New Beginnings

 Within a nest amongst the ancient tree's canopy resides a small t-rex like creature. Its skin is a pale shade of grey, and lies motionless on its side. If not for the movements of its nostrils, many would have said it was dead instead of resting.

 The reptile in question suddenly stirs, snapping its serpentine eyes open and looking around, seemingly confused. 'Where the hell am I!?' it thought.

 As it turns out, the creature actually contains the essence of man, capable of forming thoughts and identifying emotion- a soul. 'Ok, lets breathe and try to remember... something. My name is-was?- Evans. I was at home on my game console playing...what was it again? OH! Monster Hunter, that's right!' As the memories where slowly coming back to him, Evans began to slowly relax, a slight respite from his abrupt awakening.

 'I was battling an anjanath after completing much of the main story as celebration before moving on to iceborne. As I was getting ready to carve it, i felt my chest constricting and next thing i know I'm in what seems to be a... a NEST!?' As if finally realizing something, Evans hurriedly looked down only to be met with claws instead of hands and a strange bone piece on his rather larger nose. 'AM I A DINOSAUR NOW!? no, wait... Isn't this an anjanath!?'

 Having looked around at him self as much as he could, along with the hundreds of hours in MHW, he realized he had become an anjanath - a young one judging how his skin is fairly lacking its pink hue seen on the adult ones.

 'Well this isn't so bad. could've been much worse. if i had ended up as a Jagaras i might as well have put a sign on my head that said ' free meal right here! come eat me!' then again i don't think wyverns can read... can they? no focus dammit!' Having dealt with his random thoughts, Evans got up- or at least tried to. As he tried putting his feet under him, his legs began to shake and he fell as he was still a bit young in this new body of his "Ow!" a slight yelp escaped his now reptilian mouth as he hit the floor. 'Ok lets try this again'

 And with that thought in mind, for the next couple of hours, one would see an anjanath cub standing and falling each time it took a step around its nest. If anyone was nearby to witness this, they would no doubt chuckle at how ridiculous he seemed. As the sun sat high within the sky, Evans could now walk without falling on his nose "FINALLY! God that was tiring!" he screeched with joy. 


 His joy was short lived however as he heard something heavy moving through the lush jungle, seemingly heading towards his direction. Panicking, Evans looked around and buried himself under as much straw as he can find. "Don't be a deviljho, don't be a deviljho PLEASE DONT BE A DEVILJHO!" To his relief, what reared his head was not an angry pickle but an anjanath like him.

 The grown anjanath stood taller than the vines surrounding the nest with a Prescence that said not to mess it lest you wish to die. In its mouth was the corpse of a great Jagaras. The adult anjanath, having entered and spotted Evans in his - to his later reflection- terrible hiding area, placed the carcass on the ground and dragged him out as gently as possible by his neck, like a cat would with its cubs. 'Is this my mother? She seems nice, and she even brought food! perfect!' Now assured that he is safe, he looked at his supposed mother and then at the great Jagaras she brought in.

 Seeing Evans looking at the corpse, the mother anjanath gave a soft growl and nudged him forward to it. Hesitant at first, he gave it a slight prod with his foot, ensuring that the great Jagaras would not suddenly get up and snap him up whole. Seeing that it didn't react, and realizing how stupid his action was considering it was brought in by the jaws of his mother he took a bite of it around the neck. "Wow! this great Jagaras tastes like beef!" Now with worries settled, he dug in with great gusto, blood and other scraps flying about around the nest. His mother, though confused by the strange sounds coming from him, was delighted seeing that her young is finally eating like an anjanath should - fierce and relentless.

 After stuffing his face for a bit, Evans felt full and sleepy. He made his way towards his resting mother and curled himself by her side, basking in her warmth from the hunt she has been on.

'So comfy~' and with that last thought, he drifted of into a deep sleep. 

like this his days passed leisurely, with his mom bringing back meals to feast on and balancing himself in the nest, and before he knew it, 6 months have passed.