He was pretty sure he wasn't going to win the bet now. Vee wouldn't let up until he... had shot his load, and when that happened, he'd be her slave for a whole month. Great. That was going to seriously eat into his precious video game, anime, and solo waifu time. Just perfect...
At the front of the room, a girl stood, nervously clutching some pages, her hands trembling as if the papers were sacred—something far too precious to be mishandled. Ms. Vespera seemed oblivious to anything happening in the room, not even noticing Chad or the two Mini Skirt Mafia sisters.
The girl at the front looked even more out of place, as though she was hiding within herself, her oversized uniform draping far past her fists. She seemed so fragile, so tiny, as if wrapped in layers of fabric to protect herself. It was almost as though she was a little bunny curling up in its burrow, seeking comfort in her own space.
Despite his less-than-ideal situation—Vee's naked butt perched awkwardly on his dick and balls, feeling the pussy sneeze goo drip from between her legs—he found instead that his attention was caught by the girl at the front of the class instead of her. He couldn't help but focus on the girl and listen closely to what she was about to say.
"Hello... my name is... my name is Elise... I have a story to tell, one that's very precious to me, one that I've written."
As she spoke, Chad remembered Elise from the courtyard, though at the time, he hadn't known her name. She'd been there with the others—the big mud wrestler girl and the rest, though he couldn't really remember any of their faces or names. All he remembered was a bunch of girls about to strip. What stuck with him, though, was Elise and the way her uniform seemed to swallow her whole. She was hiding in it, almost invisible—so modest, so unassuming.
There was something undeniably endearing, honest, and incredibly charming about her.
Elise began to go through her papers nervously and read her story to the class:
[Hi, my name is Raven Dark'ness Dementia Bloodrose, and I have long ebony black hair (that reaches my waist) with purple streaks and icy blue eyes like limpid tears (AN: IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS, GET EDUCATED). I'm definitely not like all those other girls, they're just too basic and shallow to even compare to me. I'm better—way better, obviously. A lot of people say I look like a dark angel (AN: NOT A MARY SUE, OKAY??). SHE HAS PROBLEMS!!! I am very shy and mysterious but also super hot, and I wear black lipstick, black eyeliner, and lots of black clothes because I'm GOTH, NOT PREPPY!!! I am a vampire girl, so I drink blood... all blood... even period blood. STFU, flamers!! All blood is the same! I don't judge on different types! It's all red… Unless you have goth blood like me, and it is black!
I was sitting in the school library reading The Catcher in the Rye because I'm so deep and intelligent when suddenly, he walked in.
Brad DARK'NESS BLOODBLADE, the most popular and mysterious guy in the academy I love him and I don't know why. Perhaps it was the way his messy hair somehow looked effortlessly perfect, or how his casual swagger drew attention without him even trying. Maybe it was just that he seemed like the only one who didn't care, which somehow made him even more irresistible. And red eyes that burnt with the pain of his tragic past. He was wearing a tight black T-shirt that said "PAIN IS ETERNAL," ripped black jeans, and combat boots. Every girl in school wanted him, but he ignored them because they were all PREPPY SLUTS WHO DIDN'T UNDERSTAND HIM. Unlike the others, though, I wasn't like them—I wasn't just some dumb, shallow girl obsessed with trying to impress him. I knew the depth of his pain... and he would see that I was different. ]
Chad thought, "Wow... did she really write this masterpiece of literature?!" The words seemed to echo in his mind as he processed the sheer emotional depth of what she'd written. So moving... so relatable. He couldn't help but be taken aback by how deeply her words resonated with him, despite how out of place they seemed in a school setting. He paused for a moment, almost in awe, before trying to shake the feeling off.
She read more:
[Suddenly, all the girls of Academy Gotham—yes, that's the name of the school, because I'm so edgy—appeared from behind bushes and trees, and some even popped out of the ground like zombies. They were all clad in black (naturally), but then they started… RIPPING OFF THEIR CLOTHES.
I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be impressed or horrified. It was like a gothic flash mob but a little too much.
"Brad!" screamed Gothie McEmo, the head of the goth cheerleading squad. "We're stripping to show you that you're the only one who understands our tortured souls!"
"That was not a goth scream, you stupid poser," she thought angrily.
Raven looked angrily at Gothie McEmo and thought about casting a voodoo spell on her. How dare she ruin her dramatic moment with that ridiculous stunt? Raven's fingers twitched, itching to pull out her mysterious charm bracelet—it had to work, right? It was made from the bones of an ancient spirit dog after all...]
"Elise..." Ms. Vespera's voice was sharp as she cut her off. "Did you plagiarise a classic with this? This story sounds incredibly familiar to me. I'm certain I've heard it before... maybe even word for word. It's like Pride and Prejudice mixed with Wuthering Heights." Her brow furrowed as she glanced over the paper, her gaze narrowing with growing doubt.
Elise hesitated, her body stiff and eyes darting nervously around the room as she fidgeted with the hem of her long sleeves, her fingers trembling slightly. "Nooo… all… my words…" she mumbled, her voice small, barely rising above a whisper. Her words seemed to fade into the air, and after a long, uncomfortable pause, she added, almost inaudibly, "I'm too scared to read more." Her shoulders hunched in embarrassment as she quickly turned and hurried back to her desk, the sound of her footsteps echoing in the quiet room. As she passed Chad's desk, her gaze flickered involuntarily towards the table, where Vee was now giving him a vigorous hand job under the table. Chad, completely oblivious to what Vee's hand was doing, remained engrossed in the Elise and the bit story she had just told, unaware of the awkward scene unfolding just inches below him.
Chad, still oblivious, suddenly perked up. "Wait... that piece… it was an absolute masterclass in writing!! I want to read the whole thing!"
Elise said, her voice barely above a whisper, nervously fiddling with the rim of her long sleeves as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Her gaze dropped to the floor, her cheeks flushed a deep pink as if she were trying to hide behind the fabric of her oversized uniform. "Y-you... you really liked it?" she asked, her words stumbling over each other, barely audible as if she were afraid to hear the answer.
Vee, pausing to give her hand a break from jerking Chad off under the desk, shrugged. "It was alright… I guess."
Chad, now fully animated, insisted, "No, seriously, it was incredible! I could totally see that being published... you've got something special there!"
"Oh, t-t-thank you so much for enjoying my w-writing."
"I can reaaally relate to that Raven girl and see myself in her… shoes… heels..."
A cough came from behind the desk. Bibi, standing there with his arms crossed, muttered, "You see yourself in her panties, not her shoes."
Elise shot him a look. "You relate to the Raven girl?"
"Yeah… just the way she acts and sees the world… I can relate. And I can totally see her hooking up with that Brad person..."
Elise's voice wavered, rising an octave. "B-But… the Raven person is… umm… i-is based off of me..."
Chad blinked. "What?! Really?"
Vee let out a snicker. "So Chad sees himself as a woman… you pervert! You just want some breasts to play with," she teased, giving his dick a rough tug.
Elise looked nervous, her gaze flickering away, trying not to look at what Vee was doing to him under the desk. "They say when… a guy is, um, orgasming or, like, mid-sex… They're more honest… so if you say this is a… um… masturbation… uhhh…. masterclass of writing…" Her fingers fumbled with her long sleeves. "I trust your word."
"I really..." A sudden moan slipped out as Vee yanked his dick too hard. "….am impressed by your story…" The words finally tumbled out.
Elise flinched, her shoulders tensing as she let out a small, nervous laugh. "W-Well… t-this is awkward…" She glanced around, searching desperately for a conversational topic. "U-Um… I-I heard… when they interrogate criminals now… t-to make sure they're telling the truth… t-they show them p-porn, and, um… someone, uhh… arouses them, jerks them off, and stuff, so they're more honest w-with their answers. I-It's a good lie detector test…"
A suffocating silence settled over the room.
Elise let out a tiny squeak and hastily cleared her throat. "A-Anyway… I-I need to go… cya around… B-Brad… I mean, Chad." She practically bolted, her pace suspiciously quick.
Chad stared after her, rubbing his temple. "Wow… what an intriguing girl…" He exhaled a soft sigh, a sense of her lingering in his thoughts in a way he hadn't anticipated. The way her words seemed to reach him, far deeper than any touch of his dick or blowjob he'd ever had, was something he had never experienced before from a girl or a waifu.