The Stalwart duo face each other, with a determined gleam in their eyes. To Evans' shock, Kane leaps into the air with his great sword. As he descends towards his brother, He begins to spin, while Rein, holding only his shield, Raises it up high. The brothers then both shout at the same time,
"'Stunning Symphony!'" BOOOOOooong!
The Shield and the Great sword collide, emitting an incredibly loud sound and shockwave. Evans, close to the duo, feels light headed and somewhat disorientated. "QUICK!, get it before its balance is restored!" Kane shouts to Rein. He would have usually lead the offense, but thanks to their move, his blade's edge is too dull now to break through Evans' defenses.
"On it!" Rein, fully understanding, rushes towards Evans. As he does so, the air sparks around him as he picks up momentum, until eventually Rein began to resemble a meteor dashing across the sand, some of it turning to glass from the friction and heat. Evans attempts to dodge, but because of seeing double, he just barely avoids the fatal attack to his chest. Unfortunately, Evans is still stuck at the leg, causing him to fall to the ground.
Not letting up, Rein rushes hops towards Evans location, getting close enough to stab Evans a couple of times. 'Crap, can't let this continue, but what do i do, he's out of range from my tail, and fireballs don't really work except for the aftershock... wait, THATS IT!' Plan in, mind, Evans rears his head to the direction of Kane, Who is still sharpening his sword. Evans spits a fireball towards the distracted sword user and Rein, seeing this, curses and stops attacking Evans, Opting to save his brother before he becomes toast.
"Dammit Kane, MOVE!" Rein shoves Kane behind him and raises his shield, just in time as the fireball crashes into it. "BLOODY HELL! Thanks Rein I owe you one." Kane, pale from his close encounter with a micro sized sun, expresses his gratitude. "I'll add that to the counter," Rein, glad his brother is okay, then smirks, evaporating what goodwill Kane had moments ago.
'Now's my chance!' Evans, having successfully distracted his attackers and getting off the floor, rears his head again. Expecting a fireball, both brothers hide behind the shield.
However, instead of the fiery explosion anticipated, Rein felt that something had hit his shield. Curious, Rein takes a peek to see what happened. "EUGH! stupid lizard, this was my best fire shield!" Hearing his brother's unexpected disgust, Kane also peeks out from the shield to see what happened, and laughs at Rein in his unexpected situation. "HAWHahahaha, the beast blew snot on your shield! IT USED IT AS A NAPKIN, HAHAHAHA!"
That's right, Evans shot two booger globs onto the shield, sticking them tightly to it, much to Rein's displeasure. "QUIT LAUGHING AND GET DOWN, IT'S ABOUT TO BLAST FIRE." Both brothers duck once more while Evans' throat turned a bright shade of blue. Then, a stream of blue fire speeds towards the brothers. Slightly peeking over the shield, they see that Evans seems to be tired from this blast, as if this would be the last his flame sac could handle. Rein, still somewhat furious about the snot on his shield, excitedly said "Kane! this is our chance! Once the fire dies down after hitting, we rush the beast and make sure it bleeds." "Yeah no problem brother, though once we get home, maybe you should rename your shield to the boogerblocker." "SHUT UP!"
The Duo confident their defense will hold like last time, already imagined Evans head mounted on their walls and his fur a cloak around their shoulders. Unfortunately, Reality is more disappointing than imagination.
Both brothers are knocked to the floor, eyes rolled to the back of their head and first degree burns marring one side of each brother's face. "YES! it was risky, but it worked!" Evans, seeing the duo finally out of the fight, Is elated his plan worked. Unbeknownst to the brothers, anjanath mucus is also highly volatile even away from the anjanath itself. Evans didn't know this either until he accidently belched out a few embers on a stone he marked with his snot. The rock to, Evans' surprise, exploded, sending bits of stone into his face, irritating his eyes for the remainder of that day.
Satisfied of his newly made boogerbomb, Evans makes his way over to where the Stalwart duo lays. Then like a bully on a beach, he kicks up a mound of sand onto them, burring all but their heads so they don't suffocate. "Fate will decide weather you live or die." Feeling cool, Evans turns and takes a few steps. Then, he hacks out soot, likely due to pushing his flame sac to the limit. "Better go get some water."
"What happened to ya lads!?" The Blacksmith of Astera asked, not believing his one good eye. In front of him are his two cousins, looking as if they just dug themselves out of the grave. Kane's mustache, now half of its former self drooped as he said. "We found that Anjanath from the poster mission a month ago. To put it lightly, that THING is definitely a unique one that's for sure."
"THE FIEND EVEN TURNED MY SHIELD INTO THIS HUNK OF JUNK!" Rein bristled as he hoisted up his once pristine shield, now reduced to a slag of metal and other materials. Rein wasn't looking any better either, as his already grizzled beard seems more frazzled than the second fleet master ever thought it could be.
"SO wait let me get this straight: you two buffoons not only lost your gear, but also an eye each from an anjanath that basically left you buried alive? Boy, those bookworms are gonna have a field day when they hear about this Bizarre brute! Better report this to the others." The second fleet master then walked off, leaving the once proud stalwart brothers to head home to recuperate some more.
Later, at the HQ meeting, The Commander and his other fleet masters stand around discussing the new problem in their hands. "From what we have gathered, this relentless ruffian has fled the ancient forrest and is now taking refuge in the Wildspire waste. According to the Stalwart duo, This anjanath is more dangerous than we have originally thought. It is now confirmed that it has a cunning mind, vastly outperforming the usual barbaric tactics others of its kind use. Here's what will happen: From now on, the target is wanted only alive so that we can study it to better prepare for any monsters that become similar to it. Due to this new demand and taking into its account of its strength, the mission in now reclassified as an 8 str rated mission. Inform all hunters under your command and highlight the danger of this creature. That is all. FOR THE COMMISSION !"
Time began to fly, and before anyone knew it, 2 years has passed. Within the Wildspire waste, An anjanath roams the barren land. It stands at around 30 meters, an abnormal size for its species. amongst it sides are countless scratch marks from what appears to have been made from sharp objects of varying sizes. This Large beast is none other than Evans having just defeated yet another batch of hunters.
Recently, they have been showing up more often. Some of them Evans just toyed with, leaving them bruised in both mind and body. However, others that seem to always grate on his reverse scale have meet a ruthless ends, forever buried within the sands, likely to be forgotten long into the future. "Looks like these guys really do want me outta the picture. Guess it's time to move forward with my next plan." With that, Evans makes his way towards the Great pillar, one goal in mind:
To disrupt an ecosystem once more