Hearing Aoki's provocative words, the two Team Rocket members immediately felt their faces flush red, a sense of being tricked surging in their hearts.
Almost simultaneously, they each pulled out a Pokéball.
"Gastly, Hypnosis!" Aoki was already prepared for their reaction.
Following Aoki's command, Gastly used the mottled shadows in the woods to appear in front of the Team Rocket duo almost instantly.
However, unlike the League members who often lacked real battle experience, even the lowest-ranking Team Rocket grunts had significantly stronger reflexes.
The two instinctively shut their eyes and threw their Pokéballs.
Two Koffing, an Ekans, and a Golbat—Team Rocket's standard lineup.
At the same time, Aoki's eyes flashed as he threw two Pokéballs of his own. Murkrow and Miltank appeared alongside Gastly.
Despite all that had been said, everything happened in mere moments. When Hypnosis failed, Gastly hesitated, considering whether to launch another attack. However, with four opposing Pokémon ready to strike, attacking the trainers directly would be too risky. Just as he wavered, Aoki issued his next orders.
"Return, Gastly! Use Confuse Ray on Golbat! Slowpoke, use Calm Mind! Murkrow, boost us with Tailwind, then use Hidden Power (Electric) on Golbat! Miltank, use Defense Curl!"
Each Pokémon promptly executed their respective commands.
Gastly darted through the shadows, avoiding the enemy's attacks before they could surround him, then unleashed a Confuse Ray on Golbat.
A small orb materialized in front of Gastly, glowing eerily before zigzagging toward Golbat.
Slowpoke shut his eyes, focusing his mind. Aoki had been training him to enter a meditative state at will, and though not yet perfect, he could now do so almost instantly.
"Caw!" Murkrow cried, a faint wind swirling around him as he activated Tailwind.
Meanwhile, Miltank stepped to the frontline, using Defense Curl to bolster her defenses.
While issuing orders, Aoki took a quick glance at the enemy Pokémon's levels and abilities.
Both Koffing were around level 21, though their potential differed slightly—Kevin's Koffing had a yellow rating, while the other had only a light yellow rating.
Golbat was level 24 with a dark yellow rating, likely Kevin's ace Pokémon. Ekans had a yellow rating but was only level 22, suggesting it had recently evolved.
The two Team Rocket members finally opened their eyes once Gastly had retreated, their expressions dark with frustration. They had assumed Aoki was just another League rookie with no real combat experience, yet they had nearly been caught off guard.
But in battles, hesitation led to defeat.
The Confuse Ray struck Golbat, taking effect instantly!
Golbat's vision swam with bizarre lights, leaving it disoriented and flailing in midair.
"Golbat! Damn it! Koffing, use Sludge! Golbat, close your eyes and follow my commands! Use Screech!" Kevin gritted his teeth as he barked his orders.
"Koffing, use Sludge too! Ekans, move in and use Bite on Slowpoke!" the other grunt quickly followed up.
The two had clearly battled together before, their Pokémon acting in sync. Despite their underhanded tactics, their cooperation in the face of a strong opponent was their best strategy.
Golbat let out an ear-piercing screech, but its confusion caused it to affect both allies and enemies alike.
A case of harming your enemy by a thousand, but wounding yourself by eight hundred!
Seeing this, the other Rocket grunt glared at Kevin but did not alter his command.
If Ekans could get close to Slowpoke, despite the lowered defenses, Dark-type moves would still be doubly effective, putting Slowpoke in a tough spot.
But Aoki wasn't about to let them have their way so easily.
"Miltank, block the path! Stop Ekans! Murkrow, deflect the Sludge! Slowpoke, focus on Golbat—use continuous Psyshock! Gastly, use Hypnosis to disrupt the Koffing!"
Despite coordinating four Pokémon, Aoki remained composed, issuing precise orders to counter the enemy's strategy.
"Miltank!" With a determined cry, Miltank charged forward, arms wide, firmly blocking Ekans' path.
Ekans hesitated, realizing it couldn't get past the formidable-looking Miltank. Momentarily stunned, it failed to act.
Meanwhile, Murkrow skillfully deflected the incoming Sludge attacks using his boosted speed. Even when some sludge landed, it caused minimal damage.
With all four enemy Pokémon being Poison-types, Slowpoke was the key to this battle. Having already boosted itself with Calm Mind, its psychic energy surged. The repeated Psyshock attacks pummeled the still-confused Golbat.
The two Team Rocket grunts hesitated, wary of Gastly's unpredictable movements. They kept their Koffing close, reducing their offensive options.
"Ekans, wrap up Miltank first, then use Fire Fang!"
"Koffing, use Smokescreen!"
Kevin, desperate to regain control, attempted to obscure the battlefield so Golbat could recover.
However, Aoki was ready.
"Murkrow, use Tailwind to blow away the smoke! Miltank, use Bide!"
Murkrow swiftly countered the smokescreen before it could fully form, ensuring Slowpoke could keep attacking.
Meanwhile, Miltank tensed her body, bracing herself as Ekans wrapped around her.
Moments later—
Golbat, reeling from the relentless Psyshock assault, finally crashed to the ground, knocked out.
"Golbat!" Kevin shouted, eyes wide with disbelief.
The battle's outcome was becoming clear!