"That... was... amazing!!" Jezabelle panted, her body trembling and buzzing in the afterglow.
Chad started to get the hang of it, and soon enough, he got into the flow of writing out the numbers. His tongue darted in and out, and he found himself fully enjoying the sensations that came with it.
He finished giving his email and phone number to the two girls—in the longest, most drawn-out way possible.
"You're good… You must have had a lot of practice at this," Marissa said, her voice tinged with admiration.
"…No… not really… I just watched a bit of casual porn and some, uh, ecchi stuff… I haven't been with a girl outside my…" Chad mumbled, his cheeks colouring slightly.
Jezabelle gasped. "Wait… you're the most popular male at the academy, with crowds of girls all over all the time, and you haven't… had sex before?"
"I'm popular? I don't think I am… I never really noticed… I'm too busy thinking about video games, I guess," he admitted, scratching the back of his head.
"So we were the first girls at this academy to taste your D?" Marissa asked, a mischievous glint in her eye.
"And to have oral sex with you," Jezabelle added, grinning impishly.
Chad said, "Well, technically, yes, but I'm not really paying attention to things like that."
Upon hearing that they were the first to experience sexual intimacy with Chad, after years of countless girls flirting with him... relentlessly, the two girls on the stairs convulsed, their bodies overtaken by waves of overwhelming pleasure. Their legs trembled violently, toes curling as deep, shuddering moans slipped from their lips. The intensity of their climaxes left them breathless, their muscles spasming in euphoric aftershocks. Warm fluids trickled between their thighs, pooling beneath them as their bodies collapsed, leaving them slumped against the steps, utterly spent.
Chad blinked, watching the scene unfold with a mixture of fascination and mild concern. The liquid glistened on the steps, forming small rivulets as it trickled downward. Chad had no idea what, exactly, he was looking at—nor was he particularly keen on investigating further. Yeah… he definitely wasn't slurping that up.
With shaky limbs, the girls eventually pulled themselves together, stumbling to their feet. They exchanged hazy, blissful glances before staggering away, leaving behind two sizeable puddles at the bottom of the stairwell. Chad eyed the mess and exhaled. It was definitely a slipping hazard, but cleaning it up? Not his problem.
The janitor could deal with it. Sucks for them, though—but hey, that was their job.
As Chad walked away to his next class, he turned back briefly, offering a casual wave. "See you later."
Jezabelle grinned, flipping her hair dramatically. "I'll call you!" she said with a bright smile.
Marissa gave a small nod, her tone calm and assured. "I'll email you."
The two girls remained as they were, making no effort to get dressed. Whether it was defiance, laziness, or just sheer indifference, they didn't seem to care.
A sharp, authoritative voice cut through the air. "You there!"
It was Mr. Bumchin. The ageing teacher squinted at them, his bushy eyebrows knitting together as he adjusted his crooked glasses. He stared, his expression a mix of confusion and disapproval. Then, in a tone of utter certainty, he declared, "Why aren't you wearing your Academy uniforms?! Instead, you've got... some sort of, uh, inflatable pool floaties on!'
"Inflatable pool floaties? What on earth was he talking about?" The two girls exchanged a quick glance, silently questioning whether Mr. Bumchin's eyesight had finally failed him entirely.
Still, they weren't too concerned. They knew that no matter how ridiculous the situation seemed, he couldn't give them too much grief. After all, they were Brightwater Academy's star students—the ones who had won more trophies than anyone could count. If anything, the school should be grateful they were even there at all.
Marissa asked, "What is he talking about?"
"Floaties?"Jezabelle wondered… It took a while for her to realise he was talking about our breasts... and it was apparent he couldn't see them very well as she looked down at them.
"Yes, those floaties..." Mr. Bumchin stammered, his eyes widening in slow realisation. A look of dawning horror crossed his face as he scratched at his thinning hair. 'Duh... Did you think I meant the floaties somebody left in the male toilets again?! Those unsanitary, neon monstrosities?! You students are out of control!' He threw his hands up in exasperation.
Jezabelle spoke calmly, though with a hint of disbelief. "But we're part of Brightwater Academy's swim team... of course we have... floaties."
Marissa leaned in close, her voice barely above a whisper as she glanced at Mr. Bumchin.
"I don't think he's ever seen a naked woman before."
Jezabelle whispered back, "Apparently not. Isn't it, like, super easy to look at naked women on the internet?"
Marissa gave a small shrug, her voice still low. "Maybe he has some kind of parental block or something on his computer..."
Meanwhile, Mr. Bumchin scratched his bum chin thoughtfully, his bushy eyebrows furrowing in concentration. He peered over the rims of his crooked glasses as he flicked through the pages of his little black book, muttering to himself.
"Let me check my little black book to make sure this is an appropriate uniform..."
The silence stretched on as he flipped through more pages, his eyes squinting at the text. It seemed like hours had passed, but in reality, it was only about 20 minutes of intense searching. Finally, with a triumphant grunt, he straightened up and cleared his throat.
"Ah, yes... so, if you're a member of Brightwater Academy swim team, you can wear floaties. It's to help with your swimming, so I'm fine with it," he said, sounding more relieved than convinced.
"Okay, thank you, Mr... bum... chin," she trailed off, catching herself before correcting, "Mr. Bumchin. We'll be on our way now."
"Hold on... is that lip gloss you're wearing?" he asked, staring at Jezabelle's lips.
The two girls, still naked, exchanged a surprised glance at the comment.
After looking at Jezabelle's lips, Marissa said, "That's not lip gloss… That's just some of Chad's cum she didn't wipe away."
Jezabelle froze. "Why did nobody tell me?"She wiped it away, as if it were just another minor inconvenience.
Mr. Bumchin blinked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Chad... cum now? What is this, some sort of new trend I'm not aware of?" he muttered, looking bewildered. "I swear, I need to start taking notes on all these new slang terms…"
Mr. Bumchin shifted his gaze, glancing between Marissa's legs, looking at her slightly hairy pussy, clearly unsure of what he was seeing. After a long pause, he cleared his throat and asked, "Do you have any advice on how I could grow a proper beard? I can never seem to get mine to fill in... it just ends up looking like bum fluff."
Marissa said, "You could stick some real bum fluff on your face to fill it up a bit."
"Good idea," he replied.