The burning evening

 "Todays finally the day." Evans is currently pacing around his new tree abode, eager and agitated for what he has long been waiting for. "Hope you had your fun, cause you wont live to see tomorrow!" A toothy grin appears on his face as he imagines his hated foe torn to shreds. Yes, Evans has finally found the very same Rathalos that took his mom from him all those years ago.

 He's certain its this specific rathalos for he spotted the bite marks left behind on the now scabbed backside of the Rath. Evans begins to move towards a location he knew all to well: the very first nest he opened his eyes in.

 As he revels in the site of his old stomping grounds, he begins to remember the memories he made with his mom. His first hunt, the first training, and the warm embrace that he can now somewhat feel. The old wounds in his heart make him feel somber so he decides to rest in the old nest at least one last time.

 20 meters away, a hunting party of the 1st fleet quietly observes the now sleeping anjanath. "Jonas, are we really gonna watch this snot-nosed lug take a nap? i could be sharpening my sword right now!" a large scarred man complains to another skinnier man holding binoculars. "Idiot, shut up!, your going to wake it at this rate!" A woman wielding two daggers snapped. although the mask on her face blocks what many could see, there could still be seen a burning fire in her eyes.

 "Zephyr, Elise, cut it out, you know the mission already. We wait till sunrise to see what happens next." The assumed leader, Jonas states, a cold expression resting on his face. On his back lays a metal bow, with a quiver of strings tied beneath, ready for use at a moments notice. And so, the team waits, taking shifts during the night and dispatching any small creatures tying to get an easy meal.

 "Hey get up! the anjanath is stirring!" the quick tempered woman, Elise, kicks Zephyr, causing the large man to grunt form the rude awakening. Evans, none the wiser to the field team stalking him, makes his way to the largest tree within the forrest. By the time he arrives, the sun has already dropped to lower half of the sky, as if finding cover from what is about to occur.

 Evans trudges up to the top, determination and fury warping his visage and there, he sees it. The Rathalos was currently wrapped around itself, eyes close without a care in the world basking in the sun Fat chance I'm gonna let you enjoy this for long.' 

With that in mind, Evans, as loudly as he could muster, Let out his species' battle cry


The Rathalos' eyes snap open, enraged at the audacity of the anjanath daring to challenge him.


 Up on its feet the Rathalos charges at Evans ready to take a bite at him. Unfazed, Evans leaps to the side, years of battling kicking in. Taking advantage of the Rathalos now facing the wrong way, Evans sinks his fangs into the back of the now off guard king of the skies. Roaring in pain, the Rathalos launches one of its claws at Evans, Kicking him off and getting breathing room. It then begins to flap its wings, creating gusts of air powerful enough to send branches and other debris hurtling off the tree. The Chest of the rathalos than begins to fill with air. Evans, seeing what the Rath is trying to do, also begins to inhale large amounts of air

(scene change: the hunter trio)

" How do we lose a GIANT, PINK T-REX huh Zephyr!?"

 "MAYBE if you would stop nagging to move faster I could have kept sight of it!"

Jonas is pinching the bridge of his nose as his two unreliable team members argue back and forth about losing the anjanath they had in their sights

"ENOUGH! Zephyr, after this, return back to Endemic life researcher to improve your tracking skills. Elise, reign in your temper, we will find it again."

Furious, Elise yells " HOW!?, this blockhead not only couldn't find any tracks of the damn thing, he led us in the WRONG DIRECTION! Its not like a signal will drop from the-"


Before she could finish her rant, a large explosion was heard in the distance, grabbing the attention of the trio to its source.

"What the..."

 Before the trio's wide eyes, the largest tree within the forest, one that has stood the test of time...was engulfed in flames. "Get down!" Zephyr, first to snap out of his shock, tackles his team to the ground as a burning log flies above their heads, incinerating one of the Jagaras mounts the team was using earlier and scaring off the other two. "What the hell is going on!?" Elise, still shellshocked, asks, trying to regain her bearings. Jonas, staring at the now oxygen deprived burning zone, mutters "I'm not entirely sure, but... i believe That is where we will find our target. I just hope I'm wrong." With cation and bits of fear, they travel to the tree that is now burning 

 (Back to Evans)

 Like a scene from a hell on earth, the new battlefield created by the collision of two great fireballs has scorched everything within 15 meters. Evans hacks out soot, with fur still smoldering having been close to the epicenter. The Rathalos fares no better as bits of its once pristine scales now crumbles to the floor. It wobbles in the air as both fighters recover. After a few minutes, The reptilian aircraft attempts to flee once more, caring more of its life than pride.

"Oh.. No...YOU DONT!" crouching down, Evans coils the muscles within his legs, and then, to the shock of the Rathalos, he jumped higher than the Rath itself. Then, Evans spun and slammed his tail onto the head of the Injured wyvern, casing it to dive head first to the ground. Not letting up, Evans, with the help of gravity, slammed into his opponent once more, and then, with great ferocity, rips out the still beating heart of the beast, ending its life once and for all.


And with this mighty bellow, Evans declared, to every living creature within the ancient forrest, be it man or monster, that an overlord has fallen.