Life as it was [2]

Jericho stood on the precipice of the ship and outstretched his hand commanding the ship expertly. He knew with but a glance the place he was going, then in an instant told the vessel to maneuver through hundreds of celestial bodies. They emerged on the other side, and knew for the second time since meeting Jericho just what an astérthan was capable of. Creation out of destruction. That was the way. – The Book of Prophets

Otheyo's home was warm, much like the man himself, but it was empty. Sio had heard long ago that his family had long left Helix-One to work on spacecraft somewhere in the Great Void. Like every home here, it was a standard shell unit, a rectangular smooth metal box with all basic amenities inside. Some were equipped with scientific instruments to measure specified data, others had workstations to adjust tools and other things important to everyday life on this ice planet. Otheyo had shown her to the common room after they had passed the kitchen and wash bin. Jackets were across the couch and footsteps were marking how Otheyo walked daily. Otheyo had left her to prepare his spare bedroom, but Sio had never intended on staying.

Sio knew that what she was doing was dangerous and stupid, but could not stop herself. Otheyo had gone and Sio took this opportunity to run. She knew her way around the village, everyone did. She just knew the way to the mines better than most. Upon her arrival, she noted the new lines of rope her grandmother and the other man had made and followed them. She squeezed through the caverns easily due to her small size and eventually happened upon the chamber which split into several directions. She saw the line her grandmother had made and went to follow it.

But somehow she couldn't bring herself to move. Something had stopped her. She saw a light pulsing across the cavern walls, and a low hum had sounded in her ears. She was compelled to another place just opposite of where she was standing. Then she saw it.

Sio looked at the tall pillar and knew it. She didn't know how but she felt it greet her somehow, as though it were an old friend. Something inside of her, or perhaps outside, beckoned her nearer to the thing. Melodies filled her ears, songs of her childhood sung by her mother, father, and grandmother. She reached out and touched it then the world around her lit with prismatic wonder. She saw before her light of all stars, something her grandmother would call a nova. Her mind filled with a song so beautiful she began to cry, and then silence. The world faded to black.

Otheyo found the girl unmoving next to the obelisk . He descended the mine shaft as quickly as his legs could carry him to check on the girl. He put two fingers to her neck checking for life. Good, he thought, there's still a heartbeat. But it was irregular. He was afraid to move her in such a state, but the shaft was unstable. Without another thought, he picked up the girl and placed her on his back, clipping her onto the harness he wore around his chest. With a little effort, Otheyo stood and steadied himself with the added weight, then testing his footing, began climbing back out of the lower shaft. It took great effort with a passenger, but Otheyo made it to the top of the shaft just as the floor behind him crumbled. He kept moving. The shaft was shaking, and he heard a loud shhhrrrrr chase him from behind. He didn't look back. He climbed, and climbed dodging debris and fallen rocks and whatever else the mine threw at him. Otheyo made it to the surface as the mine collapsed behind him.