Sea spiders

After hearing that Emma had no room Alex just told the girl to just lead them to the inn and that it won't be a problem getting two rooms.

After all the total amount of money they have is 95 copper almost 1 silver but it is good enough for both of them to atleast stay awhile and with that Emma let Alex to the inn that was called the blue Shell it had a cozy atmosphere and for 15 copper a night it was pretty good better than Starfall Town inn.

Alex give the attendent 60 copper and asked for two rooms it would allow them a two day stay and have some money left over for a emergency you never know after all.

After getting their rooms it seemed that they got rooms that where next to eachother.

"So do you wake up early?" Alex asked Emma because he was not keen on waiting for two hours for her to wake up.

"I can i usually dont but i can so i take it you want to get up so how early are we talking?" Emma answered she had done a few quests that made her wake up early or make her go to sleep late so she has no problems with waking up early.

"I wake up at 7 am so if you could wake up at that time would be nice and we can wait for the other before we take a quest." Alex explained it to Emma and the girl nodded and with that they went to their rooms said goodnight to the other and went inside.

(Kuma what do you think if her?) Alex asked him after all he had asked him to keep a eye on her.

(She is s bit careless but strong and she has no problems with anything that happened today and she does not seem to have some hidden intentions.) Kuma bassicly gave the short version but went over the important things.

(I see well the careless can probably just be from not knowing how to take care of het self or she is just clumsy but all other things aside she seems to be a good fit besides she uses fire a affinity we dont have and is good against cold blood monsters or things that hide in shells.) Alex told Kuma seeing if the bear would agree or not.

(Your right beside when you can get a new plushie we already have the mage spot filled so it should not be a worry for something like that i would say keep her in the party i think we can make her strong besides the way we are going we are going to end up at the Mammoths Fall and it is cold over there her having fire makes things easy.)

(Your right it is probably where i want to go next i will ask her if she is also with going there when the time comes but for now i will focus on getting us a new plushie so we have a bigger team.) Alex did agree because if he could have either someone or a plushie with the ice affinity it would be strong when they leave there.

(Talking about that do you know what you will use as materials?) Kuma was wondering sure he knows Alex has those tusk but he was wondering if he changed his mind and wants to get something else maybe something from the sea or not.

(Well i have a idea but i dont know if it is possible to get but if it is we can have someone who restraints the enemy.) Alex himself had a idea might not be a good idea but if it works it would be insane in a good way.

(So i guess you won't tell me or?) Kuma did want to know but if Alex wanted it as a suprise he could only wait.

(I will tell you i need your opinion so i was planning on getting tentacles.) When Kuma hear Alex say that he was speechless.

(What are you creating are you making something that is akin to some eldritch horror is that your plan because i dont supposed your making a squid or something?) Kuma did not know what to think of what Alex was making.

(I mean if people or monsters get afraid of it it's a plus but no your right it is not a squid or something and i am not trying to give life to a eldritch horror.) With that out the way Alex and Kuma just decided to drop the subject because Kuma found that idea a bit weird but good nonetheless.

Before going to sleep Alex decided to meditate and he felt like he was making good progress with it.

The next day Alex and Emma got some some sort of squid on bread it definitely was not Alex's favorite but he ate it.

Emma on the other hand loved it which Alex found weird but he thought different people different preference.

After eating they went to the guild which always seemed busy and was a reminder that this place was bigger than Starfall Town.

Looking at the quests they picked a quest where they had to kill the Sea spiders so showing it to the guild that they took the quest and got a form that showed that they came from the guild and where permitted where they will need to go.

They went to the beach they met but the kept walking until they came to a blocked off section with a guard infront of the gate.

Before the guard could say anything Emma told the guard they have a quest and showed them the form of the guild they had to show that came with the quest and the guard nodded and let them through.

And when they where our of view of the gate Alex wanted to ask why there was a guard there but it became very obvious why.

There where a lot of monsters and multiple adventurers who where killing monsters.

"Hey Emma you have been here longer than me what is going on?" Alex wanted some answers because the place almost looked similar to a movie back on earth.

Kuma was just looking at the battlefield and was looking for interesting earth spells and he was looking for the Sea spiders.

Kuma tapped Alex's head (look at the shore if that is not a sea spider i dont know what is.) looking to the shore he saw light green spiders they looked like seaweed if you only saw the legs and color.

But before he could think Emma told him what waa going on.

"They think that a monster wave will happen but before they where not afraid but this is a lot more then usual so most killing monster quest will be here untill either the monsters stop or untill a wave happens but they can't allow this much monsters to just come down on the city." Emma told him this and the situation turned out to be worse than Alex thought.

It almost looked like with every wave that hit the beach brought new monsters but it was always one group never a mix of different monsters.

"Alright i can see why this is weird but we have a job to do besides Kuma found them already follow me." Alex brought Emma to where the spiders where.

F+ rank sea spiders

When coming there Alex told Emma to back then up since Kuma and him where bassicly going right into the group and that her job was to make sure that most spiders did not sneak up on them.

But before going he told Emma that if she got the attention of the spiders that she would need to say it since Alex and Kuma might not notice if some slip away to attack her.

When allex came just a few steps from the spiders they noticed him and Kuma jumped off his shoulder and used a earth claw to hit one in the face.

And before the others could react another spider in the group got hit by a fire ball.

Quickly counting the spiders Alex saw that there where ten so he now grabbed his axe from his back and swung at the spider that Emma hit finishing it off.

Kuma was busy with the spider he hit with the earth claw they were strangely weak and Kuma drived his claws into the spiders head when he got close enough.

Another spider wanted to jump at Kuma but Emma put a fire wall between them so the spider who already jumped came half dead through the fire wall and Kuma noticed something weird about them and quickly killed it.

(Alex tell Emma that the spiders can heal themselves.) Kuma needed Alex to tell Emma and have the girl aim to kill the spiders in one shot.