Daily task

The sun was beginning to rise; its golden light streamed through Alan's window, waking him from a restless sleep.

He remembered the impossible task; given by Anna yesterday, with rewards and punishments. Today was the day he had to complete this task, and nervousness filled his face.

Sitting on his sofa, Alan stared at the blue screen in front of him.

Daily task:

1: 1000 kick in an hour.

2: Run 5 miles in an hour.

3: 500 push-ups and sit-ups within an hour.

Rewards will be given after the completion of tasks

Punishment: naked dance in front of the awakening hall

Alan sighed, looking at the screen. First, the task was somewhat impossible for him, and that fucking punishment, he was cursing Anna with every language he knew.

[Don't curse me. Just start the task; you have to complete it today] Alex ignored her teasing voice.

"Focus, Alan," he whispered to himself, shaking his head.

After a minute, he freshened up and put on his workout clothes, ready to head outside.

Before leaving his room, he took a glance at his bedroom. His wives, Elena And Christiana, still peacefully sleeping.

He smiled at the sight of their bedraggled hair and relaxed expressions.

They were both snoozing, all tangled up, andChristiana was drooling like a newborn.

He didn't want to wake them up, so he decided to leave quietly, making sure not to disturb their sleep.

Dressed in his workout clothes, he slipped out of the bedroom and headed to the park nearby. The morning air was fresh, and he took a moment to breathe deeply, trying to calm his nerves.

"Just a quick workout," he whispered to himself, feeling both excited and anxious, pulling up his timer for the first task: the kicks.

Setting the timer for 15 minutes, he began. "One, two, three...." he kicked high and low in the air, counting methodically. But soon the burn in his muscles became impossible to ignore.

He paused, hands on his knees his breath heavy. The screen flashed a notification: " 20 minutes left"

"Twenty minutes?" he gasped, determination flooding through him.

With a deep breath, he resumed kicking, but the fatigue started to kick in. Each kick felt heavier than the last, his muscles screaming to stop him.

He could feel onlookers gazes on him, some curious, others impressed by his dedication. A group of old people stopped their walking to watch, their expression they were impressed by the dedication of Alan.

" That boy is impressive, look how determined he is." one of them whispered. Alan caught their eyes and pushed harder.

The timer stopped, and with 5 seconds to spare, he delivered his final kick.

" Task complete!" appeared on the screen.

He collapsed onto the grass, breathing heavily, but a sense of accomplishment washed over him.

Next came the five-mile run. He took a thirty-minute rest to shake off the fatigue.

The timer reset and began at a steady pace.

At first, the miles seemed to fly by. He focused his thoughts beautiful scenery in front of him to negate some negative thoughts.

But as he reached the halfway point, fatigue hit him hard. His legs felt heavy, and each breath grew more difficult.

" Keep going. Just keep going, don't give up" he urged himself, but doubt crept in with every step. But he quickly shook off those thoughts, reminding himself he was not a quitter anymore.

As he hit mile three, his pace slowed. Sweat stung his eyes, as he stumbled. Gritting his teeth, he pushed through, willing himself to continue.

"Just two more miles," he whispered. With renowned focus, he surged forward, imagining the finish line waiting for him.

The final stretch came into view, and he sprinted forward, crossing the invisible finish line with triumph.

" Task complete!" Again familiar victory screen appeared before him.

He sat down, the exhaustion nearly overwhelming him

Now came the last task, which he completed with one second to spare.

" Daily task completed!" finally the notification he had hoped arrived, with some other notification, which Alan ignored.

Alan lay on the ground, utterly spent, staring up at the sky. He felt a mixture of relief and agony wash over him.

He had pushed past his limits, at first he didn't think he could do it, but as he started his confidence in himself grew and he was able to do it.

He had completed the tasks, proving to himself that he could overcome the seemingly impossible.

"hah, Anna I did it, now you won't be able to see this gorgeous body of mine." He said her teasingly.

[Don't be so overconfident, your rewards were already given to you, and you should be able to see them, but you ignored them] Anna remarked.

"Oops, sorry," Alan chuckled lightly and decided to see what rewards he had got.

Daily tasks are completed.

All rewards were distributed to the user by the administrator.

strength: +5

agility +5

next daily task will be given to you tomorrow.

Alan was quite satisfied with seeing his strength increase, he decided he would check his stats later after reaching home.

With shaky legs, he made his way home and the first thing he did was to check on his bedroom.

"huh, they are still sleeping," Alan remarked lightly, watching his wives.

His gaze turned soft seeing the two women, who had entered his life yesterday.

" I didn't know they were sleepyheads," Alan chuckled. " Although I did say I want all of us to know each other, I was first hesitant, but now I do want to know everything about them, get closer to them, I didn't have any idea how to do that, but now I think I know what to do," Alan exclaimed, his voice filled with joy.

" I will start with a breakfast date." Alan decided to make something good for breakfast. He slipped quietly through the door, careful not to wake them, smiling widely he entered the kitchen.