When I woke up the next day, I had my prayers and went to the living room. My mom and brother was already setting the table for breakfast. We prayed at the dining table then we started eating breakfast that morning. When we were through with breakfast, my mom told my brother and I to go to school that she would wash the dishes.
I kissed my mom and dad goodbye. When I got to school, I went to class. On getting to the class, I met my friends outside. I did not know why they were outside. I asked them why they were staying outside and not going inside. They told me that the teachers were inside and that they did not know why the teachers told them to stay outside.
I did not understand what the teachers were trying to do. I decided to stretch my neck to see how many teachers were there. That was when I saw the school's nurses with the teachers. I was scared. Were the teachers going to let the nurses give us a checkup. If they were really going to let the nurses give us a checkup, they will find out that I was pregnant.
I was not ready for this. How would my friends and course mates look at me. Will they think that I sleep around with men. I had already heard rumors about me sleeping with men to get my high scores. I knew my friends would not believe the rumors but if they find out that I am pregnant then they would really believe it.
Then the teachers came out and told us to be on a single and straight line. Then they pointed to the boy that was the first on the line. They moved him a little bit away from us and then some male teachers started to search him. They searched everywhere and then told him to go inside. I was a little bit relieved because it seems the nurses are not here for checkup. But then I was a little worried because I don't know why they were searching us.
The teachers continued to search us. When it was my turn, they searched my body and told me to go inside. I was confused. What was happening? Then they did not let some people inside. Those students outside were nervous and shaking. It was like they were guilty of something. Then the teachers entered the classroom and told us that those students outside were trying to cheat their way into passing the surprise test the teachers wanted to give us.
We were shocked. I couldn't believe it. How did they know that the teachers wanted to give us a surprise test. The teachers told us that they have someone that gives them information. I knew they were talking about a teacher here. The teachers told us that we were going to have a test the next day. I knew those students would be suspended for some time. We finished our lectures that day and I went back home.
When I got home, I told my parents about what happened in school. My parents told me not to be like them and think of their situation as a reminder to what would happen if someone does not want to read but want to use some tricks to pass. I told my parents that I would never do such a thing. I went to have a shower and read my books while eating some fruits. I knew that I was going to pass my tests. We ate dinner that night and I revised. Then I went to bed. The next day, I ate breakfast and my parents said "Good luck I know you are going to pass your test". I know I was going to pass my tests. Good luck to me.