Chapter 4: A chat.

"Here we are again in the present, well there is not much to say except that the protagonist and lucifer have a terrible sense of humor, but other than that things are changing very quickly… I don't know how much longer I have left… I'm trying with all my might but I won't be able to continue telling you this story for much longer, however I will continue as long as I can, of that you can be sure. We've gotten past that horrible and inhuman chapter, now let's get back to the present..."

'Hey Lucy, is this a class 10 elite level?'

'Yeah, the appearance between levels 10 and 9 changes a little, levels 8 are similar but around level 8 the skills start to appear.'

'What do you mean by skills?'

'Let's talk about it later, now take care of this demon, you also have a new weapon right?'

'This is my first weapon if you can call it that, a one-handed axe with a wooden handle and an old iron head.'

'Don't worry, level 10 demons all have the same resistance as common humans, now go and give it your all.'


That monster looked at me, it had a giant eye in the middle of its belly, two mouths on its hands and... 7 hands.

I rushed at him using immediately the Lucifer enhancement that had risen to 13%, it may not seem like it but even 1% more strength and a lot when you are talking about a god.

I threw myself against that monster cutting off two of his arms in one hit but it was too easy to be true… maybe, he got into a defensive position covering his giant eye with his five remaining arms, I started running around him looking for a blind spot… well having only one eye in the middle of his chest and covering it with 5 hands he was completely blind, so from behind I cut him like a tree trunk, it took me five hits to kill him cutting him in two but you can do it without too much effort.

After that I went home… I had a big argument waiting for me, those two girls I saved were with me when the demon arrived, I had a mask on because I don't want many people to know who I really am, at least until I'm strong enough to defend what I care about, anyway he videos me putting on the mask and killing the demon… let's just say it's not an easy situation.

"So what are you, are you some kind of demon hunter or some bullshit like that?"

"Well it's hard to explain, let's say it's part of my training, now if you don't mind I have to go meditate."

Meditating was just an excuse, in reality I went into my subconscious to train with Lucy whenever I could and to not create too much suspicion I gave it the title of meditation, also because saying that I'm going to get beaten up in my brain wouldn't have been very nice.

"Do you seriously want to leave without explaining anything to us?"

"you shouldn't say that… he's done so much for us and he's been hosting us for two weeks, it doesn't seem right to me to stick your nose in his personal business…"

"Personal business my ass, he just killed a demon with five blows of an axe and using only one arm… are you… at least human?"

"Yes, at the moment I'm human, or certainly more so than those things."

"So you go around with a mask and an axe killing monsters for the government?"

"Ok, don't get me wrong, the mask is to prevent me from being recognized, and the axe was the only thing I had at the time, by the way why do you think I work for the government or something like that?"

"You hunt those monsters, right?"

"I only do it for myself, the mask is to prevent unpleasant people from recognizing me."

"how many… how many have you killed so far?"

"...This was the second one, it's been 4 months since the first one and I don't know how I'm supposed to figure out when the next one will arrive... but I'll be ready for whatever comes"

"Well you know what? We don't want to stay here with you, we want to leave!"

"...The door is always open, I never forced you to stay, you stayed. You can leave whenever you want."

"So you're not going to try to stop us?"

"No... I don't force anyone to do something they don't want to do, you can stay or go to your house, it's your choice."

"we don't have a place to go..."

"Hey shut up, you don't have to tell him our business."

"...What do you mean you don't have a place to go?"


"those guys... they killed our families and burned our houses... plus they took tons of pictures and videos and uploaded them every time they finished taking them..."

"...Don't cry... come to my school, if anyone tries to bother you I'll take care of it."

"Why should we trust you?"

"You've been at my house for a couple of months now, if I wanted to do something I would have done it a long time ago, don't you think?"

"...I don't trust you."

"And you don't have to. After what you've been through I totally understand, but as long as you're under my roof you're my responsibility. Whatever you do."

"...I don't trust you... but... but I'll give you a chance."

"Thank you Emily... and you Giada? What do you want to do?"

"I... trust you, so I'll do whatever you tell me."

I really didn't know what to say, it was the first time someone had trusted me like that, I just nodded and went out onto the terrace to smoke a cigarette.

"you... smoke?"

"Yeah... it's a bad habit but... it helps me relieve stress."

"what you said that time... that you've never had girls in your room... was it true?"

"Yep, I'm still a virgin at 17, I've never had a girlfriend because I'm too shy and... apparently I'm "destined" to become a god if you can call it that."

"what do you mean by becoming a god?"

"...Forget it, I'm talking out loud... okay, let's go to sleep, tomorrow I'll take you to school with me to enroll you."

"tomorrow is July 7th... Friday right? Wouldn't it be better to go on Monday?"

"Don't think about it, I'll take care of everything."

The next day we took the bus and I took them to my school, the castix, my school didn't have the best reputation, but I liked it, even if it didn't seem like once you knew someone you understood that deep down they were a good person, as far as enrolling Giada and Emily I spoke directly with the vice principal... at first he didn't want to collaborate, but after I smashed his desk with a punch he was convinced to let them enroll and put them in my class.

"Excuse me for asking but... do you really need to be so attached to me? You're sitting one on my right and one on my left, you can even let go of my arms you know...?"

"Be quiet, this class is full of only boys, and why are they all staring at us?"

"Maybe because you're attached to me?"

At which point one of my classmates approached me... or at least tried to...

"Hey nice to meet you, I'm Gian, and you?"

"Disappear, microbe, go back to the hole you came out of."

"...Emily, don't you think you overdid it a bit?"

"You ugly b-"

I think by instinct, but I stood up before he even finished his sentence, I had noticed that he was pulling his arm back as if to punch her or slap her, so by reflex I stood up and took him with a hand over my mouth... maybe it was because of what I had seen that day, but I couldn't stay still and silent while they called them that... so in addition to taking him I lifted him off the ground, my physique had changed very little but my strength had increased exponentially, I was strong enough to be the strongest human being in the world.

"Why... why don't you try repeating it, bastard."

"D, he doesn't know what the situation is, please let him go."

If it weren't for Giada… I would have ripped his jaw off, but thanks to her intervention I came to my senses… and after a few minutes.

"I demand everyone's attention. These girls have gone through something horrible that you can't even imagine, I brought them here to try to make them recover, if any of you try to do something that I consider even the slightest bit wrong, then I will punish you by breaking your finger."

"Yes yes come on D, and you expect us to believe you? You lifted that asshole off the ground and now you think you're the Hulk or something?"

"…Do you really want to find out who I think I am?"

At that moment a chilling silence fell, I didn't really care what they thought of me, after what I had said whoever wanted to remain my friend would have done it, the others could stay in a corner and cry... in this case I would say everyone, since 1 week later, on July 14th, everyone had changed, no one except Giada and Emily spoke to me... it wasn't what I wanted to achieve but it is what I achieved, and I don't regret it. But that bastard had made a big mistake.

On July 15th after returning home... Giada and Emily weren't there, there was only a note with written on it: I'm Gian, I borrowed your two whores, I hope you don't mind, I'll have some fun with them, if you want you can come and watch, I'll leave you the address below.

I immediately ran out of the house, and with the help of my mother who I take in the car I immediately reached the place.

"Welcome D, there are about 50 guys in this building including me, and we are all ready to have fun with those two whores, I give you one last chance, get down on your knees and apologize, otherwise we will kill you first and then rape them until they die."

"YOU... you... are crazy... if you think I will let you do this. I am the one giving you one last chance, you say there are 50 of you but you are all armed, are you afraid?"

"And of whom? Of you? You are nothing but a fly that does not know its place, and someone has to teach you a lesson, so next time you will know how to behave."


"So what do you answer me? Do you join us or die against us?"

"You talk too much... you tired me."

The anger was exploding inside me, usually thanks to lucifer I could keep my emotions under control... but this time it was too much. They were armed with everything, baseball bats, beams, iron rods, knives and more, one even had a gun... but if I were in a group of 50 people, not even a gun would have been a problem.

"A revolver has 6 shots, pray you don't run out of shots before I reach you, because if I catch you... if I get to you, you will become mincemeat and no one will ever recognize you again."

"To me, all your words seem to be empty words. You are just a weak and stupid human, you will die here."

"...That's where you are wrong, I am no longer a human being. From now on I will never be a human being again... that's enough, I have finally decided... I will cleanse this planet of people like you... and I will do it by killing you all."

I took out my axe and put on my mask.

"...It's time for a massacre."