"The Prince and the Princesses are all under my tutelage." Vasily informed. She was about to continue but was unintentionally interrupted by Aristia.


After the unnecessarily loud yawn, Aristia immediately realized that she had unknowingly interrupted the Viscountess.

She paused slightly and blinked, her eyes turning watery in response, which may or may not have been done intentionally. "Pardon my rudeness, Viscountess." She apologized for her rude behavior in that soft voice.

The yawn was real, though. She hadn't meant to let it escape her lips. [I was just bored of hearing information I already know.]

She half expected the Viscountess to not fall for her attempt at damage control and reprimand her or something but the Viscountess had a completely different reaction from what she expected.

"Adorable!" Viscountess Vasily blurted out unintentionally, her strict expression finally melting. "Ahem," she coughed and looked away when she realized what she had just said. "Pardon me."

"It's okay." Aristia replied, chuckling when she realized what Vasily said.

[So, it worked, huh?] She hid her smirk.

She continued narcissistically "I know I'm cute so it's okay. I like pretty things and people. You seem to be the same. Let's be friends. What do you think?" She said cringey words with a stern expression.

[Anyway, it's not like I befriend anyone I meet, especially for the first time. I just have a feeling that we're gonna get along well, so I asked to be friends.]

Aristia was both outspoken and good at making friends when she was little. She was just like her name; a freedom-loving and free-spirited individual, but because she was from a very wealthy and influential family, she distanced herself from them and thus had no friends growing up since most of them just wanted her friendship for the benefits.

Viscountess Vasily widened her eyes in surprise at the child's proposal of friendship, but nodded her head in acceptance.

The offer was strange and uncommon, but strangely, she didn't feel like she couldn't be friends with her just because the other party was a five year old child, even though she didn't know that that five year old was actually an adult in her original world.

Even if Aristia was arrogant, it didn't seem as bad as the rumours. And which noble child wasn't arrogant when they had every right to be? Vasily thought. Besides it wasn't like she could even refuse her in the first place.

"Yes. Of course. I would be honoured to be friends with you. Now let's resume our lesson." She replied with a wide smile spread on her face.

When she heard the Viscountess say lesson, Aristia's face scrunched up in annoyance. Seeing this, the Viscountess chuckled heartily.

"As I was saying, the Amberale Royal family is known for their physical trait of grey hair. The only people in the Kingdom to possess that hair colour."

[Wait a second. Grey hair? Who else possesses grey hair? How could I forget that Papa is also part of the Royal family? Must be because that stupid novel was too unclear.] She blamed the book for causing her to forget this detail.

Just as she had that thought, the Viscountess' voice rang out.

"The previous King, Father King Melvin Amberale had two sons; King Fedor, his firstborn, the then Crown Prince and our current King, and your father, the second Prince, Grand Duke Wilson Amberale. Like I said before, King Melvin's wife, the former Queen is Queen Melissa, a princess from the neighbouring Kingdom. I've heard a lot about how sweet their love is."

Vasily had a smile on her face as she uttered the latter part of her sentence. Her smile widened even more when she thought of her own husband, Viscount Ross Hemsworth.


Aristia sighed as she made her way out of the drawing room allocated for holding her classes after bidding Vasily goodbye. Her first class which was history had just ended after an hour and she was assimilating the information she had just learned today while heading to her room to freshen up before she could head to her next class.

[Okay. So it completely slipped my mind that the Grand Duke Wilson Amberale is the second son of the former monarch, and the younger brother of the current Kinghich means he was the second in line to the throne. That explains why he's called 'Your Highness'. But why did she use such a roundabout way to explain the lesson?] Aristia thought, a bit annoyed at Aristia's tutor.

She could have mentioned this information beforehand when she was talking about Fedor being the son of the former king.

[She'd assume I should already be aware of this bit of information.]

Her brows twitched when she recalled that Adeline had referred to her as 'princess' in the morning when she came to assist her in taking her bath.

If she remembered correctly, didn't the maid that carried Alaric into the dining room refer to the Grand Duke and Duchess as 'Your Highness'?

"How did I not notice something so obvious?" She muttered, tapping her forehead in disbelief. "Is there something wrong with me?"

She was beginning to worry.

[But based on this information I got now, that also means the King is my uncle, the queen is my Aunt, their children are my cousins, and the former monarch and his wife, my paternal grandparents. Gosh! I'm royalty now.]