"I am not pretty, little girl." A voice huffed. They all froze and turned to see the owner of the voice glaring at Aristia. It was Ivan's daemon.
"Shadowfax has never spoken to any of us." Rowaine said in surprise.
"And the first words we heard from him sounded quite dissatisfactory," Father King Melvin laughed heartily.
Daemons could make themselves heard by people if they wanted to, but they preferred to restrict their conversations to their human, and possibly other daemons. So, they were quite surprised when Shadowfax replied Aristia when he had never done that to any of them.
'How could this little girl call me pretty?' Shadowfax complained to Ivan in his mind, still not satisfied.
He had even made his words heard by not only Aristia, but also the rest of the people standing there, just so that they would know that he was not in favour of and would not under any circumstances, accept being called pretty.