Days later...

"We are visiting your aunt and uncle tomorrow." Catherine suddenly announced. They were all having dinner in the dining room when she announced the news.

Aristia nodded, "Aunt Alistair would be so happy." She couldn't forget that beautiful woman with scarlet red hair and emerald green eyes.

"Not the Duchess." Wilson corrected and Aristia raised her eyebrows. "It is the Queen, the wife of my brother the King."

"Oh. That Aunt." Aristia turned back to her food.

[I wonder what the royal family will be like?]

"Where are we going to, Tia?" Alaric asked. He had not been paying attention.

"We are going to the Royal Palace, Al. To visit our uncle's family."

"Oh! Brother Ivan promised to let me ride horses with him." He exclaimed excitedly.

"He did?" She asked rhetorically, I'll looking at him. "Do you like horses, Al?"