For three full days, Aoki and the others traveled through the forests between Goldenrod City and Ecruteak City in the Johto region.
Although the levels of the wild Pokémon were not very high on average, their sheer numbers made the journey long and challenging. It took Aoki and his Pokémon three days to fully cross the forest.
Of course, while the average level of the Pokémon in the forest was low, there were still many powerful Pokémon with high levels and strong potential. These Pokémon often claimed territories for themselves, attacking any intruders who dared to step into their domain.
The Ursaring encountered earlier was just one example of the many aggressive Pokémon that had attacked Aoki and his team.
Compared to some other Pokémon, Ursaring was relatively easy to deal with since it relied purely on brute strength. Even when enraged, its attacks were straightforward, and Aoki had ways to evade them.
However, some Pokémon were not only powerful but also highly intelligent. Repeated ambushes from such foes made the journey even more dangerous. If not for Gastly's watchful presence and Slowpoke's Teleport, Aoki and his team might not have made it out of the forest unscathed.
Despite the challenges, the intense battles and survival struggles helped his Pokémon grow significantly. When Gastly first entered the forest, it was level 16, but after countless fights, it had reached level 19 by the time they exited.
Since Murkrow and Slowpoke had already leveled up before entering the forest, their progress was slower. However, after facing many life-threatening encounters, both still managed to gain another level—Murkrow reaching level 22 and Slowpoke reaching level 24.
Even Miltank, who disliked battle, was forced to fight to protect her teammates and support their recovery. Through sheer determination, she managed to reach level 21.
By the end of their forest journey, all of Aoki's Pokémon—except for Skorupi, who had only recently hatched—had made significant progress. The trip had been well worth it.
Additionally, Aoki had gathered a number of rare and valuable materials from the forest. If sold on the black market, they would fetch a high price.
Finally, after three days of exhausting travel, Aoki and his team arrived on the outskirts of Ecruteak City.
After walking for another two hours, Ecruteak City came into full view.
"Hah… finally out of that place. It wasn't as brutal as Trial Island, but still, not easy. I felt like a hunted Pokémon half the time," Aoki muttered, looking at the city ahead with a mix of relief and amusement. The past few days had been exhausting.
Ecruteak City was an ancient capital in northern Johto, situated near Mt. Mortar and the vast plains west of the region.
Known as a historic and cultural landmark, Ecruteak was famous for its traditional Japanese-style architecture. The city's most iconic structure was the ten-story Bell Tower, rumored to have once been the roost of the legendary Ho-Oh.
However, Ecruteak wasn't just home to the Bell Tower. In the northwest corner of the city stood the Burned Tower, a historical ruin destroyed by a fire long ago. Legends spoke of how Ho-Oh resurrected the Three Legendary Beasts beneath its remains.
There were also rumors that Lugia, Ho-Oh's counterpart, once resided atop the Burned Tower before its destruction, later retreating to the Whirl Islands.
Another famous landmark in Ecruteak City was the Ecruteak Dance Theater, built by the city's most prestigious family. Each year, countless visitors arrived just to witness the performances of the Kimono Girls, often competing fiercely for tickets.
The Kimono Girls' performances were considered among the top three cultural events in Johto. Not just Johto—fans from other regions also traveled far and wide to watch them.
Of course, Ecruteak City was also home to an official League Gym.
The Ecruteak Gym specialized in Ghost-type Pokémon. If given the opportunity, Aoki wanted Gastly to train with the Gym Leader's Pokémon, hoping it might learn some valuable skills. However, given his current circumstances, visiting the Gym wasn't an option for now.
By the time Aoki and Slowpoke stepped into the city, it was already six in the evening.
After spending days in the wilderness, his clothes were tattered and carried an unpleasant odor. Combined with the fact that he was a stranger in town, it was no surprise that passersby whispered and pointed at him as he walked through the streets.
Aoki, however, paid little attention to their reactions. What others thought of him didn't matter—only growing stronger did.
Fortunately, the people of Johto were generally peaceful, influenced by the strong religious traditions of the region.
This was especially true in Ecruteak City, which was considered the religious center of Johto, with the Bell Tower serving as a sacred landmark for many.
Another reason no one acted too aggressively toward Aoki was the Pokéballs on his waist and the Slowpoke following closely behind, marking him as a Trainer.
Although his clothing was in rough shape, the remnants of a League Trainer's uniform could still be seen. This helped prevent outright hostility—though it didn't stop the occasional looks of disapproval.
Even so, Aoki's presence attracted a fair amount of attention. A small crowd had gathered, watching and whispering among themselves as they followed his movements through the city.
Before long, a young man in a police uniform rode up on a motorcycle, accompanied by a Growlithe.
"Please present your League ID. I need to verify your identity. If this seems intrusive, I apologize in advance, but it's standard procedure for unfamiliar Trainers."
Dismounting his motorcycle with authority, the officer displayed his badge before addressing Aoki. His sharp gaze carried a hint of scrutiny, and his Growlithe barked assertively at his side.
As a police officer in Ecruteak City, the young man was skilled at evaluating people. Immediately, he recognized something in Aoki—a certain aura possessed only by strong Trainers, especially those who had survived extended time in the wild. The hardened look of someone who had braved the dangers of nature and returned stronger.
Because of this, the officer remained polite but firm, following protocol to prevent unnecessary disturbances in the city.
"Alright, officer. Here's my ID. Let's get this over with—I just came back from training and could really use a rest," Aoki said, retrieving his League ID from his storage ring and handing it over.