I gave him a thumbs up.
"Don't forget. Now please close the door when leaving; it is getting a bit chilly."
I saw him doing just that, waving me a goodbye. I bet he is in the midst of giving my address to some reporters.
They can come, and then I tell them how fake every one of the evidence was.
My phone vibrated somewhere, and I crawled to the mattress where I found it. It was my grandma.
"No teeth are lost, and I am still alive." It is a hassle to get new teeth, so I am always conscious of them when fighting.
I heard a sigh of relief,
"Good, you are ugly enough even with your teeth." And… she hung up again. I laughed, somehow loving how clear the sides were all of a sudden.
From the strange static my family had been in, with my grandmother leaning to me, my father leaning away from me, while my siblings remained unmoved, now the fronts were more than just cleared. It felt good; I felt real. And I felt strangely alive.