How the new David Martinez looks [AKA Hacker name: Zero] MC pics

How the new David Martinez looks [AKA Hacker name: Zero] [Pics here]

I will also pics of every sexy female character in this R-18 Cyberpunk Edgerunners fanfic/ this is also a multiverse fic so expect to see a lot of girl characters from Cyberpunk anime/ Cyberpunk 2077 videogame/ and lots of sexy videogame girls!


A/N: Next chapter the MC will creat a sexy female videogame character into his Android servant/slave/bodyguard. So it will be 2B from Nier and another sexy android girl character next chapter!

IMPORTANT: He can only create two female android characters, an example is, 2B from Nier Automata and Android 18 from DBZ go ahead and give me suggestions!

Next chapter he pick 1 more female android to create!

A/N: Next chapter I will post how David looks like right now. He is of course more taller and muscular, and more cooler and badass, his avatar Zero and Netrunner form in the Net is different, he has dark white hair and red eyes. 

The new more powerful David[Zero] will meet Lucy and Rebecca very soon in next chapters! And its going to be a very interesting interaction! Who will MC pick for romance!? Lucy or Rebecca! Or both!? Find out soon!

The main juicy epic plot starts now! More sexy videogame characters will appear in this R-18 Cyberpunk Edgerunners fanfic! MC will be able to summon more sexy videogame characters and turn them into Androids for example 2B from Nier Automata and even Android 18 from Dragon Ball Z or even Ciri from the Witcher Videogame! Samus Aran. Also Tifa Lockhart and even sexy Overwatch girls and more sexy videogame girl characters!

 30 R-18 Advanced chapters on my Patreon: [Commission R-18 content] advanced chapters being posted on my patreon toady for this fic