20. Grandma

With this matter over, we went back to class, and on our way we met Henry again. If it had been another day, I would have told him that he didn't sneak around us, but it was difficult to find sympathy for him while I was busy pitying myself.

Back in the classroom, I got strange glances, which I still was not accustomed to. 

Chelsea sat on the utmost left side in the first row and winked at me, holding her phone for me to see. So the majority had already read what I posted.

But how many knew about the police coming? No idea, and I really don't want to read what the students write on the forum for now.

The rest of the day dragged endlessly, and when I checked my phone, I got the next strike delivered, Lauren texting me to come home—because my grandma was coming.

She was the only one left of my four grandparents, everyone else dying away earlier. She was like weed and could withstand every storm. The mother of my father—this woman was really a nuisance.

Every time she sees me, there is endless bullshit coming from her. When I curse, she personally shoves soap in my mouth. When she catches me smoking, she scoffs at me for trying to play cool.

She is the only reason I go back to my 'family'. Because however a nuisance the old lady is, she is not only to me like this but to her son and other grandchildren as well. And if she knew that I had moved out, she would wreak havoc on everyone.

So somehow, this strange arrangement took place; the family that hated me would call me back when she came to visit.

"Today playing billiards?" Danny elbowed my lifeless body, and I grunted.

"No, my grandma is coming; I have to go home." The bell had rung, and I saw Danny making his condolences at me, before waving at the others and leaving the school.

I took two buses, my nerves thinning as I felt myself being shadowed yet again. At the end of the long bus drives, I walked up the hill, this time not between fucked up buildings but high-end villas, again Henry following me.

"Stop it. Leave." I said, turning around and staring at him.

He froze, his hair being blown by the wind, his eyes calm and tranquil, but still frosty. There was no raging hatred, but it seemed all my cooperation had done nothing to soften him up.

"Why not let me die yesterday, if you are so sure of me being the culprit?" I asked, the distance between us short enough for him to hear.

There was no answer, and I just wanted to punch this face. Pressing my palms against my eyes, I tried to get a grip. I turned and continued my way until I stood before the most imposing villa gate. 

A car stood in front of it, and an ancient primary rock of a woman got out with the help of a young, muscular man.

"Kennith Howard." The barking voice entered my ears, and I shuddered. 

"Come here and help your grandma, you unfilial cluster of genes." Seeing her face that looked like a mummy, I walked to her involuntarily.

She pushed the muscular guy away and raked her alien-like arm around mine.

"What? You don't want to come near me?"

"Cause you reek of death." Not even the high-end perfume on her could mask it.

"Because you reek of death…?" She asked shrilly.

"Because you just reek of death, grandma." I repeated with an eye roll, only for her thin leg to stomp on my foot.

"Oh, you brought a friend. Come here." She waved at my stalker, who paused before really coming closer.

"Very well." She said after mustering him.

"Is he your girlfriend?" She asked while elbowing me with her sharp bones.

"No, grandma, he is a guy." I said, nearly laughing at the stunned expression on Henry's face.

"So? Your grandfather was a dog, and we were married for sixty years. Besides, this boy has long hair." Her neatly tied hair—not even a strand standing up—stands in strong contrast to Henry's.

"Men can even wear make-up and don't have to be gay." I said. Henry being ignored by both of us gave me a bit of satisfaction.

"Even if he were, he wouldn't be my girlfriend." I said, grinning at Henry.

"Kennith Howard. If you ever wear make-up, I dig your grandfather up and beat you with his shin." She smacked her mouth with gusto at that scene.

"Did I say that I wanted to?" I asked her in exasperation.

"Madam, we should go in." The muscular young guy came up and bowed to her.

"Get the boy a hairband, or he will get hair in his food." His hair isn't even that long—what the… does that mean she is inviting him in???

"Yes Madam." One muscular guy disappeared; another one appeared to catch her if her thin figure were to be blown away by the wind.

"Where are you even getting these guys?" I asked her, and she grinned at me with her false teeth shining way too brightly, her foggy eyes watching me like Sauron's eye.

"Model agency." She said, stirring me in the direction of the gait.

I chuckled while Henry stood still there, frozen, until he was shoved in behind us by the bodyguard who came with a hairband out the car.

We walked over the path to the house where my grandmother did not knock or ring the bell but just hammered against it with her walking stick.

A woman with light brown wavy hair opened; from lipstick to her attire, she was perfectly clothed. So damn perfect; it looked plastic. This is my elder sister, Lauren. Her brown eyes didn't look at me even for a moment, instead gazing at my grandma in surprise.

"Grandma! Why are you here already?"