2 days later, Evans finds himself at the Great Ravine once more, only this time with company. "Well, there it is. The entranceway to our destination and our ticket for finding Nergigante." The admiral points towards a cavern, rocky and fractured with a potent heat coming from it. The trio move through the passageway, with Evans taking charge, rocks and debris falling as he goes.
"Woooaaahhh..." Grace marvels at the scene before her, eyes alit with sheer awe. Crystals scatter about, with the largest being near the Tallest cliffs, gleaming in the Evening light. On both sides of the group lay ever expanding Paths. The first seems to have been carved directly through to the other side of the towering rock structures, with depths unknown for the time being "Amazing isn't it? but now's not the time to be sight seeing. Our goal is to find Nergigante's current whereabouts and end his feast. I'll check the right path while you two take the left one. We meet up here in about 3 hours. Though if you find anything, you can report through the radios and head back. All right, Let's move!" And without waiting from a response from neither Grace or Evans, The Admiral rushes off, rapidly disappearing from sight.
"Well the admiral sure seems... hyped. Ok then Evans, let's- ARE YOU CHEWING ON A BARNOS!?" Evans, hearing Graces question, turns his focus to her, still chewing on a portion of a wing. "Yeah, these little bastards wouldn't stop pecking at me so I snatched them out of the sky. Kind of tastes like chicken. Want me to get you one?" "No thanks... let's just keep moving."
The duo make their way down the path, with Grace loading her slinger with a crystal she picked up as they walked. Evans yawns as he watches grace collects the quills that could quite possibly be from the backside of the eater of elder dragons. Done gathering, Grace gets to her feet as she says "Alright, that should be it for this area. Let's go." The two walk in silence for a bit as they descend deeper. Bored out of his mind, Evans decides to ask Grace a question. "Hey Grace?" Pausing from the newly made cool drink, a recipe investigated by the commission's elder melder, Grace responds "Yes?"
"What made you choose to be a hunter in the first place? You could have been like the scholars, protected as you do your research, and yet here you are, A hunter in an un known place." Grace pauses, leading to Evans stopping as well so as not to accidentally step on her. Grace takes a deep breath before she looks to Evans.
"About 30 years ago, there was a hunter in the commission that was head and shoulders above everyone else. A true master of the bow, who took down Even the toughest of creatures, at least, at the time. She never let that fame get to her head though, constantly helping the younger hunters with identifying weak points, when to dodge or attack. She even made the current marksman classes that we still use today." Grace sits on one of the nearby rocks, drinking some water before continuing. "That hunter was my grandmother. When I was younger I would spend my summers learning how to shoot a bow with her whenever she visited. But that's when trouble came by. A monster we had not seen before flew threw the sky, destroying the area as it passed." A pained look appears on Grace's face as she recalls that night.
Evans didn't rush her, already guessing what could have happened. "She gave her life to protect me at that time. The only thing the commission found..." She pulls the bow off of her back, her gaze settling on it. "I see." Having no better words of comfort, Evans just showed understanding.
One woman and one monster arrive to the arid volcanic zone of the recess. Lava erupts around them as the Gastodons eagerly hop about, oblivious to the presence of a hunter and wyvern. "Would they taste cooked due to how hot this area is? is it grilled or fried at that point?" As Evans ponders about these worldly questions, Grace collects data on the scratch marks found nearby. "Hm?" Having collected the samples she needed, Grace was about to address Evans when she noticed that the sea of lava was beginning to churn. With an ominous feeling building up, She retreats away from the pool of melted rock. Her intuition proves to hold true as not long after, something large leaps out of the lava.
Ash surrounds its figure as the lava on its body begins to harden. The creature has no pupils, razor sharp teeth, and cracks seemingly covering it from head to toe. The Lavasioth roars in agitation, flailing its fins as it stares at Grace. She readies her bow in confrontation. "Nah." And just as quickly as it started, it ends in a single blow as Evans decapitates the creature. "Yup, its grilled. Case closed!" As Evans wanders off, Grace, bow still in hand, gives off a helpless sigh as she holsters the weapon. "With him around, what exactly am I here for? stupid prehistoric powerhouse." Though miffed at unable to get involved in the action, she's glad that Evans was still here to handle it.
1 hour later...
"How many times do I have to say it!? I DO NOT want to eat one of them! and stop thinking about food!" "Come on you gotta try one! these guys are DELICIOUS!" "NO!" The strange friends are seen bantering with each other, as if they weren't in a dangerous monster habitat but a park. "Finally here! my feet hurt from all this walking though..." Making it to where the Admiral is suppose to be, Grace sits on the rock as both she and Evans wait for the Admiral to appear. "He said he was busy yet he will still find them, but what could he be doing." Out of nowhere, an uragaan crashes to the floor, bruised despite its ore covered carapace. "HAAAA!" As the creature tried to get on its feet, the Admiral, right above it, lands an Elbow drop, knocking the unfortunate Uragaan out.
"Looks like your answer came from the sky. Literally." Evans says as he watches the Admiral dust himself. "Good work out there you two! we'll have Nergigante tracked down before dinner. Shame the monsters around here are too weak. That was nothing more than a warm up." Grace looks at the Admiral incredulously as she thought to herself "Too weak? maybe your just too STRONG!" The Admiral's eyes gleam as an idea comes to him. He then says to Evans with great moxie, "Let's fight!"
A/N: Hello once again honored hunters. I'm reaching out because I have begun to spread my wings. So now, you can find me with insta(user is gearmaestro), and if you want to support me, but dislike the idea of monthly payouts, you can check out buymeacoffee.com/gearjay (its a bit bland a.t.m though)
Keep the comments coming though because I like to read them and respond to them as well. PEACE!