Aristia looked on curiously as Adeline came to stand before her and opened the chest.

Inside the chest were transparent vials containing liquids of different colors neatly arranged, and folded cloths and cotton. 

[Is this like a first aid kit?] Aristia was surprised.

Adeline took out a vial containing pink liquid and dipped the piece of cotton into it, using it to dab on Aristia's injured hand.

Aristia felt a slight sting, followed by a soothing cool. Adeline then picked up the cloth and started to wrap it around Aristia's hand. 

[Seriously? You have to wrap my hand because of this?] That was what Aristia thought but she didn't voice it out as she didn't want to receive a lecture from Adeline. 

"It's done, princess," Adeline said as she closed the vial and returned it to its position in the box.

She returned the box to the drawer while saying, "It will prevent the wound from becoming infected and forming a scar."