Looking at the ferocious Pokemon in front of him, with a golden five-pointed star on its head, two iron and lead-like jagged claws were held arrogantly in front of its chest.
Two eyes hidden deep under the red armor stared intensely at the Vileplume that was constantly spraying Sweet Scent, revealing a longing look.
Aoki was quite familiar with this kind of Pokemon.
It is the evolution of Corphish, a well-known Water-type Pokemon in the Hoenn region.
When Corphish evolves, it gains a Dark-typing in addition to its Water-type, becoming a Water/Dark-type Pokemon.
Crawdaunt also has great resistances.
It is immune to Psychic-type moves and has double resistance to Ghost, Steel, Fire, Water, Ice, and Dark-type moves.
Although it is twice as weak to Fighting, Bug, Grass, Electric, and Fairy-type moves, overall, its resistances are still impressive.
Pokemon: Crawdaunt (Green)
Gender: Male
Level: 38
Type: Water/Dark
Ability: Adaptability
Held Item: None
Egg Moves: Superpower, Aqua Jet, Endeavor
Basic Moves: Swift, Bubble, Harden, Vice Grip, Leer, Bubble Beam, Protect, Double Hit, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Razor Shell, Taunt
Learnt Moves: Iron Defense, Liquidation, Water Pulse, Snore
TM Moves: None
Judging from Crawdaunt's data, its moveset is quite good.
Its physical development is also solid. It has grown normally, and while its green potential may not be enough for Aoki's current standards, it would have been excellent for the former Aoki.
However, its level is already quite high.
Having survived in the wild for a long time, its potential is nearly exhausted. While it can continue to level up, whether it can reach the Elite Four level depends on luck.
But Aoki is not looking at Crawdaunt's future potential—he is interested in its current state.
Its Adaptability ability is the main reason Aoki likes it.
Adaptability increases the power of same-type moves.
That means Crawdaunt's Water and Dark-type moves get a power boost.
Typically, same-type moves get a 50% power increase.
For example, Slowking is a Water/Psychic-type Pokemon, but it can also use Fire-type moves like Flamethrower.
However, since Slowking is not a Fire-type, its Fire-type moves do not get the same boost as its Water and Psychic moves.
This innate boost is capped at 50%.
But Adaptability increases this 50% to 100%.
In other words, Crawdaunt's Water and Dark-type moves are twice as strong.
It is a very powerful ability.
For this reason, Aoki decided to capture this Crawdaunt as the first guardian Pokemon of his Water-type gym.
The battle was quick and decisive.
After all, it was a wild Pokemon, and it was facing several of Aoki's Pokemon. It was quickly defeated by Sneasel, and Aoki used a Pokeball to capture it.
Aoki had Sneasel take it down because he wanted to level up Sneasel and evolve it with Razor Claw.
While evolving Sneasel was not urgent, it had already reached the evolution threshold, and delaying it would not be good for its long-term growth.
Not all Pokemon benefit from delayed evolution, especially those that need special items to evolve.
Aoki put Crawdaunt's Pokeball in his pocket as Vileplume continued using Sweet Scent.
More Water-type Pokemon emerged from the lake.
Their red eyes were fixated on Vileplume.
If not for Aoki and his Pokemon, Vileplume might have fled long ago under the pressure of so many wild Pokemon.
But after some time, Vileplume adapted and remained calm, realizing it was not in danger.
Using Ingrain and Synthesis, it replenished the energy spent on Sweet Scent, and its mastery of the move improved.
The area affected by Sweet Scent expanded further.
Aoki knew there were secrets beneath the lake, but today's goal was to capture Water-type Pokemon, not to explore.
As Sweet Scent spread, stronger and rarer Pokemon began to appear.
Huntail, Chinchou, and even a Relicanth!
Especially Relicanth—Aoki had only seen it once before while diving, but it vanished before he could catch it.
But today, it was drawn in by Vileplume's Sweet Scent.
Relicanth is often depicted in ancient maps, and many archaeologists study them when researching ancient ruins.
Because of this, it is known as a living fossil.
Aoki captured the Huntail, Chinchou, and Relicanth that appeared.
Although their potential and levels were average, they were rare species and would attract attention if placed in the gym's exhibition tank.
Additionally, these three species have the Swift Swim ability. If they could produce strong offspring, Aoki would not mind adding them to his future rain team.
As Sweet Scent drifted deeper underwater, even bottom-dwelling Pokemon began to emerge.
That was when Aoki encountered the second Pokemon that caught his interest.
Pokemon: Whiscash (Light Green)
Gender: Female
Level: 40
Type: Water/Ground
Ability: Hydration
Held Item: None
Egg Moves: Whirlpool, Hydro Pump, Earth Power
Basic Moves: Uproar, Belch, Headbutt, Tickle, Mud-Slap, Mud Sport, Water Gun, Mud Bomb, Amnesia, Water Pulse, Magnitude, Rest, Snore, Aqua Tail, Earthquake, Muddy Water
Learnt Moves: Ice Beam, Snore
TM Moves: None
This Whiscash, having just reached the Elite level, was the second Pokemon Aoki set his sights on.