore.
The teacher, a tall brown-haired man with a goatee walks in, and I recognise him. It's Mr. Burns, he teaches history and gives important lore information sometimes. Mr. Burns begins class, and I had thought I would enjoy learning about the history of my favourite world, but he's beginning from the middle of a curriculum I haven't studied, so it literally all just goes over my head.
To be fair, I was a terrible history student in my old world too.
Nothing that Mr. Burns talks about seems to be important, he's teaching about some random rebellion that took place in the kingdom a few hundred years ago. I think I remember this whole week in the game being skipped over, so I guess that makes sense.
In Rising Hero, Thomas challenges Rex to a duel, a few people talk to Rex about it, then boom: it's a week later. That must mean nothing very important will be said during this week. I think.
100 EXP
The class ends, and I wait to see if a new quest will come in to attend another class. When it doesn't, I stand and make ready to head to the Great Dungeon again. Incidentally, I should find a schedule or something instead of just relying on these quests to tell me when to attend class.
I reach the entrance to the Great Dungeon, and the usual crowd of students entering and exiting is there. The old woman is there again as well, watching everyone carefully. What do I even call her? I remember her having a name, but I don't remember what it was.
I spot Wyll in a corner, milling about. He looks around anticipatorily every so often, and I can guess why. When he spots me, his expression brightens and he bounds over to me. "Thomas! I was just going to the dungeon now too! Want to go together?"
I have a feeling he has been waiting here for longer than he's implying, but I don't mention it. We line up with the other students, and when our turn comes, the old lady's expression sours after seeing me. She tosses a medallion at me, and then gently hands Wyll his medallion.
"There's a bounty out today," she says grudgingly to me, "Defeat a lycan matron to receive a magic pill. We only have a limited amount, so if we run out before you turn in your prize, too bad." Then she turns to Wyll and says softly, "I think this bounty is a bit too beyond your scope for now, okay, dear? Please don't be reckless."
Wow, she is making no attempt at hiding her difference in treatment.
Wyll just laughs shyly and we move on.
Quest: Defeat A Lycan Matron
Reward: 100 EXP, Magic Pill (+1 to MAG)
I think with intent, Accept, and the window closes.
Wyll asks me, "She really doesn't like you, does she? Did you really say all that stuff about our academy's weapons that she said you did yesterday?"
"I might have," I can't really come out and say it wasn't me, so I have to take on this idiot's sins. What a pain… "By the way, what's her name? I've forgotten."
Wyll stares at me flatly, "… She might have a reason to hate you. It's Ms. Clara."
"I'll try not to forget again," I say idly.
As we prepare to head through one of the many doors, we are suddenly intercepted by someone I probably should have expected.
"Hold it right there," Stella Cryasius says as she steps in front of us.
Wyll looks surprised, "S—Your Highness, how long have you been here?"
"Since the past twenty minutes while you've been pacing around—"
Wyll turns red and interrupts, "I-I just got here, I wasn't doing anything like that!"
Stella raises an eyebrow, "What? But I watched you the whole time as you—"
"I wasn't!"
I stifle a laugh and disguise it as coughing. I can't help it, this sibling duo is way too funny. Stella turns to me, taking over the reins of the conversation again, "In any case, I am here to say that you don't need to cater to this man's whims, Wyll Struick! Whatever he's holding over you, I'll deal with it right away!"
That just makes me want to laugh more. She thinks I'm blackmailing him? I guess that fits Thomas' image…
People are starting to stare, and Wyll looks wholly embarrassed now, "There's nothing like that going on!"
"I know that's probably what he's made you say, but don't worry. I am here now," Stella says gently. She turns to me and glares, "I don't know what you want from this ordinary boy, Thomas Filmore, but you will stay away from him or you won't be able to make it to your duel with Rex."
I suppose it's admirable in a way, how she cares about her brother and tries to look out for him. However…
Wyll tries speaking up, "Ste—Your Highness, I told you, it's not like that—"
Stella shuts Wyll up with a cold glance, "Silence, I am speaking with Filmore now."
I raise an eyebrow, "Ordinary boy, is he?"
"Yes, he is just an ordinary child," Stella says without hesitation, and I notice Wyll's face fall, "He has nothing you could want from him. Keep him out of your schemes."
I've already been through this plotline, I know Stella gets better later. However, seeing her say these things in front of me still pisses me off a little.
"I don't know how much you know about Wyll Struick—" I begin to say.
Stella looks offended, "I know enough!"
"—But he's more talented than you think," I finish without faltering, "He's already reached level two, after all." It only makes sense, no? If Thomas has been going around saying he has enough points, and he's reached some part of level two, then for a student one year behind him to reach that same level and be just a bit further behind would indicate some sort of talent, right?
That was the whole crux of the plotline in the game. Wyll is reasonably talented, but his family are all complete geniuses, so it brings down his self-confidence, making him perform worse. This makes his sister overprotective of him, but it also diminishes him.
Stella rounds on Wyll, her eyes wide in anger, "Level two? What are you doing going into such dangerous places? Stick to the recommended level one and take your peers with you! You don't have the ability to take such risks!"
Wyll's profile smalls, it's like he's huddling into himself at the point of his sister's harsh words.
"It seems you don't know him at all then," I cut in, "Wyll is skilled enough that he'll be able to clear the first half of level two on his own soon enough."
"Mind your own business," Stella growls at me, "Was it you who made him go to level two?"
"What does it matter to you?" I ask, my voice cold now, "For someone who claims to be trying to help him, all you've done is stand in the way of someone trying to improve. I'd hate to be watched over by someone like you."
I can almost see Stella recoil in hurt at the thought of that.
I don't need to be so antagonistic, and I'm even using my extra knowledge to hit her where it hurts. I'm not Thomas Filmore, having a pleasant relationship with the Hero's Party is far more beneficial to me than being at odds with them; I have a better chance of avoiding the fate of Thomas' death in that way.
However, when I see someone trying their best, and then being put down for it, it makes me want to stand in defence of them. Stella is coming from a place of love, but the way she's going about it makes me angry.
If I was Thomas Filmore, I'd actually probably laugh and agree with Stella. Then I'd degrade Wyll in an even harsher way, which would end up pissing her off against me even more.
Stella struggles to recover, "That's…"
"Mind your own business, you said?" The words come to me easily. I know these characters well, after all, "I should be the one to say that you. It seems to me like you're just butting your head in where you're not wanted. Come on, Wyll."
Stella has no rebuttal as I walk past her, and after a moment of hesitation, Wyll follows after me.